The Call From the K-Hole

in #drugs7 years ago

Hey Steemians! The first post I did was amazing as I got such positive replies, and I've noted that many of you would like to hear about some of my experiences on drugs. I thought I'd tell you about my most intense and memorable times and try to immerse you in my world as much as possible.

Image result for fear and loathing in las vegas bathroom

Now back in my drug fuelled days there would always be something to do like camping, house parties, or just having a few friends round whilst parents are away. Nine times out of ten I'd always end up back at base, at my friend James's house and most always with Phillip. We spent a lot of our time absolutely mangled at his, from the moment we left his house we'd anticipate our arrival back, being fully at ease and fully star-spangled. This was one of those days.

I can't quite remember clearly the lead up to this experience, but from the fragmented memories I hold, we were at the woods. Darland Woods to be exact, this has always been a popular summertime spot to go and get mangled without the fear of anyone seeing or interfering. I was there with James, James's girlfriend, Phillip, and a whole load of other people. We were listening to music, taking MDMA, we had a massive fire going and in general a lot of wild shit was happening.

Image result for camping party

We got to the point where we wanted to chill out as opposed to being outdoors in the woods so we headed back to James's, from the moment we got there we started taking more. At the time I had some of the best MDMA I've ever had to date, and Phillip just so happened to have some of the most potent Ketamine I've ever had; Mixing drugs was always one of my favourite things to do, not exactly healthy but leads to some weird feelings and experiences. We mixed about 0.5 of each for the both of us and ended up having two giant lines for the both of us. I was a bit nervous but already buzzing so I went for it, the sensation I got next was overwhelming. It's like half of my brain started feeling all tingly, and that spread down my neck it wasn't at all a bad feeling but an odd one at that. I felt my jaw clench and my body numb itself, the two wildly different drugs were taking different holds on me.

I wondered and sorta stumbled upstairs to use the bathroom, now as I was pissing the drugs really took a hold of me. I started hearing the voices of people I knew who I was with earlier in the woods, it's like my mind travelled back to that moment and I felt as if was just there pissing on a tree casually. My friend had the bath running and the sound of the water flowing started changing and morphing into a "Wub wub wub wub" sorta sound, like the back beat to drum n'bass or house music so I really felt as if I were there. I snapped back to reality, went about my business and headed back downstairs still trying to fully get my ahead around what I just experienced. I entered the living room and started to try and explain what I had just experienced to my friends, but halfway through my sentence I had noticed that Phillip had made another line of this killer concoction. I took it straight away without a second thought, I stumbled across the living room, slouched up against the wall and slumped down onto the floor. I felt fucked! I was opposite my friend and I was trying to speak to him but I heard this deafeningly loud noise. It was all I could hear. My vision went blurry and it felt as if I had gone cross-eyed, then everything faded to black.

What happened next was one of the most amazing but fucked up experiences I've ever had. I came back to and everything was just as it was, and when I mean just as it was nothing at all had changed, it was like I had never passed out at all things felt very weird to say the least. There was a line of what we called Kandy waiting for me, I took it and started feeling very fucked up again and I heard the deafening noise again then once again everything went black. I woke, back in the same moment with a line waiting for me, the edgy part was each time I awoke I could still feel the mass intensity that had built up from the last moment I could still feel in this new moment. So I was aware, I could remember the previous times, sort of.... Each time though my friends got a bit weirder its like they were hiding from me that they knew what was going on, the atmosphere got more intense and more maddening with each time it was like a living nightmare.

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Suddenly I awoke, I crawled across the floor, I grabbed the Xbox controller slithered up onto the sofa next to James's girlfriend and spontaneously started playing Battlefield its as if I was getting a grip and gathering my thoughts. When I finally felt normal I paused the game, exhaled deeply and turned to James's girlfriend and asked where James and Phillip were. To her this was just me asking out of curiosity but obviously I felt as if I had been through this whole experience with them, that they had never left. Its when I found out that they were out and had been for about a half hour I was trashed out, so I got to grips with this and I was okay, I heard a knock at the door and I felt pure relief I couldn't wait to see them both and things would feel a bit more normal. James came from the dining room and opened the front door to let Phillip in, considering everything I felt had happened the weirdness that I just had to accept this just topped it for me, it was too much. I dropped to the floor and crawled back into the living room and just slumped up against the wall once again.

I can't remember much after that apart from walking across this big field where it was always freezing because it's stupidly windy and is atop a hill so it gets literally all the wind! I felt invincible, I felt the energy from the MDMA so I had energy forever to power through the wind and the long walk, but I also felt completely numb to the harsh effects of mother nature due to the Ket. Amazing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoyed it, i'll be sharing some more stories soon if you enjoy!


Crazy story bro! Love the Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas picture too!

Thanks bro, gotta love that movie!

Jesus that gives me the chills. It's like you took it up the nose and then fell through the rabbit hole. - A life time of inter dimensional traveling in the space of literal no time at all and all in your head. - I agree with @deathbypenguin that is very much a Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas picture worth scenario.

Falling down the rabbit hole is the perfect description. Honestly to me I had spent hours trapped in the same moment, living a nightmare. To my friends around me, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I passed out for a half hour. Was a very odd experience indeed.

Yeah thanks - I found it fitting too haha. When you really think about it, perception is a matter of how your synapses process impulses. So who is to say that your high is not somebody else's normal and vice versa. Maybe not as extrem as time lapses but other individual experiences of our reality. Moniker like "normal" are in flux. What is normal now was outrageous or crazy a hundred years ago. - A good high in a way might be what a good travel experience is for a locked down mind.

Awesome read but scary if it really happened!

Well it was all in my head, I went through what seemed like hours trapped in the same moment and to my friends I was just passed out on the living room floor.

Lol I love drug experience stories. Reminds me of my erowid obsessed days. I thought I was pretty wild but this one stores stumps most of my drug experimentations. Wild af!!

Your page is doing amazing. Whats the secret?