Daintree Rainforest | World Heritage Area | Vlog #21

Hey friends!
On today's vlog I take you with me on my overnight trip to the Daintree Rainforest.
The tropical rainforest ecosystem of the Daintree Rainforest is one of the most complex on Earth. It's plant diversity and structural complexity is unrivalled on the Australian continent and represents the origins of other Australian flora. Just a small reason it is listed as one of the World's Heritage Areas.
I am always amazed by the diversity of this country and I am grateful that some of these beautiful places are apart of my backyard!
Also I apologise for the choppiness of this video. The things I am beginning to learn about vlogging is that having a general layout of how you want the storyline to play out is important. Transitions between scenes really bring it all together. If you forget or get lazy with filming the footage may fall out of context and be confusing to follow.
I thoroughly enjoy making these sort of vlogs and I am learning new things every day. It's amazing how creative your mind can become and how you start to see things in a new light.
I hope you enjoy. 💗
Biggest love to you!
Sarah. 🐊
▶️ DTube
It is good to go tracking to nature!
It sure is!
4.5 meters to stay safe from the crocodiles! Holy moly your world is much different than mine at the moment hahaha.
Hahah I've definitely gotten use to having these big boys in my backyard. Honestly though I've only seen a few in my life time - from quite a distance. But as they don't have any predators and they don't allow culling they are starting to take over a little.
That looks amazing! 😍
Thanks @paolajane! It's a pretty beautiful place. 😁
Very very cool place. Nice Vlog, I see your confidence is growing !
Thanks @adventuroussoul! Honestly I get very inspired by your videos. Your voice reminds me of a typical aussie tv announcer, I always enjoy it! I'm starting to recognise patterns that I do and what I want to work on the more I move through it.
So nice!
Thanks. 😊
This is such a beautiful place but with all those warning signs it makes me feel a bit scary. And this seems to be like a really hot and wet climate isn't it?
Yeah I live in the wet tropics so it's usually pretty hot and humid! Hahah and having a friend who isn't Australian visiting has really shown me how many things here are trying to attack you. I guess growing up I've kinda gotten use to it.
Ok let me get this straight. There's a sign saying "Crocodiles" and you guys are still there? Let alone swimming? hahah. I'd be out of there so fast !! 😆
There are some spots you can swim in when the water is low that don't have crocs but you just gotta take a lot of precaution. Haha I'm not gonna let some big old lizards stop me from experiencing some of the most beautiful nature spots in my country. Don't forget though, I'm pretty use to it and I've grown up understanding what is safe and what isn't.
You are so lucky to be living in such a beautiful place. I would love to see more videos like this. You have such richness around you, would be a pity not to capture it too more often. Very beautiful even with the possible danger of crocodiles sneaking around! :)
@lostinhappiness. It is a very beautiful place and I have had so much fun exploring! I'm glad you enjoy these type of vlogs. There are many more places that I want to share with you guys. 💜
I've never someone vlog in the Rain-forest before & I have to say it is so beautiful, I can't wait to see what else you post! :)
Thanks @cailliyork! I'm glad you enjoy this style of vlog! I live in a pretty beautiful place in the world so there is plenty to share.
These places are awesome. Nature is awesome. I want to go on a trip to one of those places. Wow
I would definitely recommend it if you are ever in Australia. And yes, nature is AWESOME!