[Acid Plays] Overwatch Ranked
This is a game I haven't played in a long time!
Was downloading Diablo 3 today after some comments about it in my previous post and I thought I'd log on and check it out since I had Overwatch already installed. I noticed that this ranked season was only lasting for another 3 days, so I really wanted to get the 10 pre-matchmaking games done before the season ended.
After a long break I recorded the first match and it was a pretty intense one. Comparing to CS:GO in Overwatch usually not many use voice communication to teamwork with so there was really only one person trying to talk and I didn't have my mic plugged in at the time. Oh and also my PC crashed midgame but I managed to get back quickly but it reset my stats.
Have you played Overwatch?
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I see you’re changing your game up from a snipper :D I remember when I loved the p90 in COD
One game i love ! i was 4090 in saison 3 T_T but community so much toxic right now and i stop play
That is the reason why I stopped playing LoL a long time ago ... it was just too boring dealing with toxic 10-year-olds
Well I'm an Overwatch fan and while I haven't been playing CS in a long, long time due to the times when in almost every server I played on was a bunch of
wankersfun players sitting somewhere with an AWP and shooting my face the same second I peeked behind a corner.Then I had to sit and wait for next round to start.
However it was really fun when I managed to avoid these, so I've been a fan of competitive playing.
Overwatch is great for most people, even those who don't have energy drink boosted reflexes and grand aiming skills. In Overwatch you can play well (with some characters) even if you truly suck at aiming! That's how I started to play Overwatch, with D.va, Mercy and Winston.
However playing more gives confidence and when rest of the team sucks (usually below platinum level, sometimes on plat or above) I've been going for DPS heroes too. Being calm is the key, as taught by the movie Unforgiven:
"Look son, being a good shot, being quick with a pistol, that don't do no harm, but it don't mean much next to being cool-headed. A man who will keep his head and not get rattled under fire, like as not, he'll kill ya. It ain't so easy to shoot a man anyhow, especially if the son-of-a-bitch is shootin' back at you."
Do you think COIN MAN might become Popular...???

As an adult all in all I think this is a great game. Honestly I love to waste time on it, it has many complex themes and a handful of good characters to aspire to be like. Though, I am concerned about the amount of younger children who play this game. This is not a game for children. While at face value it's a friendly FPS the more you dive into the story side of the game there are themes of death and violence. The voice lines are usually tame, but some of the characters offhandedly mention alcohol to each other, threaten possibly killing each other and are generally at each others throats. Also, the competitive mode is not a good place for children, as people can get very upset if someone is playing badly and begin shooting off at the mouth. Heck, I've heard children even being disrespectful and running their mouth on there. My suggestion is if you are going to let children play, don't let them have mics and go into the settings and turn off the chat options. Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB, so treat it as a rated M game. People online will not hesitate to tease your kid, especially if they decide to run their mouth.
wow very nice analyze dude really :) i have the same opinion like you and wish others to get the same experiance
It’s not just this game either. It’s almsot every game. Kids play such violent games nowadays
Overwatch is a great game. Played long time back. But the requirement of this is not that high that it will crash your PC. But its back so play some more.
Overwatch <3 I really like this game, I'm playing more CS:GO though, can't leave my skins without using them, they'll feel lonely hehe.
There's a game called "Paladins@" which is really similar to Overwatch just easier and more calm. it's free on steem.
I just love the time of the day that i just relax and play video games. Don't you? :)
@acidyo No I haven't played this either! I love CS:GO though so I feel compelled to try this. But take it easy man, now I can't seem to be able to choose what to begin with! :D
Nah, just kidding!
Keep 'em flowing! I can't imagine a world without gaming! :P
I love and hate these games that are easy to learn, hard to master and have no ending whatsoever. I played Overwatch a lot last year, but it was way too addictive so I quit and got got sucked into heartsone again with the new expansion. Blizzard sure know how to make them good games, I'm actually glad I never picked up World Of Warcraft back in the days.
Diablo 3 is it still alive?)) Was one of my favourite games.
Can't recall how many hours we wasted on it lol.
Well, anyway have fun man!))
That is a very creative game. When it comes to shooting games I am mainly a Battlefield fan (since Battlefield 1942). By the way, have you played Dota 2. If you are a gamer and love strategy I think you will find that game really awesome :)
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