Usual Suspect : A representation of my childhood.

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

In 2011 i was pondering on getting a tattoo, that represented a period in my life. That set the foundation of a person that exist today and despite that it wasn't one of the most pleasant childhoods. It still serves as a reminder of where i come from & where i am now. 

I dont not encourage violent. The image depicts a time of being a product of my environment. 


In the Center is a child 12 years of age, thrust into a environment that was extremely violent

I never joined a gang or took a side. So i always stood alone. 

The gun represented the defense mechanism, that detoured all the chaos from me. 

And in any case i always acted in defensive manner and never offensive.   

My finger is pointing at you, my mouth is screaming stay back, my gun is brandish but pointing downward and not at you. 

I do not want to shoot but yet iam not going to let these people jump me as the odd are never in my favor.

The hat bears the name of my graffiti call sign, Represented me & me only. 

The brick walls is where i laid my art work. The drips & bubbles from aerosol paint on those cold & moist nights. 

The police lineup corresponds with my height & that fear of being busted by the police. 

The silhouette of a dark night city, as i ran  rampant though this concrete jungle.

The North-star represents the geographical area of my dwellings. 

And wrapped around me, is when the shit hit the fan. I was the