Blockchain: The Greatest Paradigm Shift Of Our Generation

in #dtube7 years ago

Jeff Berwick at World Blockchain Forum, London closing speech, topics include: being an early Bitcoin adopter, the early days of the internet, Bitcoin still in its early days, one of the most important points in human history, getting the power back to the people, Bitcoin is self regulating, the most important thing for freedom this century.

World Blockchain Forum:

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Hi dollarvigilante,
Thanks for the great content

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Is anyone handing out flyers like these?

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Blockchain ensures accountability thats why it is going to be incorporated in other places instead of just being used to make a crypto currency!

You always keep us informed. Blockchain is the future and everything will be based on blockchain soon because of its security even the banks.

I hope so. It would be great and also make a lot of things much easier.

Blockchain is now widely used, there are also rumors today that amazon is already thinking of using bitcoin as payment. Well, this is not surprising as microsoft is already partnered with tierion. It won't be a surprised if the big companies uses cryptocurrency in thier businesses. Even the richest man alive (bill gates) already engaged in cryptocurrency.

Blockchain looks like authentic forum.

Good job Jeff! Keep it up. Spreed the word :)

good information and thank you very much for share.

Hey everyone, the subject of privacy and crypto has come on my radar.
I really want to know where people stand on this issue and why.
It seems of vital importance that we get this right or we will end up being right back in the same place we are now.

nice post buddy thanks for sharing with us.