
Great stuff, you've brilliantly summed up all of the bullshit and thoroughly debunked it.

Hats off to you! Following ya for sure

Fabulous video with a ton of valid, important information. Keep speaking your truth, Carey, you're doing the world a favour. Also, I noticed you managed to edit the video to 4:20. Nice one!

Thank you, glad you liked it! The length wasn't even intentional, and the vid's original release date also happened to be 4/20! :D

nice video. special probs for smoking the joint at the end and editing the video to 4:20 (because, as we all know, it is always 4:20 somewhere). as it is 9am in germany right now, i am doing alike and start a relaxed sunday...
keep it up, looking forward to your next content!

I am from Germany too. Ya, a relaxed Sunday was nice :-)

Awesome Carey! So great to see you on steemit! I work in the cannabis industry, and hearing myths like this they throw at us gets sooo old. Especially here in Az, we have a lot of people not happy with medical marijuana, and they are constantly spewing propaganda on billboards, and newspapers. There was a tons of money spent here during the 2016 election cycle making sure the recreational bill didn't pass. The shit they said in the commercials, and put on their yard signs was bat shit crazy but they we're successful in defeating the bill. We're not giving up though!

Hi! I'm glad you're glad I'm here! I'm loving it so far. You guys got hit hard in AZ with the Insys Therapeutics big pharma lobby/anti-cannabis campaign... so frustrating! But I do take comfort in knowing the government has already lost. At this point they're digging in their heels trying to prevent/delay the inevitable. It blows my mind some individuals/agencies still really think they're going to keep it out of the hands of the people! That ship has sailed. :p I've seen this little plant help SO many people with so many different ailments/issues, including myself, and it's definitely a disruptor to the established power structures in more ways than one. It's been interesting watching the legalization process here in CA, too! The journey continues! Thanks for the comment. :)

Cannabis saved my life @careywedler, I had cancer! Thanks for your dedication on debunking the "idiotic" myths on this healing herb!! I am happy to find another supporter, followed, upvoted & resteemed! #legalizeitworldwide

Great info also there's a Harvard study that says cannabis cuts tumor growth in half a simple google search will verify. The medical establishment has ppl that will do whatever it takes to stay on top of the ladder in business. It's been now revealed that scientists ripped up studies linking MMR vaccines directly to autism in young black males. We need be familiar of their devices and their MO

Another excellent post Carey, you are quickly becoming one of my favorite steemians.

Love the last 10 seconds of the video most !

I stumbled across your Steemit today and was excited to see you participating in the gateway crypto blogging. Who am I kidding? It's the hard stuff. Thanks for debunking some cannabis myths.

You might appreciate an article I just posted on an attempted revival of Reefer Madness with Rep. Alford's comments on why cannabis and other drugs were outlawed:"...the African-Americans, they were basically users and they basically responded the worst off to those drugs just because of their character makeup, their genetics and that.”.

It's great to have you here. Welcome. I upvoted your post and followed you today.