The Dreams of 2017 Part Two

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

I've been collecting my dreams from scraps, texts, and other places and organizing them here on Steemit verbatim.

Had a bad? Dream last night and now Im so tired It started out fine. The city was this beautiful crowded mess of buildings that were all huge and unmatched. Most looked like oversized university buildings some had big domed roofs and others had collumbs and others had huge totem poles. The city has such tall loopy overpasses and the floating bridge. Mom was driving us somewhere and complaining how much she hated the floating bridge. It was flooding a little on our side, like it was just a road level with the water but getting a little too wet.
Then I woke up in bed with my partner in this cozy bedroom. It felt a cabin a little, but breezy and full of fabric and wood. This was the basement and our window in the bedroom looked out to a walkway between houses. The city was very cramped. I opened the window and looked over. My parents had a house right accross the street. We could talk through the windows but neither of our houses had doors to the walkway so getting over was maybe half an hour by car. I asked if mom wanted us over for breakfast. She said of course with a big smile
We were both getting dressed. Somehow I think partner was my partner and my brother at the same time?? Or maybe he lived with us? But I was getting dressed, and now that I think of it my outfit looked a lot like my D+D characters. But every time I stood up to go my socks and boots would disappear. It happened over and over and I got so frustrated I started crying. I tried to explain to my brother I was upset because I told mom we would come but by this time I would be late for school anyways. I kept crying.

i had a dream about the eclipse last night
My and my partner were driving somewhere really far away with our friend? maybe to dnd? it was like the middle of the night and the moon was huuuuge and this shadow maybe every 5 min? went accross it, like it didnt cover the whole moon though but it was real neat and it just happened over and over

I had a weird dream? I was hiding with these people because everyone wanted to kill us? We were hiding in a school bus, and I think we were all kids. And people were shooting at us... And then we were hiding in a house but they came in and we had to fight and something about infected blood and I was just trying to get my blood in them and I was very very scared and had to fight dogs too? and then I was working in like an old fassioned switchboard but I was sick? Or still hiding? But I couldn't get the phone to work?

We were in a tour group of seattle? But when we were given a chance booked it away to meet someone. We were on the corner of 16th and 18th and I called the person we were supposed to meet. I could see the stadium. Turns out she was literally right behind us. She helped us move into a new Apartment? It was layed out funny and had a lot of doors. I told you I kept forgetting that we weren't just staying here a few days. You seemed a little upset at that, but we were both upset we didn't get the palce we wanted. There was bees in the apartment, just like 4 but they kept coming in and out and in and out. I was trying to shoo them away. I watched from on top of a hill as more and more gathered and they started making this swirling pulsing mass of bee and fresh hive and it was stretched and warped. They were right next to the door and I ran past them to get inside. It was the back door, for some reason there was a tiny mudroom and then it opened through another door to the bedroom. I tried keeping it closed but couldnt figure out how to lock it. I managed to get to the living room and watched through the window as the mass of bees and this expressionless boy used a hose to just blast wax and honey and hive onto the front of our new apartment, right over the window and door. It formed solid hive and I ran to the next room. There was a girl smoking outside a window that was open. I told her to run and then we closed the window. The bees had us surrounded.

I had a dream about a cafeteria and eating a ladies hand and finding bones inside and a ring with a bunch of plastic loops attached and then I missed my therapy appointments that were at 4 and 5 and the office was closed except not all the way and I tried to get into her room by squeezing behind a file cabinet with a portal except that didnt work and people looked at me funny and I came out to the parking lot that was dark and my partner was picking me up and they were with their other partner because they were poly and we were role-playing with characters from some anime they liked but I had never seen it

I had a dream we were having a garden party in the green houses backyard and I went into the garage for a water and we were talking about children raised by lions or married off to lions because that was a thing
There was a spider?

I had a dream we were at the mall and you were going to buy me a gift and I found a book I had wanted really badly so you got it for me and the authors name started with C and D and it had two narrators and was hella complicated like house of leaves and I was really excited
And I'm reading it and notice someone has writen inside of it and the further I read the more I realize this is the author this is a third narrator making the story go deeper
And it was called Halfway from 500 to 500000
And it was about a world these two guys playing dnd or something like it make
One was very narcissistic and cold like and the other was this small, shy, sweet but dangerous guy
And they both had like thousands of years of linniage for these families played out and the families slowly turned into their own species slowly becoming more and more evil and corrupted entirely like the ones characters family turned into these crazed evil primal vampire things
But then there was a companion book? That you could read at the same time that gave you more while also giving you instructions on how to set up your own dnd game based on the book
I was trying to read in the dark on the porch but the pencil marks were so light I needed a flashlight but I didnt want to go inside the house because my parents were fighting and then my aunt showed up and I went inside and was reading while sitting on the table and my cousin came up and I tried to explain the books to him

I had another dream last night that I went to this big sleepover and I packed a shitton but I forgot to pack everything I actually needed like my toothbrush toothpaste brush pajamas medicine ECT
I had to ask you to bring it to me.

This is the second dream Ive had about dad dying. He was watching videos too close to his face in the dark.

White rectangles

I was at work, working.

My old 6th grade teacher made me feel bad.

We went to my dead uncles house to go camping inside. He was there as a ghost and that was okay. I packed way too much, a whole dumpster worth. My partner didn’t believe in UFOs, they were out in the snow and saw one before being hit in the head with a shovel. The two rolled down a snowy hill, and sled down a log. They were murdered. My partner and I were both Dipper. The alive Dipper grew up, narrating his life as a twin that lost their twin and had to go on alone.

We had to make a table arrangement as a team to bring back dads. Mine had been gone a long time. Another had been gone 16 days.

I bought dad chocolate frogs at the drug store. They were on sale for a dollar a piece and I got him like 4.

My partner was upset I wasn’t wearing my glasses. We were in a dark thater. They gave me my round ones. I had misplaced my purple ones.

I was trying to explain MBMBAM and the McElroys to my dad.

I was moving things around

oh my dream was about ddlc. I actually made a good argument in-dream that we're missing something about Sayori

I was in an unfamiliar bathroom, dark. My nose kept bubbling and bleeding. On and on. Mom was there, trying to help but it wouldn’t stop. I just leaned over the sink the whole time.
My partner was creating a project the whole class had to do. Animate for a song. My animation was Hilery Clinton making a speech and singing. I was sketching out keyframes, she was behind a podium the whole time. I was very upset at my partner that the teacher only gave us one day to finish. I only had my sketches and didn’t write down my song before I forgot it.