ATTACK OF THE KILLER KOALAS B-Movie on Dtube - Natural Medicine Challenge Response

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

It was a dark day when the koalas came, bringing their teeth and claws and taking @beaker303 from her. Although she had some natural medicines to help her, it was not enough to save them both. This is their tale, re-enacted for the Natural Medicine Challenge.

Well, I didn't intend to get crazy with this response to the 'Survivor' Natural Medicine' challenge, but after seeing @mountainjewel's B-Grade Zombie flick (watch it here if you missed it), how could I resist? Plus, I was bullied into it. Of course I'm usually very sensible and take the Natural Medicine challenge seriously. So did my actors - my son and his girl popped over for tea and I asked them if they'd run around a garden with a koala mask and they said 'sure', and didn't even ask why.

GASP! (15).jpg

Here are the three natural medicines I refer to in the challenge...

1. Tea Tree Oil - Melaleuca alternifolia

Tea tree oil is a very Aussie oil that has always been our first aid kit. It has antibacterial properties and thus can be an effective healer of wounds - we used to use it for cuts and scrapes when surfing so they didn't get infected from reef cuts. Apparently it was used in WW2 to treat bites, stings, infections until they discovered antibiotics and believed them a cure all. It contains terpinen-4-ol which helps increase the activity of white blood cells, helping fight germs and bacteria. It's good as an anti-bacterial handwash, protecting against e-coli and other germs.

It's also a great insect repellent - one study found that cows treated with tea tree oil had 61 percent less flies than those without. It's meant to be better than DEET.

Unfortunately, as the rabid koala bacteria or virus was a new strain, it didn't prevent @beaker303 getting infected. If you haven't watched the D-Tube, you might want to find out what happened. Sometimes avoidance of bacteria is better than a cure itself.

2. Valerian - Valeriana officinalis

Valerian is for lowing our anxiety and thus helping us sleep! No way could I sleep without it - well, I probably COULD but have you ever tried sleeping in a van with koalas outside? They sound terrifying! If you didn't manage to load the Dtube, here's the youtube version - that sound is actually a male koala's mating call...

Still think koalas are cute? Hmmmm.... so, yep, valerian is going to help me chill out. I actually do take this every night - combined with my daily St John's Wort, I believe I'm much more stable with my anxiety, which can verge on depression.

3. Rescue Remedy

I'm still not entirely convinced about the Bach Flower Essences, but I still always keep a bottle handy for stressful situations. Perhaps it is just a placebo effect - who knows. But I've used it for over twenty years, so I can't see why I wouldn't take it when my husband is attacked by killer koalas.

Whilst you may not have learnt anything from this post, I do hope that you've been entertained. I'm not in the running for prizes at all of course, but I wanted to join in the fun. There's still time for you to join in - though the challenge post here says the due date is November 10th, we'll be accepting entries up until the 13th of November. You can be as serious or as irreverent as you like with this one!

My Post 24.jpg

Please check out these other incredible responses to the Natural Medicine Survivor Challenge. From portals to dragons, earthquakes to jungles, zombies to just generally bug out preparation, these posts make @naturalmedicine so proud!!!

Using Moss for An Open Wound by @el-nailul
Bugging Out by @porters
Real Life Survivor Medicine by @maribelquere97
Portal Jumpers by @walkerland
Garlic and Vinegar by @senorcoconut
Herbs for Surviving a Zombie Attack by @mountainjewel
True Story First Aid Kit by @aksurem89
Surviving in Burma by @artemislives
An Escape from Dragons by @binkyprod
Salt Power Wonders by @macoolette

Resteeming of this post would be super appreciated - I'd love to get some more entries in because we are having FAR too much fun to wrap this one up yet!



If you're a supporter of all things natural healing, you might like to read our introductory post here. We'd also love to welcome you on Discord here!!

▶️ DTube


I enjoyed this so much! It's got that perfect vintage black and white vibe, it almost feels as though there is a clicking of a reel in the background. The story is so fun, the music was perfect! I LOVE everything about this.

I dug out Koala today for you - I am so glad that I did, a mouse has been in my trunk - no real damage but I'll be wiping things down and cleaning everything today. Our conversation saved my treasures!


Oh my god he is HORRIFYING.. and cute. Glad you liked it.. I had such a laugh.. when those kids poked their heads out.. I was dying of laughter so HAD to make it silent..

Posted using Partiko Android

You could knock a killer koala out with this toy - hard as a rock. It really is quite repulsive ... but look at that worn ear. I obviously loved him at some point.

Your acting crew did a brilliant job! I hope they got a giggle out of the finished video - this is classic. You'll have it forever as a memory of the fun you all had as well.

LOL walkerland, i'm so glad your old koala was saved bc of this... natural medicine healing in more ways than one !!! and i love that you have this old worn bugger :D

I am almost 100% certain that my grandmother had this exact same little toy before she passed away. The terrifyingly poor quality of the claws reminds me.

oh yes, those plastic claws are quite distinct. I was looking for a bit more info and apparently it was a very popular tourism souvenir back in the late 70's. It really is quite horrid, and 40 years has not improved it one bit. The man that gave it to me was my super hero uncle who I adored and so this ugly toy and I shall be connected forever. :)

I have a superhero uncle as well and one of my favourite soft toys that I still have to this day if this weird hideous purple corduroy thing called monster. I would never get rid of it because George gave it to me. I will try to dig up a photo

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Seriously, I have no words. Just.... Too. Bloody. Good!!!

Haha... its rather silly... but it was hilarious fun...

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I'm actually worried about whether I should be leading NM 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Are killer koalas related to the drop bears I've been warned about?

I might have to do a follow up post on drop bears...

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OMG loved it!!! that super weird sound was the koala's mating call?!?! god how horrifying!!! loved the silent film part two to the zombie flick! you did really well- loved the antiquey messages and i'm really sorry you lost your hubs to the koala attack, but at least you had your surf board. just surf it out!! while we don't have koalas around here, we are sometimes worried the armadillos might grow fangs and attack us in the night... part 3?!?!?!

Yes!! We hear it in the bush at night.sometimes. Horrible!! Omg.....Zombie Armadillos???

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LOL . . . they have to learn not to be speed bumps first.

I never saw an armadillo in Tennessee until this year, but so far I've counted at least six dead on the road, so they're clearly here in some force.

But they're really sweet. And really nearsighted. I had one almost run into me in my back yard in Florida before it realized I was standing right in front of it.

Hahaha omg that noise wtf? Loved your video entry, great effort! What I love most about the NM challenges is all the incredible learning wrapped up with fun and creativity!

There are so many fun characters playing in here and their wisdom and personalities are what makes #naturalmedicine one the most attractive communities on Steemit! 💚💯

I'm totally biased, but I totally agree!!! Love all the awesome folk there. Yep, that's a koala mating sound!!!! So proud of our NM community, it's growing beautifully, a tiny seed planted and pretty much watered and fertilised every day!!

awesome, highly creative way to a challenge, entertaining and great knowledge shared.. I controlled my anxiety hears ago with Valerian I used to make daily tea and tea tree oil i use regularly for all sorts of things.. Highly recommend! THE VIDEO IS TOP, GREAT VIBE ! ALL MY SUPPORT XXX

Thanks and nice to see you!!!! Valerian is my saviour!

Posted using Partiko Android

lol thats hilariously creative! go you!
and THANKS for reminding me of rescue remedy!

Haha... "I was reminded of the benefits of Rescue Remedy when I watched a movie called Attack of the Killer Koalas" **sucks on pipe

Posted using Partiko Android

lol!!!!!! please keep it coming @riverflows !!!!! you nailed this!!!!!!

Hahaha glad you liked it.. not sure about a sequel...

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Haha this had me laughing, great work and looking forward to killer koalas 2 comes out 😆

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I think the husband would not be impressed....

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Ooo thats a shame haha

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Oh my god hahaha :D

Yes, what else can be said? He he xxx

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I was just cracking up through the entire video :)

So was I... whilst filming!!!! So I had to make it silent.... !!!!

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