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RE: Assumption: DTube Will Become The Most Relevant Steem Application In 2018 || Btw: Just Killed My Voting-Bot In Order To Manually Curate Video Content ✅

in #dtube7 years ago

@surfermarly! Nice to see you. I was a bit shocked reading how you plan to change your voting habits and focus only on Dtube. At first it sounded like you were ditching all your friends to start hanging out with the new kid because they had something more to offer. I do see a lot of potential in Dtube as well though. I've been promoting it in private to a few Youtubers I know. Dtube will require solid curating efforts in order to succeed, so I can see why you're headed down that road now. It does make sense.

People need to be careful though. Those big record company pimps and their lawyers will pounce on those not respecting copyright. They can have that place shut down faster than you can say, "It's too late to apologize, it's too late(So sick of that song)."

I realize we're surrounded by many who think copyright is a joke and not worthy of their time, but that doesn't matter. I personally reserve the rights to most of my work simply because that's the language those hustlers in the big media corporations speak. I don't do it for selfish reasons. I put on my show for free and most days end up giving the patrons of my artform a tip for stopping by. It's the exact opposite of selling out. If these big media hustlers try to shut down Steemit because of a few bad actors, I'll save a lot of time and money when it comes time for them to start paying me restitution for shutting down my business and stealing my work. In other words, I reserve the rights to my work to defend myself against those hustlers. Artists fought for these rights long ago. Corporations started abusing it.

All that being said, if we want Dtube to be successful, we can't allow people to get sloppy. They must create their own videos from the ground up. They can't be borrowing music, for instance, because that's all it takes for those hustlers to get angry. Dtube is small right now. All those lawyers have to do is snap their fingers and the place is gone. That's where solid curating comes into play. Only original content should be rewarded.

I don't want to see the place fall. Those are my main concerns. How was that for ramble? I'm not even going to proofread! Have a nice day!


Hey @nonameslefttouse! First of all thanks for taking the time to reply in detail.

At first it sounded like you were ditching all your friends to start hanging out with the new kid because they had something more to offer.

It seems to be very human that if you stand up for something people only focus on the other options you didn't stand up for. It's as if I said that I love Coldplay and then people would ask: Oh wow so you dislike all the other bands then?

I personally see a lot of potential in DTube, and that's why I considered supporting new talents that are going to use this application in order to express themselves. has missed many options in the past, and now they'll have to deal with the consequences. A fancy Toggle Night Mode is nothing that pushes an application forward withing a fast growing market.

Now I 150% agree with your point regarding copywrite! Curating always included responsibility. I'm not a whale but still have some influence on what might become trending in a certain way. So I'm pretty aware of the package :-) Still thanks a lot for reminding me of the possible consequences. I'll definitely focus on creativity + copywrite protection!

These rules apply to any decentralized service built on the Steem blockchain. The next ones that'll have to deal with it will be the creators of @appics.

Again, thanks for stopping by and sharing your valuable thoughts!

PS: As you can see I didn't abandone Steemit and am still writing articles here. Just considered allocating my 2 Cents on video content for a while, that's all :-)

This part:

It seems to be very human that if you stand up for something people only focus on the other options you didn't stand up for. It's as if I said that I love Coldplay and then people would ask: Oh wow so you dislike all the other bands then?

So true. That's why I built you up, but didn't break you down. The picture became clear once I gave it more thought. Seems like everything needs to come equipped with a disclaimer these days. So annoying.

As for me... I took a long break from this place. Five months. I didn't abandon it either. Life happens. I came back and now more than anything I just want to see this place and everything else attached to it reach it's full potential.

Anyway. You keep doing what you're doing. You do a damn good job of it. Thanks for that generous vote. I got you back x2!

Haven't we all taken a break from this place in the past? :-) Those who joined early definitely did. It's a wild ride.

I appreciate talking to people in a way we've just done it, so thanks a lot!
As I pointed out in my last post: I'm not perfect either, and that's awesome. As long as we keep being vulnerable, we'll be the very best version of ourselves. So thanks for your encouragement and generous upvote, it means a lot! :-*

tbh i'm still working on that copyright thingy. i know its not a joke but i'm still pretty new to this content creating stuff. dam streaming was easier!. still i enjoy creating content (mainly gaming), i'm just having a huge feel for it. i'm just hoping i am not doing something wrong, and plagiarizing (if i am, it will mainly probably be for music) but i take great care not to.