What Is The Minimum Income In Dollars To Survive In Your Town?
Let's have a discussion about this.
What dollar value do you need to earn where you live to have a 'living' income?
I think in London, a very expensive town, you'd get by with about $1k, but you'd be living hand to mouth as most of that will go to accommodation and bills. You'd also have to be single and have no dependants. The more realistic amount would be $1.5k.
Thank you @soyrosa and @teodora for the amazing conversations.
Peace and Love ✌🏿
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Well, I live in Lagos Nigeria, the financial capital of Nigeria. Well, the minimum wage here is $51 which is highly unrealistic. I think for an average Lagosian to have a standard living $300 would do. I can survive on less-- I am now, but it's really going be a hand-to-mouth situation and people do not grow or develop in such conditions. As a steemian--a full-time steemian, I'm usually short each week when it comes to the amount I earn. And data is quite expensive and that usually takes up to 50% of my earning most times. What makes it easy is the fact that I have the support of my mum. But basically, if I can earn $300 monthly I can afford to live a decent life here.
Thanks for the breakdown. $300 is emerging to be the consensus for Nigerian towns (if it's good enough for Lagos, I imagine it's great for other cities too).
Most people in London can access free or cheap data. It's interesting the things we take for granted here.
Thanks for the breakdown. $300 is emerging to be the consensus for Nigerian towns (if it's good enough for Lagos, I imagine it's great for other cities too).
Yeah with $300 you can do stuff and actually save some change, which is very important.
Averagely I spend close to 25steem every week on data. Given what I earn here that's pretty a lot. Free wifi is actually a dream for me. Lol, I have not even factored electricity. Lol make that $500
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Would this be a viable business idea in Lagos. Steem Powered Free Wifi.
A workspace / cafe where you can access free wifi if you delegate Steem to the Cafe account. So rather than spending that 25 Steem, you delegate it.. and access the free wifi for as long as you're delegated?

I've thought about a steem cafe in federal unis across Nigeria. The best place to get young minds who are more open to techy things. People can come to lounge, eat and pay in steem... And of course, use free wifi for delegating to the project. It will certainly create a lot of buzz around major campuses
Great idea. I just did some quick googling and it seems one can get "unlimited" data (4G) for about $55 in Nigeria, throttled after 80GB. That would be sufficient for about 10 people pooling $5.5 together for the month.
This is starting to look like a viable business :) . The issue would be that of where to locate the place. It would have to be low cost or free.
If it's in a university setting they will finish in hours. Students have no joy! But it is doable. Maybe data limits can be set for each individual.
There is a place in uniben called bukah. It's a combination of several restaurants where student goes to ear. The mifis can be stationed in a few selected stores. So students who have steem or have delegated to the project can go there to eat and have access to free wifi. I think the store owners won't mind since it would bring customers to their stores. But I'm just brainstorming. A lot of detailed work and planning needs to be done to actually make something like this possible.
Some banks in social do stuff like this. The wifi is not restricted and student abuse it. So for this to work some sort of cap needs to be put in place.
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Ah, glad you mentioned me in the post or I would have missed this awesome video! Lovely to see some of the shots of 'our' day last Friday <3
I think 1500$ is about right for my city Rotterdam as well. Maybe a little less if I scraped a bit off the food, but not much.
I could find a cheaper house though, but after a certain income level in the Netherlands you can be certain rent is never cheaper then 'social housing' which is about 680 euros. Buying can be cheaper because the interest rates are good and if you bought something for 150k (possible if you don't care about how it is maintained by previous owners and location) you'd have even lower costs and since paying off your house counts as 'saving up' as well I could get by with saving less money per month - ending up with more 'free to spend' euros. I might be able to live for 500 euros a month, money can be done cheaply, health insurance is a given... So maybe 1000 euros a month?
Interesting topic, going to read input from others now as well :-) Might be living somewhere else real soon if I could get by with 500 euros a month :D
Well social housing in little fillages are like 300 for a whole house. You get some back if you don't earn much the deal is that you can live from 700 euro social allowance. You get sports etc for free you get free food also for the whole family but it's not really good food voedselbank. The utillitybill would be like 60 dollar a month. Internet 30 dollar. Here in the heague Holland you can get also special housing it's small but cheap for the people who lost everything and mostly internet and power is included. It will cost you like 300.
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That's amazing!!
I think the UK are very similar in cost and many things. Your social structure is a little better than here though.
I too am researching perhaps upping and moving somewhere less pricey, but I've been trapped by that London web we talked about :)
Interesting question, well for my country it depends on which city do you live. In my city which is kinda country side, I would say for a single person with minimum life(renting a place, foods, internet, gym, sometimes buying clothes) it costs 100$ per month 😅
Well I lived with less than that when I was in university but living was easier back then 😅😂 it's expensiver now!
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Thank you. I hope you’re able to make a good living ✨
In Romania you can have a room for about 200 dollars, food and bills for another 300 dollars. This is in the capital, country side could be 100 for a smallish place on your own
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Sounds like a possible future digital nomad hotspot like Thailand :)
Good question bro.
Here in South Africa there's people surviving with $150/month, but you ain't gonna do much.
Then you have the complete opposite with millionaires spending ten times that amount per day.
I am aiming for $5000 per month to be able to live anywhere , so STEEM you better moon up!
That's incredible! I would have expected it to be higher in South African actually.
Yeah, I wish you luck with that target hahah!!! and YES STEEM!!!
Interesting question, living wage here in Long Beach, CA the least I could get by on if I had to cut out many things ...but not cut out everything I would say 2k usd a month. that would be tough and not very enjoyable especially including the fact that you would almost for sure have to have a flat mate or live in a crappy part of town, I think to feel comfortable but not extravagant I would say about 5k usd. 8k-12k is probably the median income where I live and optimal unless you've managed to secure very affordable housing by luck, or be a homeowner that purchased before the early 2002's. Interesting how the amount differ from country to country but in all reality we all need the same basic things for happiness.
Good Lord!!!!!! That's expensive!! I thought London was bad.
I guess you guys have to pay for everything over there, unlike in Europe where we have social healthcare and all that.
I'd visit, but wont be moving to CA any time soon :)
It’s doable cause wages are pretty high here. I don’t really spend money on medical. Haven’t had insurance in 30 years and my medical expense has been only a few thousand dollars for all those years. You can’t beat the weather here, that’s really why it’s so expensive here. Very comfortable to live here ... plus I can go snowboarding, motorcycle riding, and snowboarding all in the same day if I wanted to.... I’ve tested this and it’s possible
This is a really interesting question ade!
I live in Hamburg and I have some friends here who are able to survive "easily" with 500-600€ a month. 200€ is taken by a room in a flatsharing so 400€ for food, mobile costs and cosmetics. But they are really looking on their payouts, buy a lot second hand and try to get free food in containers and so on.
So I would say the minimum for me personally would be around 1000€ in total. I live in a flatsharing as well but I want to have some fun and reward myself from time to time :P
Interesting. There’s a lot of free food in London. I can imagine it is similar in Hamburg. You just have to know where to go.
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Nice AdeMovie. Minimum, maybe like 100 AUD a week if you live at home.
I stole this from the internet "Notes / Footnote. $694.90 per week (before tax), or $18.29 per hour. Adults whose productivity is affected by their disability are paid a percentage of the national minimum wage, set in accordance with Schedule A to the National Minimum Wage Order"
P.S: That map behind shows Australia. Guess it exists afterall
There’s no such thing as AUD.
That map is a conspiracy theory map 🧐
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You get more worse as the months move on
I live in China so at minimum spending I need like 1000 ¥ about $150 approximately.......
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Wow, that’s the lowest number so far. Is that a comfortable life?
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Am living life as a student so it's enough for food expenses ..... But if you look for conformable I say 300-400 still for a student....
If you have a rent to pay you might need more.... And depends on the city you are in.....
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Very interesting question. One of the most important for digital nomads actually :) I am currently based in Playa del Carmen, Mayan Riviera, Mexico. This is one of the most expensive regions of the country but if you don´t mind living in a suburban part of the city in a very low-cost way, you can survive here with some 350 USD / month.
I wouldn’t mind living in a suburb for sure as long as I have good transportation:). I’d also love to live on a beach :))
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Well, besides having to commute to the center, living in a suburb of Playa comes with another major disadvantage. These neighborhoods have an alarmingly high crime rate as this is where most of the drug-related crimes take place. There is a murder or a street shooting in these parts of the city almost every day now. Would you still live there? :D