NFL Taking A Knee During Anthem, Uncomfortable Truth

in #dtube7 years ago

In this video, Jason Bermas discusses why taking a knee during the national anthem during NFL games has gotten out of hand and is ultimately a media-driven distraction from real issues. A movement now started by Colin Kaepernick is turning into a twitter battle between athletes and U.S President Donald Trump.

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You're pointing to the corrupt militarized government since 9/11. Fair enough since you don't see the problem as black people see it. They protest, not just the injustice they've lived under this same government you are talking about, but their grief goes back since slavery, and the historical icons the founding fathers whom themselves owned slaves and treated them unjustly and with cruelty.

Contrary to what you said, black people ARE taking a knee protesting many things, including the national anthem which sings of freedom in a nation that isn't free, protesting their systematic murder and incarceration by the State, and for being put down and degraded as a race throughout history and today.

Your refernce in the video to Eric Garner's wife and daughter is another unjustified twist. They were refering to police brutality when it came to their case. They are not going to play the race card in a legal matter when clear evidence of murder was committed. Sticking to that narrative is simpler in court because it is harder to prove a racial motive resulted in murder! The hesitation was all over their faces and voices, but I guess you didn't pick up on that.

Your narrative doesn't hold any justice because you are just another white man looking at this from your own perspective, and not that of colored people.

You know the ironic thing about the nfl is the bafflingly high rate their players break the law. I wonder if constantly committing crimes and getting arrested could lead one to develop any bias towards the police and government?

That cop fucked up by choking Garner but Garner was a moron for resisting arrest. If the cops are in the wrong then you let them arrest you and you let the court decide. The guy had a huge criminal record so its not like he was some innocent guy.

Every living being has a reflex. Every action has a reaction. This fact the cops know very well. The manner in which a person is arrested may or may not trigger these natural reactions from those under arrest. You tell me, if a cop started to choke you, would you stay still? You can not simply because your body will experience a fight or flight response. It is that response which cops pray on. Do you understand?

I said the cop fucked up by choking him... But a cop wouldn't choke me because I wouldn't resist arrest in the first place. If that was a response that cops prey on they wouldn't have continuously told him he was under arrest they would have simply threw him to the ground without warning.

That's not accepting your programing :)

Well spoken. Keep improving!

Luke & my younger brother may as well be twins. Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

Same ole divide and conquer story, much like nearly everything else...

It would be nice if the whole thing was not based on a lie perpetuated by liars in congress and the lying ass Echo-chamber media
Handsup.png EchoChamber.jpg

Sure. It would be nice if they also recognized the Democrat and Republican Parties are both identical, and both totally in favor of the police continuing to enforce anti-property laws unevenly against minority-populated areas. ...It would be nice if blacks and Mexicans left the Democratic Party in droves and refused to vote for any candidate who refused to pledge to testify in court cases to the criminality of the drug war. Fuck!...for that matter it would be nice if the Libertarian Party membership would do the same, and demand the LNC actually try to elect libertarians to offices that matter (since they're too stupid to know what those offices are, here they are: State House, State Senate, Sheriff).

...but people (including "libertarians") are REALLY FUCKING STUPID. ...So I'm just happy when ANYBODY has a rebellious bone in their body, and protests this repugnant police state we're all living in. ...No matter how inconsistently they do so, no matter what clueless alliances they've made, no matter how self-contradictory they are.

...Kaepernick is a hero for protesting the police state. Good for him. Does he understand that the incumbent government will try to manipulate his protest for their own electoral advantage, while offering him nothing in return? Maybe. ...Probably not (his alliance with the toxic, anti-freedom Sarsour belies an immense lack of political sophistication).

...But, like I said: more power to him. I think what he's doing is great. He can learn as he goes, as the best of us have (and I count Luke in that group).

let the truth shine.

im usually on board but not this post... i agree with those knealing, fuck the national anthem. you know how you know you're in a fascist country? If someone "orders" you to stand for 2 minutes of forced patriotism brought to you buy the military industrial complex, no thank you.

incredible how someone thinks kneeling has been "taken too far".... seriously? a bunch of people taking on a different gesture during the national anthem is as harmful as a bunch of people praying, yet some americans are already acting like they live in a full dictatorship by blaming their fellow citizens for "exorcising their freedom in public", because of the great leader?

I don't hear many people talking about what the national anthem means to them individually. We all have our own thoughts and perceptions about that meaning. I was taught that standing for the national anthem was a sign of respect for those who gave their lives for their country. The ultimate sacrifice. Politics and government aside for one second. Many human lives have been sacrificed to protect what their country was or is today. Even if it is not a perfect entity, it has enabled so many to go so far and we should honor those who were sacrificed to provide those opportunities. They were human beings who mattered. I don't agree with taking a knee or anything less than standing at full attention in order to honor the past lives of many. With that said, I do agree that the gentleman who started this whole debate and division among citizens has every right to protest what he feels is an injustice. As dis-tasteful as it is to me personally, he has a right to do so. I wish he had found a way to express himself without changing a ceremony meant to honor the death of others (In my eyes). I believe his dis-satisfaction is with the manner in which the country has evolved to govern itself and not necessarily with the country(America) itself. I too share in this dis-satisfaction. I do not believe that the country is governing itself upon the ideals set forth by the founding fathers. Our founding fathers were by no means perfect and in many regards not practicing what they preached, but they were still able to give their country a rough draft on paper unlike anything the world had known before it. America is as much an idea based on ideals we humans should strive for as it is something in reality on paper, at our feet, or governed by in her various institutions. She has not let us down, we have let her down. Her ideals still burn bright. The commander and chief, through his comments on this matter, is the largest example of how we continue to let her down. He has only increased the divide among us when he should be working to unite the people. Even the NFL has let her down by simply trying to steer clear from the issue. Wow that really didn't work out how they had envisioned it. Let's just give the mainstream media more material to whip everyone into a bigger frenzy. The mainstream media is just another entity on a long list who has let Lady Liberty down. I say everyone should stand, honor those who have fallen and show respect for an idea, a symbol, America! As imperfect as she is. People should unite and work together to fix the problems faced today so that she is no longer left out in the cold...