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RE: Back to Basics: Micro-Economies, Cultural Spin-Cycles, and the True Roots of Anarchism

in #dtube7 years ago

I have since childhood always admired the nomadic, free lives Native American's lived before Western thought destroyed these lives in near perfect union with nature. Your very detailed description of how the Cherokee's communicated and the ethics followed to keep the peace was not known to me. I identify most closely with Anarcho-Primitivism and have found a way in America to mostly divest from the system. Most of my waking hours are used for preparing to further divest. I 100% agree with the statement, "I can't help but think that a network of functional villages would add up to a functional world...". As a matter of fact, this is not only my vision, but is the only way for a free society to exist. I have a feeling that agreeing on a universal economy is doubtful, so as long as we possess the freedom to choose, we also must have choices to choose from. For this reason and the psychological fact that similar interests attract other similarities, there will be many small pockets of related groups, which interact with other groups on a less intimate level and so on and so forth. This segregation is necessary for the cohesive sanity of the whole. This is also great for growth in every area, since nothing nonviolent will be suppressed. I believe the key to peaceful harmony is simply tolerance, which your explanation of the Cherokee's social structure showed. It was all about tolerance, respect, being mindful of possible negative reactions and even the keeping at a distance during disagreement. This eliminates the fear of attack from an uncontrolled emotion sparking from said disagreement. As for what we must do as a people to lessen engagement from Central Authority, we must start with how we raise our youth. For some reason, even those who don't fully respect our current ways for governing the masses, they still tend to teach their children that becoming a police officer or joining the military is a respectable choice. So, we must make mindful tolerance the new golden rule, teach that endorsing central authority in any way is anything, but respectable and teach from an early age how to provide for themselves. We must get back to the mentality, where we can survive off the land at a moments notice. Today the loudest argument for the need of government is the provision of want over need. We as a whole have become dependent and breaking this thought process is key. Tolerance is the way, because a change in thought, ideals or beliefs are unnecessary to be tolerant. Tolerance is the perfect answer to subjectivity. Promoting positivity and love are a losing battle, because of subjectivity. Deprogramming is a very slow process, but when we can agree on the path and use current knowledge of human psychology to promote it, we can begin to change the culture on the macro level(societal) while we create the change on the micro level(familial). We then must teach that police and military roles are the new narcs. Kids at a very early age come to dislike tattle-tails and we can extend that to any role endorsing central control. The police are to society what the Kapos were to the Nazi Concentration camps. We just need to normalize this outlook. We have a long road ahead of us, my friends. We must live as close to our visions as possible to sell the idea.