Hey Steemit, are people hypocrites on email leaks? [dTube]

in #dtube7 years ago

Viewer asked about this and I think it's interesting, is there a double standard applied in terms of leaks, regardless of their legality/content/source? I explore that in this video. Leave me your thoughts in a comment!

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Public officials should have to have this stuff on a ledger like a blockchain, if you're going to be a representative in this country I'm sorry but I believe there needs to be levels of transparency so we as citizens can make sure people aren't dicking around and making backroom deals and i understand people will get around those rules also but I think it's important to mitigate because if you don't and let people have basically no oversight, then we find out every shady thing they're doing in email dumps and that helps to elect an orange idiot.

Government would screw up the use of the blockchain. :)

I just don't think the government would consent to having things on the blockchain - where they have to be held accountable no matter what

Maybe, I'm nowhere near smart enough to know but from what I understand there is potential. The chairman of the FCC was on Joe Rogans Podcast the other day and even they were interested in the potential practical use of blockchain technology and it was weird to hear people in the government actually talking about it the way it's talked about here.

One thing I know . . . the press should not be penalized for publishing government secrets. Governments are instituted to serve the citizenry, not the other way around.

In the age of FOIA, I wonder if presidents and vice presidents continue to keep a phone log? If you go to the presidential libraries, you will find a detailed record for each day, showing all phone calls made and received.

I'm pretty sure this isn't hypocrisy.

When it comes to the morality, whether it's good or bad I draw no distinction between leaked celebrity content and political content. A public personality has no reasonable expectation of privacy, and if they want it that bad they can just exit left the world stage. But with both acts being morally grey, the use of the act is what makes the distinction. To do this in the name of the public good is undeniably good; to do this in the name of 'omg juicy celebrity gossip' is contemptably low. Doubly so since that sort of behaviour is used by the Trumpelumps du jour (or Clintons) to excuse calling for silence in the name of dignity.

I think as a politician you forfeit your right to privacy in this regard to records. The people should not however. I know this is a heavy burden to load onto our leaders, but that's kind of proof against corruption. A leader must be willing to suffer for their people. You shouldn't want to be a politician for kicks, like Mr. T, you should want to be a politician because you're a man of iron, and want to suffer for your people.

Very good q&a. Opinions and thoughts thank you

Good post..👌

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