Paintbrush soul
Paintbrush soul
.original poetry
by @d-pend
with art
by ryky
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Paintbrush soul
Could I succumb to dauntless sieve,
Turn to ocean-kiss of dust?
Pass through porous soil and live,
Thrive—ember-king of must?
Elements, sing dynamos,
Whose lips dissolve the shade.
My name upon night's precipice,
Glow-diamond-drum inlaid.
The symphony of waiting-glory,
Flash of time compressed.
No respite from the overwhelm:
Life's infinite behest.
Though I succumb to flawless sieve,
Flow the cosmic coil of loss;
Swim the tribute, earnest give,
Til the sky I emboss.
Can my body paint the love
With its sanguinary stars?
Seen in meshworks—
Whirring from above
Whose motions seek to scour flaws
With the hues upon my veins,
rainbow-blood-clenched dun paws.
Poetry by
9 / 19 / 18
Art by
.一. "Sky in your eyes" [cropped]
二. "Fly away with me"
三. "Explorer"
I found it interesting that this flower is called Devil's paintbrush. It actually resembles the flaming eye the opening image.
Must is an ambiguous enough term to offer multiple interpretations. The obligation or the heat (rutting), which in biological terms is in a way an obligation, an urge whose inhibition may cause great distress. There is also the association with mustiness or dampness, humidity/mold after the heat of ember-like passions, of epic battles? The last imagine may illustrate that state (the mold-invaded ship); many dragons are actually associated with water in some mythologies, so it may not be that paradoxical that fire and water can coexist or even complement.
The poem starts with a question that may very well be a rhetorical one, considering the word "succumb". Should we succumb to being strained? What is it about us that is coarse, that needs separation or purification?
Who determines what is impure?
Then follows a proclamation:
I like the idea of embossing the sky
We usually think about the sky or heaven in terms of a place we may have access to depending on our good deeds, a place to be inhabited, not carved or molded (multiple meanings again, playing multiple images). Does this suggest that rebelliousness and courage will leave marks not only on earth but also in heaven?
In certainly seems to be the case in legends and myths.
Whether they are bloody sacrifices or not depends on cetain circumstances, but the battles of old continue to be fought with different armors and different weapons, but all subjected to the same devouring power from above that ends up scouring (another ambiguity) all flaws, maybe to punish them, maybe to polish them.
Living and dying can be very simple or very complicated.
What is worth living for? What is worth dying for?
What mosnters do we fight? What monsters do we join?
You have a great ability to write inspires you when you do it ..
Thank you, @joelgonz1982. I do my best to channel the responses the text produces in me. When one loves literature and the material is compelling and challenging, then it is easy to engage in creative dialogues.
I agree @hlezama
Esto me parece genial, @hlezama:
Brother, beautifully done.
Ballad meter, for all its simplicity, almost certainly has the most potent neurological effect upon the brain. "Ballad Meter (poetry)/Common Measure (music)" is called such because it is "common" ... and there's a reason why. It works.
I hate to be all practical or anything, but "working" is not a bad thing.
There is something slightly mesmerizing, almost ethereal about this poem.
I LOVE that bolded part. Flows like honey, potent imagery.
Time is the enemy of the infinite desire to live. If we want to be remembered, we must leave a legacy. The search for written innovation overwhelms the soul. It is necessary to take advantage of the time so that our cosmic energy aligns with the universe
at this time it is appropriate to have a hot coffee sit on the computer and enjoy a good poem excellent friend ...
Although I am not very good, interpreting poems or verses but sometimes, the reader interprets the poems in another sense when in reality the poems have another meaning.
For this are the poets to open the imagination to their readers.
Sounds like a great time!
Well, it's subjective whether one is good or not, but I feel the enjoyment and a certain expansiveness is central to the experience of reading poetry.
For my part, I consider a reader's interpretation of a piece equally important to mine. After all, the poem is not really mine, even if my hand transcribed it from the ether.
That is the great hope! And readers open poets' minds to greater vistas, as well.
I'm not so good at poetry (neither at English in fact) to have a good understanding of the deepest meanings but a good painting or picture I can appreciate. My son is also quite talented at drawing and painting, but he's also good at using the digital tools, so he's trying to search his own path. Well done with yours!
Hey @vladu! The fact that most anyone can appreciate pleasing art is why discovering and sharing images has always been a big part of my poetry blogging on Steemit. However, I didn't create these images; I rely on artists that allow their pieces to be shared to accentuate my pieces. If you like the style of these images, check out their creator ryky on his deviant art page. He's quite prolific and takes a lot of comissions :-)
Thanks, I appreciate. :)
No problem, and have a good remainder of your day. Looking forward to if you ever decide to make an introduction post on your blog!
"Can my body paint the love
With its sanguinary stars?
Seen in meshworks"
The word sanguinary means blood. In English is not so apparent, but in Spanish it is.
Yep. I use it because it's the only pretty word I know of in English to talk about blood. "Bloody" is not so poetic xD
But then you have the word "sanguine" meaning optimistic, dunno how to explain that one!
Edit: I found that it's because of medieval age medical theories saying that a "ruddy disposition" signified a person of good cheer. I s'pose it makes one think about people's faces turning red when drinking a bit too :-)
Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3
I loves Botty back! 😘
P.S. glad you started doing these messages, makes it real easy to support the project with an upvote :-D
P.S.S. woah, didn't notice the 81%! Botty's goin' batty! xD
Dear @dpend sir!
It's awesome lyrical poetry, perhaps showing indication towards full of luxury mortal world.
Difficult to survive their heavenly love. conflicting for existence may be draw a pattern like as rainbow with blood..
Sir how much I feel I did. if there is any mistake I apologize for that..
Thank you for the creative comment and for stopping by @certain :-)
very good poem you are inspired thank you for sharing these poems of yours @d-pend
Thanks for your support and for stopping by @jacklab1407 :-)
Just realized I've seen you over on WeKu @jacklab1407! It always trips me out.