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RE: Don't invest any more STEEM into Drugwars, and especially don't think you'll earn STEEM by sharing fights!

in #drugwars6 years ago

A lot of developers and witness on Steem are only here to take take take. These guys are no exception. There are a few good people helping them because they are interested to see what can be done on Steem, I'll admit it is pushing boundaries, but still we are paying them to develop a game and they are swindling us all.

The game is still in early Beta testing and they are already unhappy with the amount of money they are making.

I am way up in my 'investment', but frankly speaking the game sucks, and I would have stopped playing long ago without getting Steem.

I know some people are like 'yo it's a game not an investment' well then stop taking my money to be a beta tester. Also I'm the customer so good job telling me how to think, who do you think you are the government?

I don't think they are a scam, I just think they are treating their player like shit. They aren't blizzard or some other large studio so why should we put up with their BS? As for the people who like the game, to each their own I guess.

There are thousands of free games online (without illegal downloading) that are much much better.