
Glad you enjoyed it, its not my content I'm archiving nationalist propaganda from youtube here.

Nazis were even ahead in terms of music it seems.

lol yeah, appreciate the comment and platform you've built its comfy as far. it has some buffering issues sometimes but other videos work perfectly fine .is there like some kind of bandwidth limitation on the more popular videos? takes forever for press for truth's videos to load.

Revisionist History and the evidence shows that the Holocaust never happened, Jewish populations increased during WW2, Gas camps never existed either. A small amount of Jews did die in work camps due to massive allied carpet bombing which resulted in the collapse of supply lies in the Third Reich. So infact the majority of Jews that did die where murdered by the Allies, mainly in Communist Russia and by the hands of British and Americans. Hitler lost the war against the Jewish globalist bankers, then the Elite decided to fabricate the Holocaust and the myth of 6 million Jews being gassed in order to give them the credibility for declaring war on Germany and the Sympathy to create the nation of Israel which was all based upon a lie.

doesn't seem to want to play