in #dtube7 years ago

I've updated TRX with a higher projection of $2.42 give how the MACD is signaling that a price explosion is imminent. The MACD is curling upwards and price has already exceeded out of the bullish downward pointing triangle. Compounding yesterday's analysis, I think wave 3 could target $1.89 or higher!!

Here is the Youtube link:


Im new to this, not sure how accurate his predictions are, but I do see he's mostly (only?) going BUY BUY BUY and never seems to post SELL SELL SELL. Im super lazy and wont check his past prediction results, but I will compare his current predictions to actual numbers in a month..

I honestly don't care how accurate or inaccurate his predictions are. He's being paid at a rate of $600,000/year. I don't know any bloggers who get paid that much.

Honest question, how do you know he gets paid $600k per year? And what is he getting paid $600k per year for? Blogging? I'm pretty new to all of this, but going back to his youtube videos from 2-3 months ago, a lot of his target predictions have been very close to being on the money, some of them having gone higher than predicted.

I guess my real question is, why does the amount of money he gets paid affect any of the info he puts out? I feel like if I had put money into his predictions in November, I could have cleared high six figures by now. And I just can't see anything wrong with that!

It's all about price discovery and fair market value. If his predictions are so accurate, and I'm not disputing if they are or not, then he shouldn't have any need for this platform to pay him anything. He's set. So it's a waste of money.

If he's being paid for a job well done, then there is a price and investors should be able to control that price.

Check out how much his pending payouts are:

Type in his name and check it out. He gets 441 SBD per post right now. That's $2600 USD per post. He's posting at a rate of 10 times a day. That's $26000 USD per day, or $9 million/year. I quoted $600k per year because nobody would belive the real numbers. It's out of control.

Oh, I see, you meant the money he gets paid through Steem for his content!

I was thinking the same thing after watching through some of his videos, wondering why he posts so much when he should already be making a killing just by focusing purely on crypto investing. The dude definitely has a knack it seems, because his target predictions are uncannily on point. If he's been putting his own money into the coins he's been predicting, he should be rolling in it.

My early assessment is that haejin is just a grinder (hard worker) by nature and just loves doing what he does. I'm going to guess that he is pretty well off already, and getting paid on Steemit and receiving all the adulation is just icing on his cake.

And to be honest, I never really believed that someone could make so much through Steemit! I check his payouts and you're right, that is crazy! When I first found out about Steemit, I had visions of something like that being possible, but couldn't imagine how much work it would take to make it worthwhile. At the very least, now I see that it really is possible!

One last thing, when you say " he shouldn't have any need for this platform to pay him anything. He's set. So it's a waste of money."

What's the waste of money you're talking about, you mean it going to him since he already has so much? I can empathize with that, but if he's pumping out good content constantly, its hard to fault him. And if he's helping others attain wealth at the same time, I really find it hard to fault him!

Is your concern that the content isn't strong enough, or that he's spamming to make a bunch of cash he doesn't (or shouldn't) need? I don't mean to dig so much, just trying to understand your perspective since it feels like there's some validity there.

I'm saying, I don't see why I'm paying 11% of my stake to him.

Because you could make a 100%+ more by following some of his leads. Keep it cool. This is what this platform is for.

Where is that money coming from? Because the content is free. My upvotes give a penny but none of it is coming from me so thin air? I dont get how steemit works

Investors buy STEEM. That's where the money comes from. They're investing as a speculation on future performance.

Go to the September videos on his Youtube channel and check the predictions :)

Someone's really butthurt from haejin's popularity...never seen so many cry babies online in my life

There is always a hater for someone who is successful...

Those who cant, run other people down. It is the only way they can try and make up for their own inadequacy.

You would be far better off trying to educate yourself on a subject before commenting. That way you wouldn't look like such an Ass.

You are in the wrong venue buddy. This is a place for followers, not haters!

Sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t realize.</sarcasm>

You don't hate him. You love him so much you hang around his post!

Why dont you bug off. First off I dont care if he even takes his anyalsis from somewhere else, not saying he does but if he did I wouldn’t care. He brings me good and accurate predictions, no matter where its from. Almost everyone in crypto gets there info from a different person. Haejin updates us on the coins were interested about and covers alot of different coins. You need to stop trying to promote yourself on his posts.

Don’t tell me what to do.

Mommy didnt give you enough attention? Try to get a woman in your life, so you dont have to hang around here provoking people for a response.

You're funny. Have an upvote.

A $14.54 upvote? WOW you win sir. Here have a poor mans up vote.

Haha best reply inertia

My answer to inertia the head of troll:


Your little stick person looks like a pecker. I just noticed it’s supposed to be a person with a big nose 🤥

His calls have been precise . I requested him to analyze Etn .Etn was sleeping for 2 weeks . after his call it doubled next day from 500sats to 1.2k sats . Zrk has 1.5 x .

But what if the interpretation of the evidence that confirms your existing belief is the correct interpretation? Is that still “confirmation bias” or just “confirmation”? Lol

I just posted that Tron was a great buying opportunity! Looks like we are on the same page!

Hey all!
I have put together some picks. They are low market cap coins that I believe have great potential for profit. Obviously there is risk and do your own diligence before buying. I am not a financial planner or advisor.
In no particular order:

  1. AirSwap AST (Binance)
  2. Lamden TAU (EtherDelta)
  3. Loopring LPC (Binance)
  4. aelf ELF (Binance)
  5. Luxcoin LUX (Cryptopia)

(Follow me on my new Steemit for daily picks, and have an excellent day!)

crazy things people do :D ... but we love it..

salty salty boy

I've made really good trades based on haejins ta.

I honestly don't care how accurate or inaccurate his predictions are. He's being paid at a rate of $600,000/year. I don't know any bloggers who get paid that much.

You sir, are a cunt, congrats

ridiculous- He is using Elliott Waves -which anyone can do- but he happens to be very good at it (and making people shitloads of money)- The other thing which you are definitely that he is offering free tutorials on how to do it for ourselves. Which is priceless. People who share their hard-earned knowledge for FREE, deserve the respect and following that @haejin gets. Do you know Elliott Waves?

Live and let live!
Me and many others are having great profits because his skills and generosity.
He is giving for free benefits to the community...what are you giving for free, Oliver? damage and hate maybe?
Just curious...

Lol, I just noticed your comment Lanzate. I think we are both sticking up for Haejin, so I think you misinterpreted my post. I was replying to the person above who was downgrading him (inertia).

Hey all, was writing my first Post and got massive last minute downvotes, no upvote support.

I was curious about it, i didnt remember exactly was i was writing.
I thought i was maybe just writing sh*t, cause i was high from Spraypaint... Roundup ready on my Bananas or whatsoever.
So i checked it out out and who wonders: Berniesanders and his "friends" downvoted me, didnt even read my words :

posted it again, if you like my words, just give me upvote

if u want me shut up, just ignore ;)
Appreciate your support, thank you.
Massive Profits to all of you!

Thats why i never forget to upvote his posts :)

I call this (G0E) game of emotion!

Furthemore, you are making money through schemes and shitposts (please, anyone, check his blog and wallet history), go away troll...

Looks delicious! Time to get some coins.

very nice! i once got 500 tron for free (dont even know where they came from), but hey, if they actually will be worth something i am happy to hear!

ironically, i just lost 500 tron. . . .

too bad. how did it happen? i mean, you usually don't just lose your crypto...

Like you lost a bet? Or forgot where you put it? How did you lose it?

pretty sure this is a JOKE guys

PLEASE!! Many of our lives depend on TRON!! Who's with me?

I am with you 100%!

Me too!! Please tron please get upppp :(

For Tron to reach $2 the market capitalization would become $150 billion. Remember Tron is a token and not even a coin and hence it simple cannot become a store of value like a Bitcoin can be. Tron is simply a company without a product having a $7 billion valuation!! Such predictions are downhard foolish and are issued to create a hype around the price. Its strange how greed is overcoming simple common sense!!

$1.89 is 123 Bilion market cap - more than Ethereum right now. This is just a pump and dump coin. Next month nobody remembers it.

LOL true. I honestly don't see it going there that fast. I mean common! Its frickin so new and doesn't even have that much base. Developers can cash the reserves and go home, and call it a day. Become instant billionairs and do hell with your money lol! I know fundamentals don't matter in TA but common TRON above Eth in market cap? Wont last too long! thats just straight nuts lol! But may be this TA will take a year to complete when market cap is at few trillion.

Exactly what I was thinking. Comes out to 155B market cap. By that time Stellar should have over 200B and BTC way into trillions, can take over a year.


Gonna be our ticket boys. We have plenty going to the moon, mars, some saturn. Catch your ride, Elon is planning on going too ;)

Thanks for the post as always @haejin! Keep Steeming people!

Can't wait to see the launch of this flight!

Hey guys, after Coinmarketcap delisted the Korean Market where you prefer to check your crypto ???

I was staying up all night watching the chart, hoping that the breakout would happen. Haha. I'm ready for it! I bought in at the very bottom of the triangle. It's looking really good right now

Daniel... you aren't playing very fair are you?