Dream of President Trump

in #dreamanalysis6 years ago (edited)

I saw this dream posted on Facebook just now. There is a lot of symbolism in it and I'd like to pick it apart with my own interpretation rather than the one reached by the person analyzing their own dream. Ps. It was not my dream.


Facebook Dream Post, March 8, 2019
(I saw it today, March 20)


Here is the dream I had concerning President Donald Trump. I'm not going to attempt to interpret this dream. Nor am I seeking to be political. I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I vote across party lines for the candidates that I perceive best represent Biblical Christian values. Those values are freedom of Worship, Pro-Life and Pro-Israel. I also support Non-Globalist who are Nationalist and put America first.

In my dream I saw President Trump pressed up against a veil that looked like a silver sheet.

(It reminded me of the Star Wars photo of a man frozen in Carbonite)

I could see the outline of his entire face and body standing with his hands reaching into this veil, but unable to penetrate it. It was as though he was trying to press through into the next level or next room, but this thin sheet was preventing him.

On the other side of this veil was the head of a huge lion. It was hideous. The mouth of this lion began to spew out hundreds dark entities that clung to the veil from the other side. They seemed to apply themselves to this veil and help thicken the fabric.

I heard a voice in my dream speak up: If My Church does not began to pray for the President the enemy will defeat him before he can be re-elected.

I immediately began to pray and suddenly I could hear many other voices join in with mine praying for the President.

I then saw an arm with a solid white sleeve reach through this veil and cover the mouth of the lion.

I also heard a very loud voice quoting Daniel 6:22 My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.
They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.

President Trump will be re-elected in a landslide IF THE CHURCH PRAYS. And he will be found innocent in multiple attempts to sabotage his re-election IF THE CHURCH STANDS IN THE GAP.

We The Church need to pray against the attacks launched against our POTUS. The Globalist agenda is to implement a One World Religion, Currency and Government. The Sovereignty of America is restraining the spirit of Antichrist which is already at work.

There are two dominate spirits at work here the spirit of antichrist and Jezebel.

President Trump has the anointing of Jehu and of Cyrus to stand against the enemy. But only if the Church understands our role and begins to pray against these forces that seek to turn our Country into a Globalized society that has no Sovereign Rights. We must remain One Nation under GOD.


Robin Johnson Prophetic Ministries

So what do I think about this?

  1. "Pressed up against a silver sheet"...

Hm. Silver is a connector. The energy cord between human mothers and children are made of silver as is each individual's tie to their planet in their grounding cord! Also it is my understanding that the currency for New Earth is to be backed by silver, not gold.

So strange ... an object of division and cover up that is a natural connector. Some kind of weird twist or corruption going on there.


"I could see the outline of his entire face and body standing with his hands reaching into this veil, but unable to penetrate it. It was as though he was trying to press through into the next level or next room, but this thin sheet was preventing him." (Reference to Donald Trump in the dream).


"On the other side of this veil was the head of a huge lion. It was hideous. The mouth of this lion began to spew out hundreds dark entities that clung to the veil from the other side. They seemed to apply themselves to this veil and help thicken the fabric."


So here's 'the problem' or ... what is causing so much division and inability to see or negotiate the times. There are two planets, Earth and New Earth. Donald Trump is on Earth, I believe - the strongest power in authority there. The Lion I think, represents 'authority' on New Earth. I am thinking the veil is what is between the two planets and the two 'rulers' (Gog and Magog?) dividing the picture. New Earth is literally 'the next room' and the expanded picture for all that is taking place in current history right now.

I believe that 'the Lion' is quite probably Vladimir Putin, because his birthchart shows an incredible Pluto in Leo at Master Number 22 degrees, in the 10th house of Authority and Control. But the Lion symbolically represents royalty. Also, 'In the realm of spirit animals, the lion wins the prize for most relentless fighter in the face of life challenges. The lion spirit animal represents courage, strength in overcoming difficulties. The presence of this power animal could also mean that something “wild” or difficult to control is happening. As such, lions symbolizes emotions that are difficult to manage, such a anger or fear.'

I am aware that there is tremendous scandal going on right now within the Catholic Church. So many seem to have forgotten that the real foundations for the majority of current pedophilia and evil in the halls of power go back to Pope John Paul who reigned from 1978 to 2005, according to Google sources.

Currently the main scandal that Pope Francis is dealing with involves Jewish control and manipulation ... not only of 'who is in charge' (of Heaven? NEW EARTH) as the Church Authority means to conquer. But also coming from various Vatican ... 'academic' groups and their betrayals of the current players -- The (real) Woman from Revelations 12 and Her son ... among others.

Mary and Jesus were not Jews. This is important ... why?

Because it is the Italians who 'rightfully own' somehow ... by bloodline, control and management of EXCHANGE. Currency, banks, money. The Merovingian. And I'm not speaking of the Mafioso. I am talking about the true authority and basis for overthrow of the Jewish Cabal. FRANCE (or French bloodlines) comes into play here also but I don't yet understand the context for it fully.

"I then saw an arm with a solid white sleeve reach through this veil and cover the mouth of the lion." Too bad the description doesn't identify which arm, left or right, is doing the covering.

I think this dream is an indication of the struggle over power between Earth and New Earth, and the resolution of both planets ... along with 'interference' by the Catholic Church trying to influence this outcome with deceit and manipulation.

What is spewing out of the mouth of the Lion. What could this be?

Fake News
Possession and control

CLEANSING? As in, 'throwing up' all the darkness and deceit that all worldly authority has been holding? In order to make way for something pure and good? For the future of Humanity. I do believe that The Lion is a protector spirit for New Earth and also ... hope for the future. That's not to say that Earth should be abandoned. Both planets require safeguarding and rescue. Maybe the dream is showing us the nature of what's been clouding the picture for all to see, including US President Donald Trump (being misled or not seeing the full truth). This makes sense if you consider the recent shift from Chiron in Pisces AND the astrological New Year TODAY, with the Full Moon and Sun in Aries. We are just coming out of this 'Piscean' period of of illusion and fog into Aries fire, which means new beginnings and the burning off of all those clouds hiding the true picture of reality.

PS, I am Pro Choice and definitely NOT pro Israel. I find it ironic that the owner of this dream claims such a fanatical 'Christian' foundation with their views and interpretation and yet if you research it, Tribulation in the Christian Bible refers to this time on Earth as 'trouble for Israel' where it seems obvious (to me anyway) that the Earth is literally shaking or shedding its negative influence.

Just some thoughts for consideration.
Have a good day Peeps.

LR 3/20/2016

Google search topic 'Lion Magic' turns up this link -

It turns out that cat magic is feminine. Go figure.

Lion Spirit Animal Totem Meaning

Images collected from Facebook.