#IntroduceYourself to the #NYCActivismCalendar and hopefully #DefragTheMovement for #ThePublicGood #WTFUNewYork !

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

To support, please feel free to DONATE ----> ( https://paypal.me/HelpMattHelpNYC )<---- and/or -----> COMMUNICATE ,<------- and/or -----> INITIATE <---- SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR HUMANITY and NATURE!


Hi, my name is Matt Bralow. I’ve been thinking about signing up to Steemit for a while now -- for over six months actually! Finally doing it! In an effort to fight censorship, to #DEFRAGtheMOVEment (ie. bring all concerned New York City residents together to immediately organize for #ThePUBLICGOOD!), to make MANY more New Yorkers INFORMED ABOUT and hopefully ENGAGED IN MAKING NYC run in a more naturally balanced way where ALL PEOPLE LIVING and WORKING HERE CAN do it with AS MUCH DIGNITY AS POSSIBLE!

After many months of distraction with other work and day-to-day survival responsibilities, todays’ the day when I sign up for Steemit and post this! This post is just an introduction of me and my past and current work, and a sample of the major things I've been working on for the past several years.

In the above video screenshot, you can find a sample of calendar (as of 1/22/19). Here is the actual calendar ---->
http://soo.gd/nycactivismcalendar I just took a very long screen record of me scrolling on our Facebook events page back FOR THE PAST YEAR to show all of the NYC activism events that I was able to input... representing about 85-90% of all NYC Activism related events… (some people never create a Facebook event to share!). So I took a looooooooong screenshot and then edited this video to add some audio commentary and music. I’m now sharing it for as many people as possible to see and hear. And to hopefully get some recognition of this effort and MORE NYC PUBLIC AWARENESS about the many social justice and progressive groups organizing here on the ground in these IMPORTANT CRITICAL TIMES FOR HUMANITY and ANIMALS ON PLANET EARTH!!!

Support for my individual efforts would be ETERNALLY appreciated! If you can help out with the daily updating of this calendar (keeping calendar accurate and filled) or if you can help out IN ANY OTHER CAPACITY, please feel free to get in touch! 646-470-3890! [email protected] !

Please when you soon can ------> BROWSE THROUGH < these future (and even PAST) events in this calendar to get a better idea of the all the DIVERSE NYC groups of people who are meeting EVERY DAY here for the PUBLIC GOOD!

And at the same time (or maybe during a separate viewing) listen to the actual talk given by @maxigan entitled “The Danger of Ignoring Your Surroundings” from his “Surviving the Matrix” radio show – Ep. 349 - American Voice Radio, 9/21/2018 - Max Igan’s talks are quite EYE-OPENING! His website and donation page are @ http://thecrowhouse.com & https://www.patreon.com/maxigan !!! Please listen to his podcasts!!!

Intro music - "Holy Tension Batman" by Spazz Cardigan
Outro music - "St. Francis" by Josh Lippi & The Overtimers

This super-long scroll of future and past events might be a good reference for us all to see and discern WHERE WE'RE AT AS A MOVEMENT. It helps to show the scope of work that's been happening LOCALLY IN NYC! But how effective have all these protests, marches, rallies, meetings etc. really been? It’s 2019 now and we must ask ourselves, WHAT POSITIVE things do we really have to show for all these meetings and events? Any REAL TANGIBLE People-Power changes in NYC policy or society for the betterment of ALL?

To actually sit and browse all these different events from the past year, one observation stuck out: the fact that WE (the STILL RELATIVELY SMALL AMOUNT of CONCERNED and ACTIVE NYC residents) continue to produce, promote, organize, attend, and support these events



Very little is getting BETTER on the ground it seems! It’s obvious that most of the masses are still NOT EVEN AWARE of vast majority of these groups and movements from past and present. Or even aware of the TRUTH OF OUR SITUATION and the truth of our human condition right now. Mostly due to censorship by the mainstream TV and social media.

By posting this video scroll / crawl of the NYC Activism Calendar , I hope to spread this information to EVERYONE in NYC capable of understanding this! ASAP! Both for people ALREADY INVOLVED in existing "movements" and ALSO people that are potentially NEW to the struggle for peace and better tomorrows for ALL. If you can, I’m asking if you can SHARE THIS WEBSITE ----> WESHARE.NYC <----- to ANY OTHER NYC grassroots groups via guerrilla outreach, culture jamming, social media, light projection, stickers, chalk, public art, poetry, town crier etc. etc….



F*!@ FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP! #StopFacebookCensorship !!!! #DitchFacebook!

In the near future, I will UPLOAD a few screen records of the HUNDREDS of timely and informative but CENSORED Facebook and Twitter posts that don’t come up on Facebook or Twitter or Google search results anymore! (some of which took a lot of time and effort to produce!) --- all these posts which are VANISHING FROM SEARCH RESULTS NOW due to mainstream corporate and government CENSORSHIP OF INTERNET SEARCH RESULTS. This is due to lack of COMMUNITY asserting CONTROL over technology or building OUR OWN solutions. If there’s anyone reading this in NYC or USA that is interested in combatting this censorship, check out this awesome NYC group led by the awesome Idalin Bobe! #TechActivst Another possible solution: PeARS: The People's search engine ; another? Micgoat another? WinWISELY NVDA App ??? More at #resistTOOLS (i.e. tech tools for the resistance!)

More examples of what I do @: https://facebook.com/nycactivism ( again, heavily censored by Google and Facecrook! Maybe YOU can help to change this! )

******** Again, to support via PayPal: https://paypal.me/HelpMattHelpNYC ***********

Also, there are a few other activism calendars that exist, but, to my knowledge, none as extensive as mine or this other one & listserv. If you wish to get in touch with Justice Duckling and help out with that awesome NYC activism calendar effort, FEEL FREE TO DO SO!

----> if you are NYC based, PLEASE GET INVOLVED by informing yourself and sharing this info with your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, customers, and EVERYONE living in NYC! And eventually possibly collaborating with others! <-----

Please see examples of our #GuerrillaOutreach:

NYC Activism Light Brigade

where we use LED light letters to raise awareness and inspire (based on the work of Overpass Light Brigade from Madison, WI.

I didn't realize all these photos of me were taken of me holding my #RiseUpNYC sign!

Would be GREAT to be able to afford to buy more of these inexpensive lights from eBay or Amazon. I have a good feeling that I can and will change my income situation by writing and sharing this post on Steemit and other cryptocurrency based blogging humanitarian / activist / social credit platforms!

In addition to maintaining this calendar and NYCActivism.org Facebook page, I also volunteer with the OWS People's Kitchen aka Occupy Kitchen and maintain this Facebook page.

Even though we don’t set up a food table anymore @ Union Square, I still engage in rescuing edible intact unopened leftover food (via "freeganing" almost daily and feed people on the streets in NYC, and in subway cars and platforms with healthy FREE food from that same evening.

When I'm not handing out free healthy food, I make public service announcements and talk about local and broader area news and events --- and present this info to the people riding the trains and waiting on the platform. I used to have a megaphone to electronically amplify my voice, but now I’m operating megaphone-less due to broken unit. Hoping to change this with this this #IntroduceYourself post!

Also, I am starting to sign people up and recruit people to help me out with a few potentially paradigm-changing ideas & initiatives for the public good here in NYC:

#BestIdeas4NYC (see end of this post for more NYC Activism ideas!!)
#WeSHAREnyc (ie. https://weshare.nyc --- can anyone help with paying for this domain renewal $35?)

A little about my background, I'm 46 years old. I grew up in NE Philadelphia, PA. Went to Northeast High School. Then Penn State University. I came to NYC with my college girlfriend in 1996. We got married in NYC for practical reasons like health insurance and less taxes. But that's NO reason to get married (as we found out a few years later) so we divorced and broke up due to this and other irreconcilable differences.

Shortly after moving to NYC in 1996, I a started job in Information Technology in a financial company. Stayed there for 7+ years. Starting out in end-user support and then quickly moving server support and networks. Now I no longer have a boss and work independently.

But because most people nowadays seem to get their help from Apple Care, the “Genius” Bar, or the Geek Squad, or they already have a decent IT person, it’s always a hustle to find new gigs. I usually post and respond to Craigslist ads and hand out business cards to generate new work. Believe me, I've thought about getting a steady job in a “Geek Squad” or smaller repair shop or something, but after 8 years of being cooped up in an office, I decided that, for my life, sparse work and income with no boss is better than steady work and income under a boss. I appreciate the freedom of being able to make my own hours with the work that I'm currently doing. Going to peoples' homes and places of business and helping them out with their technology issues and needs. But as a result, income is sparse!

I began to get interested and involved in local NYC activism organizing meetings since the 2008 Presidential elections (or I should say… “S-elections”). Was initially inspired by one of the many documentaries like "The Corporation"; as well as the documentary "Loose Change" (about 9/11/01 crime) ; as well as "Who Bombed Judi Bari?" by former Green party Presidential candidate Darryl (#FeelTheCHERN) Cherney ; along with the film "Sir No Sir" about the resistance to the Vietnam war by US soldiers and society. Deeply inspired by these docs, I a list of #MustSeeDocs where I compiled a list of over 50 essential viewing documentaries.

Also #MustSeeDocs points to an archive of printable fliers and leaflets and papers (see here: http://soo.gd/mbnnyc )

I was initially inspired in 2008 by consumer advocate former Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader's speeches and writings

as well as

Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now" (although I later found out that she is really a shill for the powers-that-shouldn’t-be …. til this day she still doesn't speak about 9/11 truth and only a few months ago started talking about GEOengineering but only in a way that considers the possibility of actually using it! Yikes).

Also in 2008 got interested in Naomi Klein's book and video "The Shock Doctrine"

I also started listening to historian and activist Howard Zinn's speeches and interviews and read his book "A Peoples History"

Started listening to Ron Paul and also Former Gov. of MN Jesse Ventura and their shows and interviews.

I was also inspired by filmmakers and organizers Annabel Park and Eric Byler and the early Coffee Party USA (in response to the TEA PARTY and it’s co-opting ) speaking about unity, civility, debate, dialogue, PROgressive and not REgressive policymaking.

Became more interested in and aware of the dire situation and the mass deception taking place in America after the Citizen's United hearing in January 2010 where it was decided that non-flesh-and-blood corporations have the unlimited rights to influence elections, overshadowing rights of ordinary individual living human beings.

So with the Big Apple Coffee Party, we hosted SPEAKOUTS. (see http://www.bigapplecoffeeparty.org CITIZENS UNITE AGAINST CITIZENS UNITED “We the People / Free Speech Day” ) A place (indoors) where New Yorkers could speak out about these bank bailouts, corporate takeovers of our so-called elections, as well as talk about our increasingly difficult stressful lives, and brainstorm on how to counter corporate domination so that we can ALL Take Our Lives Back and lead NYC towards better tomorrows FOR ALL men, women and young people… not just better lives for people willing to submit to 9-5 timeclock slavery, for walking-wallets, or the criminal 1%! Would love to start hosting and SPREADING these again during spring & supper OUTDOORS!

Also in 2011 I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Backbone Campaign / Coffee Party USA hosted 1-yr anniversary Citizen's United event in Washington DC ( https://is.gd/movementbuildingmodels ). Met Bill Moyer and others from the amazing Backbone Campaign from Vashon Island, WA!

Soon after joining the Big Apple Coffee Party, I also became involved in environmental movements to BAN FRACKING in NY State and also the FRACKING INFRASTRUCTURE.

I also joined the movement to CLOSE INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR PLANT (an aged power plant only 30 miles from NYC). And raised awareness about safety concerns of this plant.

Started going on trips to Albany and Trenton to speak out against the possible fracking of NY State and to try and stop it! And went to Peekskill to testify there about Indian Point!

In the process, I met fellow concerned-NYC residents like actor activist Mark Ruffalo, Gasland documentary filmmaker Josh Fox, scientist and educator Sandra Steingraber, and former NYC DEP head Al Appleton to help amplify their messages via social media.

Soon after getting involved in fight to protect the environment, through the Big Apple Coffee Party, I got involved with NYC Uncut (inspired by UK Uncut)! Inspiring peaceful protest and shutdown of corrupt banks and corporate tax evaders!

Then back in NY, I found out about New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts … a group of students, teachers, public workers, long-time activists like Brenda Stokely and Ramon Jimenez and other concerned residents that were protesting Bloomberg budget cuts in 2011! Inspired by popular peaceful uprising in Madison, Wisconsin in February, 2011 and also inspired by the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt also in early 2011.

we in protest of 2011 NYC budget cuts, we started Bloombergville encampment near City Hall.

Then in late August, 2011, I was fortunate enough to connect again with the awesome group Backbone Campaign and Bill Moyer! This time with a one-week-long "Localize This" action camp, where I was taught best practices of engaging in non-Violent direct action (aka "NVDA", aka "civil disobedience" aka peaceful non-compliance).

Also during this time of summer, in July, August and September, I started attending meetings regarding the planning of September 17 Occupy Wall Street protest. Once the movement started staying in the park day after day, I began to do outreach and logistical support for the movement. I was involved primarily with trying my best to get the information out to the masses, keeping a calendar of events, making and collecting good informative attractive fliers in efforts to correct and counter the false lamestream media narratives that were presented about the movement in attempt to marginalize and de-legitimize it. Also started making public service announcements on the NYC subway cars. This peaceful protest movement inspired occupations nationwide and WORLDWIDE!).

In Occupy Wall Street, I became involved with INFO and OUTREACH working group as well as the administration of the now-defunct NYCGA.net (OWS General Assembly page) calendar updates.
At that time I also joined in on protests involving capital punishment of innocent people like Troy Davis and later on, the murders of unarmed African-American people like Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner and dozens of others.

Got involved in 2011 & 2012 also with Stop Spectra pipeline campaign both in NYC Greenwich Village, Rockaway, and also in Peekskill NY. Pre and post-Occupy Wall St.

Once OWS protesters got violently evicted from Liberty Park by NYPD down near Wall St on 11/15/2011, the movement initially moved to Union Square Park in Manhattan, where daily protests and marches would originate from of end up at. There was an attempted encampment of Union Square Park by OWS protesters, but the NYPD... for the first time ever... decided to start CLOSING THE FRONT of the PARK at midnight. As a way to prevent another encampment.

In late 2011 and into 2012, I began to get involved with a few remaining working groups from OWS. Namely the OWS Environmental Solidarity Working Group, the OWS Info Working Group, the OWS Tech-Ops working group, the OWS Projects Project and a few months after the eviction from Zuccotti aka Liberty Park, I began helping out the OWS Peoples' Kitchen aka Occupy Kitchen to still give out healthy food to the shrunken-in-numbers fewer protesters maintaining the info / food table @ Union Square. Initially for about 6 months after the encampment first arrived @ Union Square, there was daily financial support by neighborhood residents and passersby, but that dwindled eventually as the number of activist people showing up dwindled. Often times we couldn't even get enough donations for a MetroCard to and from for one or ideally for two people)! So we dropped from every day to spring & summer weekends only (from 2012 – 2015). Feeding anyone in the park (mostly homeless youth). And then eventually from Sat and Sunday and then just Saturday. Definitely was a labor of love. Preparing food all night Fri night and into Saturday afternoon. Sunday, etc!

Been now helping the Occupy Kitchen til-this-day (even though since 2016 we’re on hiatus from serving hot prepared food @ Union Square again until we can, at-the-very-least, start getting taxi money to transport our hot food and tablecloth, utensils, literature, umbrella etc. to Union Square). Now we only prepare hot food occasionally either when someone asks us to provide food for their activism events or we volunteer and offer to do so on our own ---- the NYC March Against Monsanto, the American Indian community ( Lakota Elders, Apache Stronghold, NYC Shut It Down, the Abolition Square NYC encampment protest, the Refuse Fascism / Womens’ March protesters in 2017 in DC and latest Occupy ICE NYC encampment protest in NYC in 2018.

Now more recently since 2016, after continuing to observe all the senseless needless suffering here and worldwide directly because of USA domestic and international policies. And after learning more about all the USA-held political prisoners, torture programs, mass-surveillance, and rigged elections. And because of the still-largely sedate, apathetic, uninformed & misinformed public, I am inspired less by protests, rallies and marches (because they usually don’t endure and get co-opted and sabotaged), and have become more involved in spreading TRUTHFUL INFO from movements like the FREE YOUR MIND CONFERENCE in Philadelphia, PA and promoting truthful researchers journalists and whistleblowers.

From these inspirations, I started getting involved in local and global efforts to expose and stop USA imperialism, the mass poisoning of the environment, the theft and "privatization" of our natural resources, and am STILL TRYING MY BEST to shift the course of the spiraling downward quality-of-life of many NYC residents and curtail the increased homelessness. And to REVERSE NYC policy that contributes to these above mentioned issues. I don't want to just keep putting band-aids on problems anymore! Want to come up with holistic solutions and approaches. And via “guerrilla outreach” , “culture jamming” and other campaigns, get the word out to change the conversation. And promote practical humane sane public policy so ALL people in NYC can live with DIGNITY!

I am attempting to connect with some landlords of vacant space to host quarterly pop-ups like Forward Union !!!

Also I have been connecting with several NYC techie groups in attempts to solicit help for a few civic tech solutions:

Organeyez NYC
Reboot Democracy
Civic Hall NYC
Anarcho Tech Collective
Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Committee
Progressive Hacknight
Impact Hub NYC
Hack Manhattan
Disrupt NY Hackathon
MIT Civic Data Design Lab
NYC Resistor
NYC Data for Democracy Meetup

So that’s a little about what I’ve been up to lately as far as activism.

In 2019, I plan to make some of the ideas mentioned below a reality! Many thanks for this platform! Praying it keeps going, blossoms into something beautiful and doesn't get sabotaged!

Help us build a #NYCGroundCrew!

So to sum it up, the main reasons for me joining Steemit:

  1. Escape and hopefully curtail the web of Facebook, Google,Internet, and mainstream media censorship
  2. Awaken individual and societal consciousness to the current world and local situation (awaken to me means hopefully make people ACTIVE in their resistance to this world insanity!) by
  3. Exposing new people and groups to truthful, empowering information from courageous dedicated independent researchers, whistleblowers, investigators, journalists, documentarians and other experts, thinkers and creative innovators of integrity that I've discovered over the past several years via the Internet also via groups and conferences
  4. Defragment (ie UNITE) ie bring similar-minded groups NYC groups TOGETHER to figure out a tangible road to peace, freedom and sovereignty, mutual aid and sane, responsible NYC, State and Federal policymaking where ALL New Yorkers have input in the process!
  5. Expose WAY MORE NYC residents to this movement for #thePUBLICgood
  6. Connect with NEW like-minded individuals and groups
  7. Continue to learn new things and spread useful information

and very important

  1. Make some MUCH-NEEDED supplemental income to restore simple basic living quarters and amenities like HEAT and HOT RUNNING water. And to raise funds to further the above plan.

My platforms for posting:

http://weshare.nyc (wanna host a mutual-aid / barter / gifting network for NYC)
https://occupyunionsquare.wordpress.com (Occupy Union Square wordpress site)
https://is.gd/mbnnyc (Youtube channel)
https://archive.org/details/@mbnnyc (Archive.org)
https://twitter.com/nycactivism (NYC Activism Twitter)
https://twitter.com/owskitchen (OWS Peoples’ Kitchen Twtter)
https://twitter.com/owsunionsquare (posts were from me only from 2012 til May 2015!)
https://instagram.com/matt.bralow (Instagram)
https://is.gd/occupyunionsquare (Flickr)

https://paypal.me/HelpMattHelpNYC (Donations gladly accepted any amount large or small!)

Again, the majority of my content has been posted on Facebook but it’s currently being CENSORED in search results! Only way to see many of our posts is to scroll our page way back!

Soon I hope to have a well-thought-out GoFundMe and/ or Patreon campaign as well! Example of a previously UN-THOUGHT-OUT campaign (with $0 raised for the OWS Kitchen) I am currently researching a much better way to build these types of campaigns!

I am also compiling a list of independent journalists, documentarians, and researchers. To distribute to New Yorkers in printed fliers and digital format. In effort to promote more accurate news and information sources. Current list is as follows (IF YOU KNOW OF ANY OTHERS to be possibly added, or any you think I should remove, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!)

We Are Change - Luke Rudkowski & Jason Bermas ( @lukewearechange , https://is.gd/wearechangenyc )
Ason Indigo - ( https://is.gd/asonindigo )
Cat Watters – Awake Radio ( https://is.gd/catwatters )
Paul DeRienzo - Let Them Talk - ( https://is.gd/paulderienzo )
RK Chin ( https://is.gd/rkchin )
Joe Friendly ( https://is.gd/activistjoefriendly )
Joe Rogan - Joe Rogan Experience - ( https://is.gd/joeroganexperience )
David Icke - Dot Connector - ( https://is.gd/davidickedotconnector )
Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - ( https://is.gd/maxigansurvivingthematrix )
James Corbett - The Corbett Report - ( https://is.gd/corbettreport )
Richie Allen - The Richie Allen Show - ( https://is.gd/therichieallenshow )
Abby Martin - The Empire Files ( https://is.gd/abbymartinempirefiles ) , Breaking The Set - ( https://is.gd/abbymartinbreakingtheset )
Red Ice Radio ( https://is.gd/rediceradio )
Freeman Fly - ( https://FreemanTV.com )
Mark Passio - WhatOnEarthIsHappening podcast ( https://whatonearthishappening.com )
Tyrel Ventura, Jesse Ventura - Watching The Hawks ( https://is.gd/watchingthehawksrt )
Sean Stone - Buzzsaw - ( https://is.gd/seanstonebuzzsaw )
Aaron & Melissa Dykes - Truthstream Media ( https://is.gd/truthstreammedia )
Titus Frost - ( https://is.gd/titusfrost )
Greg Carlwood - The Higherside chats - ( https://is.gd/thehighersidechats )
Derrick Broze The Conscious Resistance - ( https://is.gd/theconsciousresistance , https://activistpost.com )
Claudia Stauber - Cabin Talk - ( https://is.gd/claudiastaubercabintalk )
Sane Progressive - Debbie Lusignan ( https://is.gd/debbiethesaneprogressive )
Cindy Sheehan - ( http://cindysheehanssoapbox.blogspot.com )

Possible campaigns for the public good here in NYC:

Making noise and creative artful activism is great!

Informing a few hundred people in a day about social issues is great!
Changing the conversation is great!

But making REAL concrete positive change for local NYC residents much
better! What has been done so far by you or your group? Any concrete achievements?
ie Legislative changes by NYC Council. Increase of participants in
weekly meetings or direct action events?

Possible ways to do that:

  1. Promote and spread good ideas and initiatives and critical info
    with LED and Laser LIGHT possibly? We would like to build/acquire and
    use at least a few times a week (during tolerably-weathered evenings)
    a scrolling laser text projector ----- as well as----- AA battery-powered bright white Christmas-light letters to engage in #GuerrillaOutreach ie a NYC #LightBrigadeNetwork to promote critical NYC resident-empoweing info & be a source of inspiration for New Yorkers info and potentially widely popular local state and national initiatives

  2. Promote calendar #nycactivismcalendar in a huge way

  3. #MustSeeDocs free must-see video documentaries online, real human stories,
    eye-opening, saddening shocking agitating and also inspiring people into ACTION!


  1. https://is .gd/mustseedocs < ------ viewable/printable documents online educational flyers, and list of possible NYC law changes that could benefit all of us!

  2. #NYCPeoplesPlatform if say 3/4 of New Yorkers could agree on progressive initiatives what would that look like ?

Once we form this living document

  1. #OccupyNYCHall ; #OccupyNYCCouncil ; #OccupyNYCCommunityBoards

What do people think of #NYCPeoplesPlatform #NYCPeopelsResolution
#NYCEmergencyResolution / #ChangeTheLaws
campaign for NYC get massive
input from general pubic to rate and evaluate determine best ideas for an "if I were NYC Mayor" campaign? Maybe install MORE LinkNYC (restore filtered Internet browsing on these kiosks!) and other tech tools to
build this channel for best ideas to flow to as many connected and offline New Yorkers as possible?

More initiatives:

  1. Annual #VacantSpaceCount ie #Intro48 anyone?? Annual census by City of NY or crowdsource if we have to. Get an idea of which spaces lots and buidlings have been long vacant and can be utilized by able-bodied able-minded homeless and for the public good.

  2. #GoodGroupsNYC / #GoodPagesNYC gather list of all like-minded activism & community groups in NYC. Publish quarterly? Promote in a huge way. Seems like there a working group for coalition building now so maybe talk more about this initiative. #SupportTheseGroups

  3. Possibly initiate #WarTaxBoycott for April 15. See #NWTRCC National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee How many people on this list know that Pentagon has declared $21 TRILLION (with a T!) missing!!??? Not event mentioning the Trillions spent that HAVE been accounted for. #WinWithoutWar allocate that money for long-overdue local public works projects!

  4. #FreeHolisticHealthcare4ALL (including Dental care, acupuncture and any other therapy desired/required).

  5. #FreePublicTransit4All self explanatory

  6. At least issues vouchers and monetary awards for vetted good samaritans/activists, community leaders working for the public good and desperately in need of financial support! (Steemit???)

  7. #NYCTruthCommission which we'd like to form


a) honor courageous whistleblowers, journalists and documentarians alive and deceased


b) form OUR OWN investigatory committees to help raise awareness about and hopefully SOLVE many outstanding unsolved NYC terror crimes and political assassinations to hopefully expose real perps and hopefully prevent future crime from happening and prevent further reckless endangerment and senseless killing of innocent people and benevolent people.

  1. #ElectionReformActOf2017 #handsONelections involves ways we canrestore integrity and inclusiveness in local state and federal elections for instance have elections on a holiday. Paper ballot/instant run off etc. Eliminate Electoral College etc. Constitutional amendment perhaps?

  2. #DefundDAPL and other toxic dangerous extreme ways to get electricity heat transportation etc.

  3. Demand that NYC City Council and Mayor acknowledge Indigenous peoples request to #RemoveColumbusStatue](https://facebook.com/hashtag/removecolumbusstatue) and #RenameColumbusDay to #IndigenousPeoplesDay

  4. Public inquiry into #MissingTrillions from Pentagon currently documented over 21 Trillion (with a T)! can tie this into #NYCTruthCommission

along with

  1. Public inquiry into the events of unsolved and covered up crime of 9/11 and these other terror events that many eyewitnesses say multiple shooters involved.. including ORLANDO PULSE! possibly initiate #OpenSourceInvestigation calling forward eyewitnesses and experts.

  2. #OccupyTheFarm work exchange and rideshare network for local state
    farmers so that relations and networks can be established

  3. #ShowerBusNYC a converted mobile bus where people can take showers and or/ 19a) PUBLIC FUND so broke NYC residents can take showers have clean clothes and do laundry

  4. MACC Metro Anarchists Coordinating Council --- send representatives from various progressive NYC groups to monthly MACC meeting to build coalitions!

  5. ******* #WaterAsFuel ie #JohnKanzius #StanleyMeyer #PetrosZografos) quantum jump can make motor vehicles run in water and power communities with breakthru energy technology! Develop prototype with hacker and young engineering students and developers!

  6. #MikePenceOUTCynthiaMcKinneyIN
    Possibly initiate a petition and #BestIdeas4Trump(https://facebook.com/hashtag/bestideas4trump) campaign. If mass public support, at very least it will raise mass public awareness about people like Dr. Cynthia McKinney (Green Party candidate for President of USA in 2008!)

  7. #FreeALLpoliticalPrisoners NOW! shine light on this elephant in the room! And release aged PPs and POWs NOW!

  8. #FreeALLNonViolentOffenders NOW! Pardons NOW!!!

Tied into #GanjaNYC #IbogaineNYC ( etc. free the plants! End the bogus failed "Drug War". Treat addiction as an illness not a crime. It is widely known that CIA and USA Inc. have been controlling heroin from Afghanistan etc.! They WANT people addicted. It's is their cash crop for black budget projects!

  1. Build a robust online NYC resident activist artist barter network. Use domain name I currently own the domain http://WeShare.NYC which is sitting idle (or another?)
    right now) #WeShareNYC

  2. #StopMonsanto - Mandatory labeling of GMO and possible BAN of
    known toxic Monsanto products in NYC! NOW

  3. Close down vacate any company doing business in NYC or with NYC that is known to be shady and human rights abusers! #StopG4S etc. etc. etc. Tied into #NYCTruthCommission and #NYCPeoplesPlatform

  4. #BanForcedVaccination look it up! Vaccines are bogus as well! #VaccineFreeNYC

  5. #StopThePoliceState ie WE THE NYC residents decide how POLICE OFFICERS and resources are utilized here in NYC. Not millionaire / billionaire Mayors! [#CommunityControlNYC(https://facebook.com/hahstag/communitycontrolnyc) ; #NYCCommunityControl

  6. #BanHorseCarriages -- a no brainer if you care at all about horses! #HumaneNYC

  7. Rethink and hopefully #ReclaimPublicSpace #TakeBackTheLand#TakeBackTheStreets#RestoreCommonLaw and allow people to pitch tents
    in parks and outdoors as long as they do it responsibly!

  8. Build a strong #EvictionProtectionNetwork like Boston's #CityLifeVidaUrbana. Make City Council pass a MORATORIUM on bank forclosures and evictions from places of residence for lack of being able to afford!

  9. Stimulate motivate incentivize MORE ideas that would advance NYC so that we can all live with more peace, dignity and humanity! Find a way to channel best ideas through civic tech in a multi-lingual way. Start with a NYCCommunitySurvey

  10. #RealPoliticalCourageTest for any potential future government representative to fill out during candidacy!

  11. Connect with techies! (See list of NYC tech groups earlier in this post) #resistTOOLS (ie. tech tools for the resistance!)

You can reach me on NYCActivism.org Facebook page email:
ows peopleskit chen @ gm ail. com or phone 646-470-3890 Feel free to
like/share/repost/comment anything on this page or on Facebook Twitter, Youtube, Archive.org, and now Steemit.com !

Thanks for reading and entertaining these ideas!

▶️ DTube

Welcome aboard.

I think you will do better here if you broke some of that up into vignettes.
Chronicling your past exploits is a good use of folks' time.

It takes time to get noticed here.

Thanks, point taken. It's an #introduceyourself post so I was inclined to post past work and how I got here. Also I posted to get people to see the breadth & scope of events happening in NYC! People can also listen to the awesome Max Igan give an important talk about "The Danger of Ignoring Your Surroundings" And as far as the post, it has a lot of links and hashtags to introduce oneself to activism.

Yes, you did a very good job, that will help with the folks.
Its just that our halls are empty, that is a lot of work for a post with the life a tweet.
I hope you don't get discouraged, we need more real people.

Welcome to steemit @nycactivism.

Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

Thanks openparadigm! Any way to quickly get more NYC residents to see this???

Not that I know of, I'm on the other side of the continent and haven't tried local networking on steemit. You could haunt the #newyork tag.

Thanks anyway. Seeing what I can do here to raise awareness and connect with sympathetic appreciative people.

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Welcome to the steemit.... i hope your new post & always comment & upvote you.I want to help to new users as a new member..................

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Thank you so much for your interest!

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