Zionist Forces & Settlers Attacked Palestinian Holy Sites 110 Times In September

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Just In September...

Could you imagine for one second what your tv, radio and newspapers would be saying if these statistics were the other way around? When the Zionists attack, it's called 'security'...if a Palestinian attacks it's called 'terrorism'. What will it take for more people to be able to see the double standard?

What will it take until the world stands up against Zionism? How many more senseless crimes will there have to be? Our only hope is that more people begin to research away from the mainstream media and find the truth. We need voices of the True Media (THAT'S YOU) informing others about these things they never hear of or see.


Israel Attacked Holy Sites 110 Times In September

Always remember, silence is approval...

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Yes @lyndsaybowes some are indeed "letting this happen" but not you! You're standing up to be counted and reminding us all what it is to have the courage of conviction. Like you say imagine the outcry if the shoe was on the other foot! it would be headline news in every country in the civilised (and I use the term loosely) world. You know sometimes the cruelty in this world almost becomes to much to take, but then I watch the passion and sincerity in your vlog and I remember there is far more good than bad in this world. And you know what? that gives me hope for the future, hope at a time when it's a rare commodity. So thank you for sharing @lyndsaybowes

...in the civilised (and I use the term loosely) world.

Yes!! I love that...if this is civilization then please, let me be a savage.

The hidden truths the media is completely bias, I gave up on it ages ago. They lie and deceive to their benefit. People spreading the truth from the ground will change this ... the 100th monkey is stirring. Keep on going your words are reaching the masses :)

Thanks for bringing me a bit of Hope @vibeof100monkeys <3

There is loads of hope out there we just have to associated with it. Like here on steem! Were on the right path :)

You've got that right. We are paving a new way...one without central banks, and controllers.

Yes and the day it happens will be amazing and well worth the effort :)

And sadly this will continue even as those who can speak out do. Look at what happened to this guy. This is shameful, and the Zionist lobby should be outed for what it is.

He'll be recognized as a hero one day. Thanks for the article @brimax <3

Always a pleasure.

Why can't the whole world just find peace? Peace is so beautiful and people trade that for destruction.

Oooh yes...good point...what is the deal for real hey?!! It's like people want peace, but only for themselves. That's what it is. And in order for their own peace, they must do violence? The ends justify the means?

Only 110 in a month...that isnt even 4 a day. Come on...this is not even worth mentioning. Until there are like 6 attacks a day, it isnt newsworthy.

And the mainstream news is known for being fair and covering all stories without bias. Why do you question that? Are you insinuating that they favor Israel over the Palestinians? Why would they do that? I am certain the media's main concern is covering all topics in a non-judgmental way.

Of course, I write this as one who doesnt watch the MSM so I could be a bit amiss about it. Are you asserting that this is a topic the MSM is completely ignoring? Perhaps it is because many of the heads in the media world are Zionists themselves.

But hey, you do have to admire the Hitlerlike tactics. Adolf would be impressed.

Nice sarcastic post. I always appreciate some of that. Thank you for being aware of the real situation in occupied Palestine. I'm happy to know you TaskMaster.

You got it....yes I am well aware of the situation over there and how the Zionist stronghold is occurring around the world.

Left uncheck, we all might end up as the Palestinians.

That is why crypto, blockchain, and other technologies are so important....give people freedom.

The colonialism handbook. It's just what happened to the Indigenous all over the world, and it's now the Palestinians...and folks don't think it would happen to them too one day...laughable!

It is happening in the US..people just dont realize it.

There isnt the slaughter like elsewhere, at least the physical. But financially it is occurring...right before people's eyes.

Sadly, the media is in bed with the culprits. Of course, they would be since that is who owns them.

This is HORRIFYING. Resteemed. :(

Thank you as always for spreading the word, and for caring @phoenixwren.

Hey Lyndsay, you are so right about this coverage. I am pretty infuriated over this and also what is happening in Puerto Rico right now. There is so much false reporting happening right now and it's definitely a crisis that affects us all, as a civilization.

Here praying and doing energy work over the grid. Appreciate you, sister.

Do you have some inside information about the truth of what's going on in Puerto Rico?

I was sent a video today from my cousin. I think maybe I can put it up here on DTube, but it's not MY video...so I was thinking about maybe nesting it in between an intro I can shoot of myself explaining what I'm doing, then putting it together on camtasia and uploading here.

But yes, basically, a journalist was going OFF on what she's been seeing there for the past 6 days while traveling the land to different cities to help.

It's incensing.

Ok, I'll be watching for your video, thanks!

Here you go, my friend. Thank you for caring!


I'm editing it now and getting it ready.

And so it continues...

I think in order for the "masses" to wake up from their comfortable slumber, informing them of the madness of the Zionist posture regarding Palestinians is not enough. Only a knowledge of psychopathy and all that entails psychologically, in parallel with knowledge of Zionism, can possibly function as the alarm clock that is needed.

Unfortunately, regarding this speculation, psychopathy is scary, very scary, and It is not something most people can, or want to, stomach. That being said, looking at Zionism through the lens of psychopathy brings everything into crystal clear focus.


And I think that for most people to wake up, it'll have to be happening to them first. Most only care about what directly affects their own lives unfortunately :'( The bright side is, as the world slips into totalitarianism the chances of this shit happening to them sure is increasing.

True words...true words.


The world is involved in killing Palestinians , The lack of interest of the world is the guide ,,,Freedom for Palestine and for the Palestinian people ,,,

Yes! None of us are free, when others are oppressed. #FreePalestine!

Perfect @lyndsaybowes

Thank you @heriadi for speaking out for the oppressed! I appreciate all you do.

equally @lyndsaybowes, I always try to help the oppressed, as well as my post today