Drugwars Battle EtiquettesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #drugwars6 years ago

First of all this my own opinion and does not reflect any rules and regulation of drugwars.

drugwars battle etiquette

"What is drugwars battle etiquette?

There are no written rules on how you battle in drugwars and since its a battle to become the strongest, we cannot really avoid things gets heated up so quickly and we cannot avoid gaps and sometimes we find a player who gets inactive for a day and he or she may have a resources more than its safe threshold.

"Pick someone your own size"

Attacking low levels, or people who are less productive is fine. But attacking successively or not giving a chance to regain is a whole new story. Remember everyone wants to build their own empire, atleast have the decency to let them grow or recover from the attacks and besides there are thousands of other players out there who has more excess resources. Hunt them.

"Banging AFK Players"

 If you have already snatch a player once or twice, 3 times already within the day "Would you continue attacking until his resources is in the safe threshold?"

It may sounds you hit a pot of gold, when you encounter a player who is afk you can snatch lots of resources, and its very tempting to keep on attacking. Would you  attack afk players until you dried them out?

For me thats excessive, dont be greedy. I would atleast share it to others if i found one.

You share your fight for others to see that this player has resources to snatch or atleast share it to your other gang members. 

Attacking over and over and over again is a big NO-NO for me. Give it a rest.

Lastly, and the most important "trash talking"

Noisy people, small brains.

I have recieve attacks with message "nothing personal", "hi, this attack is random" im totally cool with it. 

I am welcome to anyone who is attacking me, but i really hate recieving messages than may escalate to a personal level. 

Why am i saying this?

Im ranting about, exessive and successive attacks its because I AM NOT DOING THESE IT TO OTHERS. I always give others fair fight and trash talk is a lowblow.

My action plan. 

I maybe over reacting again, I will not mention names, but you know you attacked me several times yesterday, and i didn't appreciate the message you sent, better be quite than sending something negative.

I will not stop attacking you until you understand the message that I am trying to send. Even if im going to loose, i will attack as long as i can create units. Since you can send message, so i will wait for your next message for an apology.

Im at 3000+ ranking, i am weak, no gang affiliation and this may start an open invitation for me vs world attacks but, i can guarantee you I will not give up easily.

Please understand this:

-dont be greedy

-noisy people, has small brain, (trash talking is not nice)

And remember 

in an underground world, you wont survive by making enemies, only by making friends. 


Well, reading your post, I see that what you wrote is right, and I apologize for my comment if I bother you, but I also tell you that attacking me again and again will not get anything, so I think it would open peace and is more I propose that we create a clan, what do you think?

ok. apologize accepted, that would be the last attack i will make.
I am open also in joining any clan and besides im not a picky player.