RE: Drugs - My Experience with 'Speed'
@shanibeer got me to laughing when he said
I've never done drugs, particularly, ....
Later he says
I think you got a bargain for your £60.
BTW: I am in no way saying you did drugs.. laughing that you like a good bargain.
@slobberchops what were you thinking? You did not know the strength.... I think when we are young we think we are invincible.
Over here growing up I never saw anything like a crystal rock, always thought of it as powder. Did you inject it? Very addictive the stuff over here...there is still a huge meth problem.
I am glad you survived all that .. I think in high school everyone tried out speed as it was called back then in a different form: Pills.
The thing people think will save them. Let me go to the doctor and get some pills. LOL
Anyway, a lot of people over here got addicted to diet pills prescribed by the doctor. Not me I was skinny as a kid. I am referring to the parents getting prescriptions. But recreationally those pills the kids stole from their parents.
I am interested in hearing about your psychedelic days .. haha!
The land of the lost movie ..pool scene my favorite. lol. check out 2 minutes in.
I never injected anything, that was crossing the line for me. Don't confuse this with that stuff from 'Breaking Bad', its not the same.
That is Crystal Meth, and I haven't tried it and wouldn't have then.
I remember having a book then called 'Drugs in Perspective' which looked at things from an alternate viewpoint.
All the ones I tried were not deemed 'bad ones' according to the book and nothing particularly bad happened to me due to using its advice.
thanks for the can see how much I know.