The Great Chain Of Being & Male/Female Dynamics

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

Our genetic code is a chain of being that has been handed to us from our parents and stretches back through our ancestors going back to an eternity, stretching back prior to the formation of our solar system going back to an infinity.

We are part of a great chain of being that stretches back to infinity and extends forward to infinity.

Male/Female Dynamics

A female is naturally half masculine and half feminine just as a male is, however each part of a female body is female and each part of a male body is male. It is not only the genitalia that is gendered, so is the heart and the brain. A female heart is female. Just as a man and woman experience pleasure in the genitals when their genitals are brought together so too does a man and woman experience pleasure in the mind when their minds are brought together. This sort of pleasure could be called a spiritual pleasure but it is a gendered sort of pleasure in the same way sexual pleasure is gendered. Some could call it a mental sexuality but this short essay will just use the term spiritual pleasure to describe it.

When a man and a woman come together heart to heart there is a link, a unity, and a ensuing pleasure. Just as it is when their minds come together. If sexuality is the genitals coming together, this other sort of connecting could be called spirituality. It could be said the spiritual and sexual are one and the same however this essay is simply going to refer to the pleasures of the mind as spiritual for the reason that the word spirit originally means breath, words are communicated through the breath. The essence of this spiritual pleasure is in words.

The old poets of Ireland were known as Fili. They were in charge of bestowing honor to warriors and heroes, who were mainly men. The Fili made songs of praise to venerate the heroes. It was thought that the words of praise would carry honor to the heroes. Honor was seen as a substance that was carried through words and admiration to the heroes. Through receiving the honor they felt feelings of power increase, feelings of being respected increase, and feelings of satisfaction increase.

The giving of satisfaction to heroes and warriors by poets could be seen as homosexual in a way, although I would maybe use the term homo-spiritual. Much of western culture is rooted in a homo-spirituality where male figures like Jesus, athletes, and military leaders are given praise by men. Much of western culture is rooted in men giving satisfaction to men. Satisfaction and respect, praise and honor.

The brain as an organ of pleasure has a capacity for far more pleasure than the genitals. The secret to unlocking the pleasure of the brain and bringing satisfaction to the mind is through words: words of praise, honor, devotion and respect. Through the mind receiving honor the body produces chemicals of relaxation and pleasure that bring health to the body. The feeling of respect and knowing one is master of ones domain helps the body to thrive and be healthy. It also enhances the intelligence and feelings of liberty.

It is through words and gestures that honor is transferred and bestowed upon another, through acts of humility and respect. The word sexual perhaps does not accurately describe it but there is a aspect of gender to it. The way humans fit together mind to mind and form groups is related to gender, and pleasure and satisfaction associated with that is related to gender.

Honor is essentially vitality. A male through engaging in praise of a worthy female is using his mind for the purpose it was intended and from that receives joy: the joy of bestowing honor, respect, praise, and satisfying the mind of a woman; contributing to an enhancement of the feeling of power and vitality in her. And in this act he becomes of humble heart.

Religion is based on praising God, Jesus, Mary, or the saints. The result of this is that much of the spiritual energy of humans is directed away from each other and directed onto things that do not exist in the physical world. This spiritual energy is what transfers honor. It is called spiritual because it is related to the breath and words. Spirit means breath. The reason some people feel such joy in praising Jesus is because its related to something that is a part of what their brain needs to do.

We live in a culture that is genital obsessed. This fixation upon the genitals distracts people from ways their minds and hearts can be used to bring satisfaction to one another. It is not only through words though, the silence too and the present of ones presence can bring pleasure and tranquility. The human body and mind has a capacity for pleasure and through exploring these pleasures we can work to unlock our health and well being and enhance our feelings of being respected in the world.


A male is a male throughout the whole body, not just within the genital region. The heart and brain of a male is male. Of course the same is true of a female. Males and females were designed to bring pleasure to each other, the way the genitals can come together show this. However since the male heart is male in the same way the genitals are male, and of course the same being true for the female, this means that through coming together the male and female heart can bring pleasure to each others heart in the same way the genitals can bring pleasure to each other.

The same is true of the brains. I would say the mind consists of three organs: the brain, the heart, and the stomach. The mind is those three. Through words and being with each other a male and female can bring about in each other "mindgasms" that lead to pleasure chemicals being released through the body.

In ancient Ireland The Fili were a social class of poets whose job it was to construct songs of praise in order to bestow honor upon heroes. Honor was seen as a substance, an energy, that is transferred through words to someone like a military leader leader or King. Through the public or the King himself hearing those words he accumulates honor which is like a sort of energy fed to him through the verses of the songs and the admiration of the people.

This was essentially a form of spiritual homosexuality. The word spirit means breath. Spirituality relates to words and thoughts. Spirituality is the sexuality of the mind. The sexuality of the genitals is generally just called sexuality but the mind is as gendered as the genitals. The praise upon a military leader by male poets is a form of homosexuality because they are working to induce mindgasms in the military leader through their words.

Words and verses are like keys that can unlock pleasure in the mind, the brain is a far more sensitive and complex pleasure organ than the genitals and through it pleasure can be unlocked that makes one feel as though one has been transformed into a bird and flown away from all the troubles and worries of the world.

The words praise, worship, and veneration are all inter-related. The christian praising of Jesus is essentially a homosexual act. When the protestant vandals in medieval Germany smashed the statues of virgin Mary as they banished Catholicism from their neighborhoods they were essentially engaging in an act of militant spiritual homosexuality where they only wished to be devoted to a male figure. Men who are devoted to virgin Mary are engages in an act of spiritual heterosexuality.

The act of praise is an act of spiritual sexuality because it is an act of one mind bestowing a favor to another mind and minds are gendered just as genitals are. Gender is different than masculine and feminine, the male gender is a balance of masculine and feminine just as the female gender is.

Western culture is based on male spiritual homosexuality. The male veneration of male athletes and male war leaders is essentially homosexual in nature. As is the veneration of Jesus by men.

Words, verses, and being are means through which men and women can unlock the capacity for pleasure in their minds. Words and gestures of praise and veneration is the act of bestowing honor, to receive honor and respect is to experience the mindgasm. The mindgasm is the feeling of power increasing. As The King is praised by The Fili poets he feels his power increasing and the mind and body swim in pleasure, a natural high. This is spiritual sexuality: the sacred. The mindgasm is the power-trip. A trip that is real and without drugs. The veneration of a worthy female by a male, through praise, is for the male mind to be used in its proper function and through this both minds are brought pleasure and the feelings of power increase in the female. Honor is the feeling of power, respect.