in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

So sad that crowd cheers at Giuliani’s rant on “Regime Change”, keep asking myself a question: "who are these people cheering him up"? do they know what Giuliani is talking about? are they so ignorant that they REALLY THINK the Regime change is good? Do they really believe that dropping bombs on small countries is good thing/right thing to do? WHO ARE THESE IDIOTS?

State Dept disowns Trump lawyer's comment on regime change in Iran
"[Giuliani] speaks for himself and not on behalf of the administration on foreign policy," State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert told AP on Monday.
Speaking to the Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights in Washington on Saturday, Giuliani, to the delight of the public, claimed that Trump "is as committed to regime change as we are.”

▶️ DTube

So they want to over through a so called theocracy in Iran and over through a secular government in Syria. What the hell is going on? Who is running the show here? Trump? Like hell he is the Hawks are in full control have been since 2000 Obama with his total BS of Hope and Change did nothing to stop this march over the edge of no return!

I think these guys have brains somehow but let's face it that sometimes, brains just don't work. We always want change but we can't make up our minds whether towards good or bad.

yah.....the war in us keeps us confused and if that was not enough, these idiots make our lives worse.

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Regime change is so cool ! Those so called govern-ment are full of thieves looters, rapists and co. Then rather than wait for the natural revolution that will happen, and take the risks of the bribes and others things (sex slaves) they offer to western politicians, it's way faster to bomb their little palaces and others mansions to dust (with them inside) and wait for the next leadership to behave better (otherwise second pass).

Then if you are the receiving end... be smart, and nothing will happen to you... because otherwise if it isn't regime change, it's nation erasing, and that you will never be able to escape.

Iran is fake theocracy, whose leader pretend to be pious while indulging themselves in all the worst things. furthermore they believe in the biggest lie of all time, that the kalif must be from the blood line of the prophet, which totally the opposite of the quran reveals. Since when from where a man (or woman, support a woman kalif) comes from has any relevance concerning is custodianship skills toward the ummah? it's so just beyond betrayal, it is raw kuffirism.

and they know it ! that is the worst.

and to be a little bit dark, to test the war machine permits to gain a lot of experience and knowledge that will save American lives if the needs ever arise... and as those foreign operations (they aren't wars) are sustained it shouldn't happen.

don't fall in the trap of those... the west is already bad, those are beyond words... hopeless...

and look at the birth rate... remember germans are cutsie nicey right now... but thing can change, and fast, and then...

as I said, my white flag is multi faceted, he never discriminate ! may the winner take it all and fast.

Ok, i get your point. I am against all religions, including christianity. they are there to just brain wash you. so their religion is no worse and no better.
humanity is cursed with no hope. The powers that be prey on human weaknesses and you can not really win.

I really like you :), but as in every lies there are great truth too, otherwise it wouldn't be credible. it's the hard part to decypher between the added lies and the truths :).

No, some are doomed... but for others there is more than hope. Of course you can always win, find love and die in love, they will die loveless :)...

cheer up ! nice cap btw ;). why not directoress? ehehe.

and if you read the evangiles you will see that violence isn't preached at least (but which end up being a weakness against the doomed, how to allow a weinstein, epstein or polanski to live and continuously sin against the innocents ?).

anyway... chhheeeerrrr up!!!

yes, we live in a duality, cause we are Duality! and i think that is the real problem! are we good or are we bad??? and that is the question. that is the reason people are so confused, and i do not really blame them, i do not blame us.

And then we have this crazy, bloodthirsty evil Misleaders playing God and make our lives worse!
Oh...well, i guess let's focus on good that is the only choice we have. I have to make my movies so i can say what i want to say and then i am ok.
Let's be friends and thank you.

exactly, and find balance. be kind and loving toward the kind and loving, doesn't impeed killing the rapists, prohibitionists and others Misleaders from govern-ment and others private organizations.

refusing to learn or improve, reduces in repeating the same mistake over and over again :).

and let's be good at eliminating those who to the bad :).

let's say that you are among the 7 I follow... that's quite much already :).

have a nice day.

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Hey Laura97, You need to contact the one you gave your money to ..... was not me. Did you sent it To @madlena?????

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no worries at all. best of luck.