in #dreem6 years ago

This post is dedicated to world’s best husband – my husband! And 10 years of our being together. Yes, 14th April 2016 was the fateful day when both of us decided that we are meant to be together. Well, he is the best only to me, like our love story is only ours favourite! Every love story is unique. The love castle is very lovingly built and nurtured by the two and the foundation of the castle is very carefully laid. So is ours.
It all started with a yellow salwar kameez! My husband says that he first realised that I was special to him seeing me in that yellow dress! Ironically that salwar kameez belongs to one of my friend Chandana. So thank you, Chandana. And then one fine day, he told me his feelings. He obviously did not utter those 3 magic words but said something which I respect till today.
“When I will be quite able, I will propose you, hope you will not say ‘no’ to me at that time“, these were his words. Which girl who is hopelessly romantic can say “No” to someone who is as earnest and lovable as him? So I very diplomatically and sternly replied, “I will not say ‘no’ to you, but please remember what you said.”
And so it started. We were together for most of the time since then. But then, we used to spend a lot of time together before also; and our friends were quite oblivious of the fact. They might have smelled a rat, but we were able to keep our ‘affair’ very discreet! But as you know, love and pimples cannot be hidden, so along with my pimples, our love story also came out in the open.
We met at Jadavpur University, our college for the first time in 2003. We took 2 years to become friends. But once we were friends, we did not take much time realizing our love for each other. We had our shares of a love-hate relationship. At one time, we were extremely supportive and understanding, while at other times we were fighting over trifles. We had broken up so many times that I have lost the count. We almost broke up 2 days before our marriage! Our friend Sudipta is an eye witness to this. We have loved, hated, laughed, cried, fought together and each tough time made us tougher. We had done crazy things like walking from Rabindra Sadan to Jadavpur. He also had to jump a wall and flee because of our craziness!
Finally one day, our parents got fed up with us and asked us to get married. From 2011, we are under the same roof! I and my husband are like chalk and cheese. When I wonder what keeps us together, the answer that comes to my mind is that we both are spontaneous and adventurous. We have very different tastes and choices, but our love for adventure binds us together. Cheers to our 10 years of togetherness, madness and everything.
My husband still thinks that he is not able yet and so he will not propose me. I guess he does not want to spend on diamonds!
I do have a lot of people to thank on this wonderful occasion, people who have very patiently tolerated us for 10 years and will also put up with us for many more years to come. Our parents and family for initially not approving, scolding us and finally getting us married. Thank you for being what you are. Piu, my little sister for lending me her TATA Indicom phone using which I used to talk to Agni for hours. Krishnendu for clicking our first picture together. Our friends Chandana, Chinmoy, Ghazala, Sudipta for bearing with us and being so supportive. Neemesh and Nandini for listening to my endless talks whenever I used to fight with Agni..