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RE: A Letter To The IRS: Go Fuck Yourselves You Bunch Of Criminals

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Right on!
Did I ever pay tax? I don’t think so 🤪
I actually should write a book, telling how this is even possible. IT IS!


Wait really? Tell us! LOL

This would be a story of my life and lifestyle but not in public @kaylinart I just wrote earlier that I don’t mean that anybody should copy! Just master the #artofliving

Das klingt ja mal spannend :-) - erzähl mir mehr - gute Nacht erst einmal Party Maus

Oh well! Zuerst war ich ja ganz brav bis sie mich so nieder getaxed haben, dass ich gleich mal auf und davon bin. Damals habe ich geschworen, dass diese Diebe nie mehr einen Cent von mir bekommen. #artoflife 😋

Bitcoin is part of the counter-economy. An easy way to avoid tax is to move as many of your transactions to the counter-economy as possible. Buy from individuals whenever you can. Use craigslist if possible. Use cryptos instead of fiat when possible. Inform others. When we stop giving our money to our enemy the state we will starve it. Wen we participate in the counter-economy it will grow. Eventually it will overtake the the white market and then we will win. #Agora #Anarchy #Action!

YES PLEASE! Fuck um..

I sure will pick up that book 😊

Inflation is also a TAX... a hidden tax.

Sure! I don’t need to be “picky” and go into details. You All might know, what I mean.

Don't you buy anything? Some taxes are hidden/included in price...

Different story with goods I buy!
You are right but I never share my income with them. How? Story would be too long to explain. Some might ask : Who is the “criminal” ? Delicate topic!

Better not use public services then either.

Same old silly argument! We don’t need governments to build our roads.
Roads were here before taxes !! @gamer00 you are brainwashed!

Don't be naive. There will always be a government of a sort. If it's not a modern state, then it will be a gang of common criminals who will come to your door and extort valuable things from you. From a modern state with representative democracy and division of powers, you at least get something back. When states collapse, the result will not be a libertarian paradise but rule by violent gangs.

You made your point but I’m done with this topic.

Then you should not be using any tax payer paid services. No public schools, no public libraries, no universal medicine for you. How do you like them apples?

I wouldn't be here talking to you if there were no tax paid healthcare, so I must be the one who's brainwashed. Thank you for wishing me dead.

I moved to Indonesia, paid for my daughters privat schools, doctors etc....chose to use my earned and well deserved income for things my family needed. No public library in Bali, So, we bought books for local children and much much more I am in no mood to explain further.
Now I am back in Austria, helping my over 90’s mother age-ing and live off my own “income” through cryptocurrency, to get through my “pension” period in life to come. I am not dependant on any state!
I never wish anybody “dead” but many seem to be.
Should I feel guilty because I lived my life the way I chose is Best for me and loved ones?
I am not sorry to use public streets or subways? Tickets are not free. So yes , you are right I had to pay my portion of some “ hidden” taxes indeed.....🙏

Here's some information about taxation in Indonesia. Indonesia seems to have a progressive income taxation system in place. If @mammasitta is a permanent resident of Indonesia and not paying any taxes, she's probably committing tax fraud. You can't legally avoid taxes except by utilizing loopholes which might be possible in some cases.

Be a “good” citizen and report me!
At my age you are eligible to possess a pension visa in Indonesia or just be a tourist.
Where from and how I get my income from is none of your business.
Enjoy Finland meanwhile and be thankful that your government takes care of You with your taxes you pay. At least Finland is a wealthy, small place and You see what is done with your tax money. It’s for sure not like this in Indonesia.

Did you earn income when you were an Austrian kid too, or did you just have rich parents? I bet you never got ill, so you didn't have to use any tax paid services, nor did you use the public library ever when you lived in Austria.

Whatever you pay for transportation in ticket fees is not the same as paying taxes for a working infrastructure.

The way I see it is I pay taxes to keep things working, I pay taxes to keep the public healthcare so that I don't have to pay exorbitant fees if I get sick. I pay taxes so I can use the library for as much as I like with no extra fees. I pay taxes so that whenever there's an accident, a fire breaks out, or a crime happens, there is always someone I can call for professional help, without having to dish out huge sums of money to do so.

Taxes are simply a small sum off my "deserved income" to keep certain things rolling, and that's a good thing.

@uwelang better offline 🙄💫

NITRO in support !


Can't upvote this enough! Inflation occurs because Governments endlessly print money into worthless obvilion (anyone for rolling a wheelbarrow of FIAT currency into a supermarket in Zimbabwe or Venezuela to do your weekly grocery shopping? No? Didn't think so!).

Governments are printing it endlessly because they can. FIAT currencies are no longer attached to anything of real, tangible, intrinsic value (such as precious metals like gold and silver). So, they just print more when they feel like they need to; to try and paper over cracks in a country's economy. But that only works for so long until the value of the money is so worthless that you have the above mentioned wheelbarrow scenario. This kind of economics is not sustainable.

Like others, I believe in having some other/alternative stores of wealth such as cryptos' (until the IRS completely erodes them! Or, picking the best ones that are more private and storing wealth there), gold/silver, and even tangible assets like property because they actually have a use/life necessity (roof over one's head!).

Crypto is definitely what we need and where we're headed. But a more solid grasp of fiat currency - as well as the forces that need fiat currency for (attempted but ultimately futile) financial manipulation - makes for a more balanced conversation, as well as insight into the forces opposing crypto.

Gold was abused by ancient sovereigns in much the same way as today's fiat currency.

Fiscal and monetary policy - they heart of current economic policy of all central banks and governments - would be would relegated to the ash-bin of history.

Countries that lost control of their currencies have, historically, lost control of their economies.

But that's only consequential within a world that fractured in so many ways, including economically. Crypto is part of a greater move towards unity. Towards interconnectedness that transcends national boundaries. Or, perhaps, the disappearance of all walls of separation.

This has gotten kind of lengthy and there's so much more to say...maybe I'll turn into a post.

If by saying governments (printing) you mean central banks, yes, they are watering down their stock ( dollars, yen, euros)in an asymptotic way. They (the central banks)do it because they must, having made some large bets on the future expansion of the money supply. The 'people' do not need to worry about all that created money, they will never see any of it.