
Hey hey @joanstewart thank you my friend! Haha such is the way the first pay day goes! I like the rule of 3 when it comes to many new transitions and getting used to things again. In this case, 3 months to get used to the new job and settled in and 3 pay packets to settle the finances down and get in to a rhythm.

I have kept my monster spreadsheet for finances up to date and there was a lot of red going on of course as I was travelling but with a bit of smart budgeting, you can see what you're spending and how much you have left if you put all money transactions in there. It's like my own ledger.

Let's call it Haveychain 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Keeping a tab on the money is the only way to travel or the wheels can literally come off, your trip was jam packed full of fun adventure something you will always remember in years to come.