Udemy Promo Email Subject Line Changes That Win Big

in #dtube6 years ago

Website: http://Courserapy.com

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working! In this episode I'll talk about how changing the subject line in a promo email can have huge consequences!


What's going on guys welcome to the daily udemy income report sure I talked about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me and teach you how to do the same thing my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and today is Thursday January 24th 2019 in today's episode I'm gonna talk about the promo email that I sent out yesterday we're gonna look at it see how it did walk you through it do all the good things but before we do that let's look at the stats from yesterday as we always do so yesterday was the 23rd Wednesday we had 22 courses sold for 100 $6.50 pretty good day you notice a couple days before that we had a 20 courses sold day at a hundred

so you know kind of comparable that came to four dollars and 84 cents a course which is down a little bit from that other 20 course day couple days ago but still pretty high nice and high we like to see above 4 into 5 it's pretty good refunds to date stayed the same 85 dollars and 49 cents and we had 7 reviews that we'll look at in just a minute so month to date 1782 fantastically good 464 courses sold so far so far 184 reviews month today and promotional activity jumped up looks like about $30 and I'll talk about what that was all about in just a minute total enrollments hundred twelve thousand eight hundred and forty-eight and average rating is stuck still on

four point five two so looking at my promo or my profile page here udemy.com four slash user four slash John elder three we have forty five thousand nine hundred ninety four students 37 courses and 2520 reviews the big thing we want to look at though as always is that the best seller badge is still on the post grass course awesome the highest rating badges are still no longer on these two courses right here and finally the sequel course is still the highest-rated course remember yesterday we had that three star terrible review and I thought that was enough that was going to kick it out of the highest-rated badge but so far it hasn't and that's really cool to see so

take a look at the reviews really quickly there's five stars looks like maybe Portuguese I'm not really sure what that says but awesome four stars for the sequel again that's not a great review for for the highest rated that's almost enough to kick it out so see what it looks like tomorrow here's five stars for the secret course I had an idea about sequel before taking this course but you made it so simple to follow and very intuitive fantastic great review three and a half stars terrible review five stars four stars mm-hmm and then this was the last one four and a half stars great course for beginners the course could be slightly larger with the

development of one or two applications you know we do develop one application in the course and it says exactly that when you sign up but the guy gave us a four and a half star so we'll take it so for the rest of this episode I want to talk about the promo email I sent out yesterday now I hadn't really been planning on sending out a promo email yesterday you know I haven't mentioned it here I thought maybe the beginning of next week I was someone out because that would be like the 28th the 29th right at the end of the month on a probably Tuesday I would have sent it out and I thought that

would be a good idea then yesterday rolled around and it was dead I mean all morning I sold like two courses and I'm thinking huh this is weird you know sometimes things just stop you get in a little low where they're not doing a promotion or sale or whatever and you start getting a little antsy and then like after a few hours one course gets sold and you're like so I'm like well it's Wednesday I like to send my promo emails on a Tuesday or Wednesday right in the middle of the week I find if you sell on the end of the week or the weekend people don't read them because it's the weekend or it's Friday or whatever and Monday like you come back from work on a Monday you got a

bunch of stuff to do that's piled up over the weekend or whatever you got stuff to do Monday people don't read as many emails that day I find so I like to sound Tuesday third or Tuesday Wednesday and yesterday was Wednesday so I'm like everything's quieted down now might be a good time for me to send out my promo email so made the email yesterday I was feeling incredibly lazy so I just sent out the exact same email that I sent out a weakness or so ago and that was on the 16th and if we look on sixteenth so we had been at sixty and it jumped up to 103 so it looks like we made about forty forty three dollars something like that so it wasn't a great email but it pulled

well it just didn't open well if you remember and we'll look at that you can see like right here the open rate was one point five nine and it was like that for most of my courses very very low open rate but then they click through rate was high four percent eight percent 12 percent on some of them so it just was the case that people weren't opening the email but when if they did it was it was doing well it was converting well so I thought to myself it must be the subject line and I think I mentioned that in in the episode that we did at the time that it was probably the the email or the subject line so I used the same email as before and I just changed the

subject line and you can see the last time I sent out a New Year's resolution it the end of December we had quite high open rates and if you remember back I talked about this across the board on all my courses the open rates were really high and the subject line I used that time was New Year's resolution learn to code with John elder so I thought you know that's that one off and use it again like it worked once maybe it'll work again so that's what I did a new year's resolution learned to code John elder and you see right away boom six percent just on this one course and so the the click-through rate again was high so from that point of view it was a good

thing and I ended up working out good so here's the email is sent it's that same one from last week the same stupid picture of me looking dumb and how's the new year's resolution going and then the only addition I made is this little paragraph where I just said I just wanted to remind you that now is the last chance to take advantage of my new year's resolution sale January is almost over and then everything else is just the same email as before if you're anything like me your new year's resolutions have already gone out the window but it's not too late to get back on track if you want to learn to code in 2019 but still haven't taken that first step now is the time

don't let resolution season pass you by is that a thing no we're all in this together so I'm offering a discount price of over ninety seven percent of all my quoting courses get you back on track grab any of my courses below just $9.99 each then we list the courses as we always do and in the same spiel at the bottom there's a reason why so many of you have taken my courses blah blah blah and then the call to action under code PS there's the coupon code again blah blah blah so so far when I say we've made like 30 bucks that's not great but it's what I expected because people are coupon coded out at udemy they've been running the Black Friday Cyber Monday and

then the December into January the new year's resolution sale they've been hammered away as those sales for so long another sale it's just not gonna penetrate as well and I knew that but I'm happy nonetheless $30 and I might get another sailor too throughout the day today we'll keep an eye on him but when we send out that first email the other day it only made $40 so usually when I send a one to email like this the second one does half as good or a third as good ish so if the first one made $100 then the second one might make 30 or 40 right so if the first one made 40 I'm thrilled that I got a single sale at all with this one but it seems to be doing even better the

last one did 40 this one's done 30 already so pretty good I'm pretty happy with that now that's this is just what you do be sure to keep track of all the emails you send because you'll learn things like you know let's see this is a terrible subject line it did not well this is a terrible comeback this is a terrible subject line how's your new year's resolution going question mark it tanked across the board one point five nine percent open rate this however is a great one here's resolution and learn to code with John elder so what what have I learned from this the next time I run a sale I might I'm not gonna put New Year's resolution but I might put Valentine's Day sale :

learn to code with John elder it's this learn to code with Jim John elder thing it probably grabs the attention as they remember me from taking a prior course oh that's that John older guy you know it qualifies them a little bit to open the email and so that's what I'll try next I'll do this same subject line but with a different first part and we'll see well you know we'll test it and we'll see what the open rate is so you're always going to want to be doing that you always have to be doing that that's the name of the game with these promo emails and every once in a while something pops out at you like this that has a 10 12 15 percent open rate and when

that happens you grab it and keep using it until it stops working so kind of cool kind of fun I like doing stuff like this I've been an email marketer for 25 years I started sending out email in 1996 or seven or something like that to sell stuff so I've been doing this a long time and it's it's fun every time you're always learning stuff you know these days we have great tools for open rates and click through rates I used to have to calculate all this by hand doing all kinds of weird little tricks and it huh email didn't even used to have like images and stuff so it's a whole new world that's a lot of fun and I definitely recommend you spend a lot of time and energy you

know learning how to do this right because it doesn't seem like lots but this sort of thing adds two three four hundred bucks a month sometimes to the bottom line oh that's two three four thousand dollars a year extra just from sending out these stupid emails you know why not do that in every one small you hit and it hurts like crazy and it changes everything so Morel the story have fun tweaking and testing these things be sure to keep your stats keep an Excel spreadsheet of them all in case you see like right here these have all disappeared it looks like they just the stats have disappeared so I don't know what's going on with that but anyway so that's it for today's

report if you like this episode be sure to smash the like button below subscribe to the channel and check out Courserapy.com for more tips tricks and online course awesomeness my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and we'll see you again tomorrow morning.

...more at http://Courserapy.com

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