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RE: What Is Steem To You? Let's Talk About It.

in #dtube6 years ago

I liked your analogy about a painting as I had alluded to Steem being like a mural of sorts that we are all contributing.

It has the potential to turn out quite beautifully but I think there are certain interests competing with that outcome.

Primarily, it is self-interest versus collective good. Most are so preoccupied with their own wallet that they will forsake the things that I believe can lend to the greater value existing in the wallets of all.

What we see today speaks a commentary about society. The reward pool is like the river we all drink from but we must work to protect it.

If all users work purely from the interest of their own wallets over others, I am assured Steem will eventually fail.

It is not profitable to be prudent with one's votes as there are others who will gain from not doing so. Therein lies the fatal flaw I think.

Can we overcome that? Perhaps but it will take some degree of work and innovation. I think a proper front end implementation with proper promotion (that does not affect reward distribution) could get us halfway there.

Hopefully there is someone smarter than can help get us there. I have much to learn in the web dev arena and provided I have time will tackle that mountain myself eventually.

Posted using Partiko Android


If all users work purely from the interest of their own wallets over others, I am assured Steem will eventually fail.

My premise precisely (unfortunately).

The fundamental flaw in the coding. Might is right and thos with the biggest net (sp) take the most fish (rewards pool).

It's a model antagonistic, and not sympathetic to free markets. (free markets relying on the fundamentals of merit and property to function).

Merit is not relevant in the profit structure, on Steemit.