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RE: The Art Of Reciprocity

in #dtube7 years ago

When I started to see things from an eternal perspective life just opened up for me. This is only God . I know it. I'm glad to be able to help you out and make an impact.

It is getting really hard right now for people to have an eternal perspective and it will only get much harder for them to do so.


2 Timothy 3:13

''evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived''

What you have said @humanearl is in line with what the scripture says, making us know that the world will become more and more corrupt. Thats why we have to keep feeding our minds with God's word. Through His Word, we get our minds renewed day by day, so that we can think the way God thinks and not according to the ways of this world

I believe strongly that the more I keep reading your posts, the more I'll become renewed in my mind. Thanks