“SEC-S20W6 | My business ideas | Expansion and Customer Support.”

in #dtt-sc20w63 days ago

Steem greetings to all the oriented or talented business persons on this platform.Its another great opportunity for me to participate in this last week6 Steemit engagement challenge . It’s has been so interesting partaking in the business teaching courses like Registration, license and taxes and Marketing strategies.I have learn so much as a business person into cakes and pastries”flora’s kitchen flour”and am still willing to learn more to make my business grow .


Edited on photoGride

Today’s topic to be discuss is centered on “expansion and costumer support”. Increasing the size of our business will solely depend on the costumer needs and support . Without costumers support which are always of business .It will be hard to do a business before thing expanding to areas or in Sizes .

In the below section I will be sharing my thoughts focused on the guided questions and in relation to my business flora’s kitchen flour .All about cakes and pastries .Stay tune as I explain based on my experience.

Section-1 Are you planning any expansion of business?

Yes of course , that is always my wish with my business “flora’s cakes and pasteries”.In my previous courses I have always mentioned I still do but home delivery .I don’t have a shop yet everything in the house .For a good business the most be a plan to expand your business to other locations , employ employees if the demand and purchasing power of buying is high and bringing in new products to attached in your business .

All these I needs it for my business grow , there is not person person that will not want the business to grow .I myself recently I have been looking a shop in a good lucrative environment to open “pestries shop .Where everything one needs as pastries will be there readily to paid and taken and not only focused on commands like the case I do now for home delivery .


Also , My shop will not only focused on pestries but cakes and pestries accessories which part of plan now . Alot of my costumers and also pastries business person are not into selling of pastries accessories . There are very expensive in Cameroon and worse my location northwest province .Most of the time I order cakes from accessories Nigeria and China .I have created a link recently I have created for the supply of cakes accessories to me .I know it will be very profiting and lucrative because a lot of bakers and those who it for their personal use in house will always buy .

My plans are as am immediately I find a place to open my business . Iam willing to reinvest my profits I have making in the business for the past 6years to expand my business and even take some capital from my monthly saving at my jobsite to invest .This business needs money especially as adding cakes accessories equipment .

Lastly for the business to function well , I run it alone .Reason being that the sizes of the business will not permit manage alone .Secondly am a teacher by profession certified by the ministry secondary education of my country and employed to teach . In a week I can teach for three days and the rest are off days .Therefore I need to employ one employee for us to managed the business together.Also, as time is going depending on the sales and costumers demand . I will can still employed another employee for us to manage the business . As year passes of the business is moving I can still look for another location in a different region to open another branch of my business.

Section-2 If you are trying to expand your business what are your strategies?

Firstly , opening expanding the business like my cakes and pastries and accessories. Requires one with business capital first in take into consideration as plan . In any business that to increase in in sizes most need additional capital for the purchase of goods and services .And to make sure costumers demand will always be available.



Secondly, location of the business matters most . Make sure you make research on the place you want to expand your business .It will be a lucrative business area for you .Are the people in that environment mostly involved in the business you want to expand , Are your services there will be the one the population around will needs and is the business area accessible for your costumers and safe and making the new location to be known by old or new costumers .you can pay medias and make flyers for the business .For it be known well .

Thirdly,Competition research making sure that one expansion plans should have too many competitors on the line that will distract your business to function well.Is there an existing expand like yours that is saturated .Therefor if you consider expanding with the knowledge you have above.One needs more capital to do a proper marketing of business expansion against the competitors or competition.

Fourthly, lower cost marketing strategies expanded of business can easily work .This will limit costumers to purchase goods high cost.But making sure you not working in a lost but profiting .

Lastly , setting Smart objectives and goals .I think with this it will help you access your plans of business expansion every year .If you are on a lost or losses .At the end of the day wether you attend your objective . The aim of all business person at the end of the day is to make profit.



Section-3 Are you paying attention to costumer services or trying or planning to provides better services ?

Costumers satisfaction is my priority, I don’t think one can thinking of expanding a business to success well .Without the support of your costumers .My primary is always trying to solved costumers problem for the betterment well services offered in the future .

For my business I try to give a listening ear to my costumers worries or compliment by solving them . At times one is not perfect and you most be ready not only to focus onthe services you offered to costumers but also making sure you satisfied them . For example I have a WhatsApp group and my business number , and facebook and Instagram pages .I always make it open for my costumers to contact me in case of any worries about business .

At times I create some session for some days where we have direct video chat or physical appointments to discuss . Also , I will always asked my costumers to give feed backs about my service wether good or bad in other to know areas I can to adjust or improve onthe quality of my business .

Also, for my business, expanding my business.I will take this in to consideration for some costumers who are not out spoken .I will put a box at the entrance of the shop for them to always give their feeds back .About my services I would offer every one week I will always try to read through and solve issues that need to be improved.

As a business person always have a listening ear and communicate with your costumer well .This will help your costumers to gain more trust in you and your services .It should also be noted am not perfect but I will only try best to make sure my business well with a good relationship with my customers.Not all problems need a hiring expert to handle business but I will only do so if I discover my effort has not work for my business grow .And probably I need a professional expert to guide me through .

Section-4 Do you and your crew understand how to work with costumers ?

I think costumer satisfaction should be our priority expanding a business my targets are customers.If at the end of the day I can’t understand what they needs or want. That might led to a failure of business without growth. These are things we consider most understanding and satisfying our costumers to draw them closer to us .



Firstly, Communication matters alot . There should always be effective communication between you and the costumers .At times as a business person learned to be very polite to your costumers .Some them might provoke you to say something bad that you never intended .But learned to talk calm even even their voice of a costumer is high .Also, make sure you are always availed either on by calls on phone , online services or at the shop to attend to your costumers . You can easily making your costumers to brief and precise when addressing to their needs . Inorder not focused one person and miss out something .

Secondly, Always understand the costumers and taste of good and services they want .At times don’t over imposed on a costumer to buy what she never intended to buy .or keep changing brands of products everyday.When your costumers are already familiar with it .At times incase your supply notify you a particular brand of goods is finished.Take time to to sensitized your costumers to be aware another different brand is available.But it’s the same quality and taste .These little things without taking into consideration can make your costumers to run away.

Thirdly, Always make your costumers to know they are the king by appreciating them with the word “thank you”. As a business person thank you should be a normal habits of appreciating everyone supporting your business and even when they lay corrections or issues that need to be addressed.It’s because they love to see your business grow rather they should have taken those mistakes as an advantage to runaway .Therefore you need be always grateful to your costumers for the business to grow .

Lately, I have a mastering of the products you offer to costumers .At times you don’t sell something that you don’t know much about it and you yourself you can’t consume.They are goods that your suppliers will encourage you to buy them but if you don’t study well .Those goods when consume by costumers will run away because the equality or taste is not good. Therefore our priorities is always to understand the costumers well by satisfying them.

I have come to the end of explanations of business expansion and costumer supports .I would invites @eliany @crismenia and @shohana1 to participates in this contest .
