Giving Steemit Praise While Taking A Cold Shower

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Click To Enter The Realm Of Cold

Today Was Exhausting

But it's so worth it!!!!!!. For a while now I've been receiving so much feedback on the things I write or post about. To that I say thank you. Months ago it seemed like I had no clue how I was going to use my gifts and talents. Now I'm starting to get a better understanding of how they can be utilized. I'm thankful that I can use Steemit as a medium to share my life with you and help you navigate this life. This platform has become a gift and a tool to be a light to everyone I connect with. Let's use it wisely and hopefully we can enjoy the fruits of our labor in due time. 

I have been running on fumes so I am out.

And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out my last cold shower video. Shalom.

Remember: It's Only Water

▶️ DTube


Awesome post @humanearl. You know, when I was reading this post a scripture on the gifts of the Spirit came to mind.

Ephesians 4 vs 12
*'to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up' '

I believe God has equipped us to help others. Not just the church, but people in general.
Personally you have been of tremendous help to me, and am well in gratitude. Thank you, and God bless.

I love reading this kind of thing. It is renewing my spirit. Thank you.

I love helping out and thanks for always supporting.

Prov 18 vs 6

A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

Discovering my talents and using them effectively is one of the important things that you can do in your life to live a satisfying life. Using my talents efficiently especially on steemit not only provides me satisfaction, but it also leads me to get various opportunities. There are lots of benefits that you can gain from using your own talents.
It must be noted that personal development is important to live a better life and for making personal development, there is a need for making your talent visible and working towards developing them more.thanks for being a blessing.

@toofunnymemes Our talents and gifts were given to us for a reason. Let's use them to not only improve our lives but also the lives of others.

Many of us do take a bath at least twice a day. Taking a shower becomes a necessity in our everyday living. It is a regular habit and we do it for several reasons. However, one thing very sure, we take a bath simply because we want to look good and feel fresh and excellent.

I take 2 showers in a day sometimes but not very often.

Oh magnificence this is very excellent I loved it very much
You are really amazing and wonderful sir always together to the top
I wish you a happy and beautiful day
Health and wellness
thanks for participating

@seniorpower Same to you and thanks for stopping by to contribute.

Very true. Your contents have been a blessing @humanearl.
Every one of us is heavenly gifted in a unique way.Your innate abilities or aptitudes make you stand apart from others by making more effective and more successful and happy.They will also help you uncover the important objectives of life while making you feel successful in all the affairs of your daily life that you deal with.Precisely, God-given abilities or aptitudes or talents that you have possessed make the greatest difference in your life providing that acknowledge them and get the most out of them for yourself and for others.

It is very important to recognize your special gifts or talents, traits or creative strengths in order to live life to the fullest, because you will find the true meaning of life and fulfill its purposes, while you create your life effectively and choose it consciously to be happy.

@delighty Others are depending on us to use our gifts and talents to benefit them . This is why it is so harmful when people don't use or develop their gifts

Thank you for sharing. Steemit really brought the best in me. When i came here and found so many talents here, it spurred me to see what i could contribute to the platform.
After much frustration and feeling that I had nothing to offer, I decided to do something about it. I got on my knees and asked God to give me talents that I could use to help others. He answered that prayer in ways greater than I could even imagine! The doors blew open, and I was able to do things that I never thought possible.

God gave me talents to use for His glory. I went from helping out with potlucks to organizing them. I was given opportunities to organize fundraisers and a teen magazine. I went from someone who felt she had nothing to offer to someone who had much to give. Why? Because I asked God. Does God answer our prayers? Yes! However, we have to ask.

John 14:13-14 says: “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

You have a new follower ; ) Thanks for your message, I believe we choose ourselves, in a very real way. That it is in standing before God and knowing we are worthy to talk directly to him/her/it that we find our true power thru him/her/it. I was more connected once upon a time, I am finding my strength again.

Thank you for the powerful message, that we must ask for guidance, support, and talents... and we will find ourselves to have them! I know what you say is true. Peace, love, and joy... those are my guiding principles about how to choose what to do.

@klevn Find your strength and live boldly. Peace to you!

@georgechuks Wow!! Looks like you have the gift of administration.

❤Shower with cold water is very beneficial for health
Now I give some information that I have
Bathing, or bathing, is almost daily behavior for all people and is closely related to physical health and psychological comfort. Medical studies are still trying to figure out the differences in the health effects of the "cold-boiled" or cold-water showers, compared to showers with warm water or hot water.

As a simple fact throughout human history, people bathe with water from wells, rivers and water reservoirs, most of them not warm or hot water, but cold water or temperature less than the temperature of the atmosphere. But most people are not accustomed today to shower with cold water, or are afraid to have harmful health effects.

Cold showers

So the question is: Are there any health benefits of cold water showers? The results begin with a review of the desired health goals of the bathing process and then compare the effects of both cold water and warm water in achieving each end. The different physiological effects of both cold water and warm water are then compared within the body and within the skin structures itself.

Bathing depends on two sides. The first side is the cleaning of the skin, which is suspended from external dirt and residues of sweat secretions and the accumulation of microbes that grow in areas with a suitable environment for growth, as is the case in the area of ​​the armpit and genitalia as a result of humidity and temperature. The other side is trying to maintain the integrity of the outer layer of hair and hair, and also maintain the availability of natural secretions produced by the skin to maintain their freshness and vitality.

Therefore, the person depends on the use of water, without any other liquid, and the use of soap with him, as a substance that removes dirt, fat and microbes from the skin that can not be removed alone, and use shampoo and conditioner to clean and moisturize hair. Some may use a piece of sponge or fiber for gentle cleaning, but some may keep up and "skin" the skin layer, removing all natural fatty moisturizers whose presence has caused the skin to protect and maintain its freshness and health.

In general, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) advises that bathing should not last longer than 10 minutes, adding that knowing the "quality of the skin" in the person is an important element in how to clean it with a shower. Under the headline "Men's Skin Care Tips," the American Academy of Dermatology says: "More men are more likely to maintain a healthier and more mature skin, which requires them to evaluate their skin care routine and learn more about how to care for the body's largest organ, the skin. Although there are differences between women's and men's skin, which is thicker in men, the key elements of an effective skin care plan remain similar.
Thank you for sharing this special moment of your life Thank you and your day

Hot baths back then were not as common. I mean I bet it would feel somewhat freeing to bath in a river although some rivers are not as clean as some city water.

you are very inspirational @humanearl

Much appreciated

It was excellent, my friend, what you are doing and demonstrating, makes us all think about our way of life and once again decide for ourselves what we really need. You are right, let's all be together on the Steemit will be communicated to the best and inspirational! Thank you @humanearl for your positive!

Thanks for upvote.

Appreciate the love. Communication is key. That is why I try to always respond to my comments. I want to let people know that I care.

I want to change my life... just like you ;)

Go ahead. Anyone can change. The hardest part is actually going through with the process. I wish you all the best!