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RE: Sorghum Or Honey For Natural Sugar?
I count four different sugars plus carbohydrates. All the same as far as the Pancreas is concerned. Too much eventually causes Type II diabetes.
Of course 'big sugar' doesn't like that idea any more than 'big tobacco' like the idea that smoking causes cancer.
Scuse me while I go get a cigar.
Yes they are in honey. But they can taken by diabetes. You will find it is obesity poor diet and refined sugar sugar,mostly sucrose that are linked to the cause of the disease. Not honey. My guess this is because honey is a more complete food. Also most honey eater also tend not to eat refined foods pop etc. Diabetes is the result of poor diet. Which which results damage to the pancreas spacificly the Iles of langrihand. Sugar is a small part of the cause. A major part of the symptoms of the disease.
The reason why honey is recommended to diabetes as an occasional sweetener. Is the majority of the sugars in honey are easy to digest so blood sugar levels come up slowly and taper of slow. Sucrose, in pop candy pastry etc come on fast. And crash quickly. Making the control of blood insulin levels near impossible.
Did smoke a pipe for a time fortunately it made me immediately ill so it was easy to quit. Decades later I still miss the ritual of the pipe. Don't miss the tobacco at all.