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RE: Check my latest fight ! beggars vs schlooster

in #drugwars-fight6 years ago

I will sell my Bitcoin holdings and convert them into STEEM to buy so many units you and your friends will be purged from this game.
You have no idea how far I will go to defend myself and get revenge, even if it means spending hundreds or thousands of dollars.

LOL! Rly LOL hard atm, damn :DD!^^
I bet you won´t be doing so, but go for it dude xD! Was someone ever scared of you threatening him/her to spend your BTC on the game ;D? LOL, already made my day :D!^^

As a result of your actions, your friend schlank lost 432 STEEM worth of units, that's $210 USD you cost your friend. You owe him (or her) a lot.

You should honestly be ashamed you couldn't stand on your own two feet and just take the L.

TL;DR tell your friends to stop trying to attack me and just take your loss like a man (or woman).

Ashamed, me, about this?^^ I can assure you, i am not ;).
I do not owe myself and @schlank lost units worth in resources, calculate what ever you want - i honestly don´t really care, but thanks for the amusement my dear battle-crashtest-dummy ;D!

Your move @mblain (no, not my account) was/is pussylike btw., got no other words for you at this point, sry ;).