Vlog 406: Why I never powered down in nearly 3 years.

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I had a nice conversation with @themonetaryfew and he warned me about my emotional investing in Steem.

These things usually don't go together and he is right. Emotions and investing don't mix.

One of the subjects that came up is that I should have powered down in the past.

I gave it some thought and answered him but this morning I also felt it would make a nice topic for a vlog and explain my reasoning.

I'm currently a buyer of Steem and believe in this blockchain more than ever before.

I talk about this and many other things in one of the longest vlogs I ever made.

I am part of witness @blockbrothers (Spot #38).

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Hello Mark, I have listened to your vlog and because I know you a little better than most other Steemians, I know that what you say is real and that you are completely yourself. I also know that vlogging on the Steem blockchain has done you a lot of good. You dare to do things that you thought you could never do. And now that you do them, you became a very good vlogger. You may look a little more into the camera, at us, your listeners, but your story is consistent and well worth listening to.
I stopped writing (for now that is), but just like you, I never powered down because I believe, just like you, that Steem and especially the Steem blockchain is there to stay. Love mom

I sure hope you know me better :). Haha, vlogging sure did me good. I try to look more into the camera but I realized when I do that I can't think and lose my train of thoughts. I have accepted this is my style of vlogging. I also have never used a script.

I hope you start blogging again one day when you have more time. Thanks for the positive spirit!

I had a laugh here sitting at the table watching you tell me about being social akward, well that akwardness is highly appreciated, and you cant please everyone and people Will always have different views. For you and later for me Steemit became a habit, an addiction if you want, but also a library off life which Will always be there. Nobody knows what the future of socials and blockchains Will bring but i dont want to be the one who is saying HAD I , or I WISH I JOINED!: i joined and i am in 100%, still a noob in alot of steem aspects but i mean well and that cirlejerk commentary and people on accounts telling you its unfair and not done is just bull, what would they have done in your shoes? APPICS is a great addition and looks great so for a fast blog in between blogs and other content i think i can not do without. So i wont!

Last thing the grey hair is something i worry about, maybe i should prepare for that moment to come, its the most shocking vlog info i got untill now so when i do leave this beloved steemisfere you know where ill be😉

Thank you so much for sharing this. I think more people new to steem should hear this message.
It is straight from the heart and you have been one of the people that I followed from the start because you could see the person behind your posts.
Really appreciate what you have done and are doing for the blockchain.

To those that don't understand, I want to pay extra attention to the fact that you also decided to post in English, which isn't always common practice for Dutch natives on Social Media. Whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Youtube. Most of the time creators stay in their comfort zone and create in their native language, which you didn't and now you are benefiting from a broader audience. A lot of steemians who post in other languages than English can also learn from that.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you.

I didn't realise you had started out awkward at vlogging... you do a good job of it
Your message is always clear and there's a takeaway... at least for me.
A lot of the things you said made sense, those who stayed... I guess I would feel that way in the future when it starts picking up again, the ones who were here would be my first go to, but I would still reach out to the newbies for I know what it is like (I already do that within my capacity)
I have a good feeling about Steem, mostly for the community...
I have always needed a little bit more than monetary gains in anything I do, even in the real world and have walked away from big money when my heart isn't in it... (hmmmm, might explain why I am still not rich hahaha)
So, for now I am good sticking it out here on Steem, as long as the Steemians who have now become like friends are here :)

Thank you for your believe in Steem, for this too is definitely another reason that keeps me here :)

Wow, no power downs in three years is impressive, but not nearly as impressive as daily content for 104 weeks without missing a day! I just finished up doing a daily blog post for the month of April for #SteemBloPoMo (the blockchain version of NaNoWriMo) and the idea of doing that 26 times in a row hurts my brain!

My eldest is a vlogger, and she really loves it as well. She's gotten out of the habit lately, but I'm hoping she'll start again soon so she can start building up her Steem account again. Since joining Steemit, I've actually stepped out of my comfort zone a number of times and done some videos, a few podcasts, and even push-ups on camera for the #seven77 initiative! The things we do for the love of the blockchain

I didn't get here until September 2017, so I missed that first big jump in March '17, but I'd just started getting active when the December rocket blasted off. I know how exciting that was, so I can imagine watching it jump all the way up from 7 cents!

Speaking of, if you don't mind me asking, how do you buy your Steem? I'm using Coinbase to buy either BTC or LTC, then I send it on through Blocktrades. I'd love to buy little bits (like $20) here and there when I can, but it's currently so cumbersome and time consuming, since it still takes something like 6 days for my purchase to become tradeable (not to mention the fees). I keep meaning to ask people how they do it, but it usually falls out of my brain before I can...lucky for you, it stayed long enough for me to comment here... 😂

I love the analogy of Steem Power being the motor that powers your blog! I'm still trying to figure out the whole token thing, and the upcoming communities (and renting SP to communities? That's going to be a thing? Wicked coolness!), but that hasn't stopped me from being excited about all the possibilities happening here.

And I agree - everyone has their own Steem journey, which is one of the many things that makes this community so awesomesauce, despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that seems to happen on occasion. I'm also playing the long game, so to speak, and plan to be here for many years to come - maybe you should plan now for an update video in another 3 years, and I'll plan to watch it! 😊

great stuff as always man. loved when you talked about how a post will get 20 bucks in upvotes because there is 3 years invested into it.

that is often overlooked. the relationships the networks the people you grow with on the journey.

i’m just as excited as when i first joined. a little bump in price might excite the masses but i myself am still in accumulation mode lol cheap steem is great!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you. And you are right. Most will only look at the end result, not the journey itself.

I'm still very excited about Steem as well. It has changed over the years but it's so much fun to see this place grow and be part of.

I hope your new kid is doing fine! All the best.

dont you describe a problme there if you as one of the biggest believers (at least I think so) if you are not willing to buy Steem for 2$?

Tbh I caught myself thinking "dude, this guy goes to the cinema makes a pic and gets the money back for the movie, unfair random curses"

But yeah you build your account and network for 3 years and took the risks of buying and keeping your Steem and this is the reward.

Circle jerking is as you describe, pretty natural to a degree and fine in my book and I think even the loudest mouth is enjoying the autovotes they get and there are enough minnow circles which do that as well.

I think as a bigger stakeholder myself there is an extra responsibility though to keep planktons and minnows which proves themselves (meaning not cashing out the first posts etc) to keep them engaged with showing them some steemlove with a vote or two.

Circle jerking looks/is unfair if you are not a part of it but I see very little posts which decline payouts when they post how shitty Steem is.

prostitution is also natural
the point is that votes are filtering the content which appears in the trending and if it is not the content but the networking which is trending ... why should any reader care? This is exactly what we see. Trending posts with ZERO human commands. Nothing wrong with networking, even nothing wrong with selfvoting but it will not help the plattform, period.

trending is mostly shit and I have written about that before. There is a difference between networking and using your own stake and bots though

Find people that resonate with you and customize your feed that way. Just ignore the trending page. Or use other frontends like steempeak that has manually curated content in their home page. ;)

I pretty much only visit trending if I want to get mad :-)

Buying 50k STEEM @ $2 STEEM for an individual is most likely way too much, for me it would be impossible to do with Fiat.

Buying 50k STEEM for $100k for a business that needs an established blockchain is peanuts. And if that's too much they can always rent the SP they need.

I know what it's like to see a trending page as a minnow. I started here as one. You can scream at the unfairness and call steem shit or you can ignore it and start building a home here. That's what I choose to do.

Steem is different now, you can do so much more now with Steem then trying to make it blogging. Open a store and sell products for STEEM, develop an app or game, start a new community with a new token. The people that see the opportunity will seize it.

People that base their opinions about what's trending are missing the point of the what Steem can do for them.

HODL, Mark @exyle we are so Early Still and I Think we are in the Right Place..........

Great VLOG man, one of your best. I've always consider you to write/speak honestly and it's clear that this is the case here.

Keep going, thanks for the positivity today :)

Thank you, man!

Great Video Mark! I'm here for the long haul and better times are coming to steem :)

Thanks! So am I. Better times around the corner :)