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RE: Cuomo questions Netanyahu on Israel's nuclear capability

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

because he and all his workers supported hillary clinton. this is the ultimate crime, there is no way back, but death camps.

romans came to rule israel, not steal it, they want taxes to be paid for the war against the persian, or at least the buffer it and control the roads to egypt and co, seal the sea.

then the muslims came, took over (those you call palestinians)

now israel has returned home. those not agreeing will be killed, infants, children mothers, elderly and you.

this is how life work.

but as you seem to believe to be the voice of reason and justice, what do you think: on which beach you prefer to be? the one of tel aviv or the one of gaza?

remember in gaza you die : for weed, being gays/lesbians, alcohol. bikinis, sayig fuck you to hamas, kissing a girl, holding hand with a girl, saying not to bribe, accusing of bribes officials, furthermore with population breeding as a strategy to defeat isreal you will breath the fart of others... etc etc.

but you want a good news little @freeangel ? as you are leftist you support too open border? this is great, because now jeff zucker has afriend in the death camp. which of you will be processed first for "recycling", you like recycling and are afraid of co2? right, don't worry, your nutrients will be used to make the forest bigger, and your consumption will have been stoped by your death.

win - win !

glory !


You will rot in the fire of hell you and all you right wing nuts just a bunch of terrorist. The messiah was supposed to lead you back you decided not to wait so you will pay! life is short hopefully yours will be extremely short but your time in hell eternal!!!

what you seek isn't peace but submission. it means that all your ilks will have to perish, when you will want to enslave china to your beliefs. and so what is left of the world will be free, peaceful and harmonious. you are want is standing against this. #plaoc #mss

edit: And btw according to your own belief system you just committed the greatest sin. you judged. do you pretend to be God now? time for you to make amend, not to me, to yourself. I am curious if you understand this one? or hate as totally consumed you?