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RE: Commodification of Everything Except Our Dreams: 2008 is The Year I Woke Up

in #dreams7 years ago

We live in a world where the elites have become so powerful they have created ideologies to protect their own profits and people support them.

We as you said are just numbers and with our current system and hierarchal structures lead the masses at the bottom to just be chess pieces for the people at the top.

Collaborative Commons is the future where we can all help each other and make a more equal and just world and steemit and the blockchain is just the start of this.

Rather than us doing mechanistic tasks, I prefer blogging and writing about what I enjoy. The mind has an abundance of glory which is ambiguous and eccentric. A place where uniqueness is bred and not accustomed to restraints and confinements.

That is why I hope steemit works out in the end so I can pursue what I love rather than conforming to the unyielding conventional jobs of the world.

One truly amazing video @stellabelle


I think people fail to grasp why Steem was invented......Dan was in the same bitcointalk forum as Satoshi Nakamoto. He was aware of the fact that Bitcoin mining is super wasteful of energy, plus computers are doing the computations, not human minds. This system was devised to have human minds do the mining, while the people in here decided what was of value.
yeah, I can see you're completely dedicated to this platform, and i see passionate people all over, among the bins of mainstream greed buckets, that don't yet have an awareness of their own minds.

In 6 years, my most thought-provoking videos, in which i discuss things like this, on youtube this only got 94 views. I think maybe i was talking about future events, and perhaps people are not used to discussing these things....Steemit allows for these past ideas of mine to come to light....I always just created what i wanted, because i saw art and expression as the last thing that no one could take away from me.