Dealing With Death

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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I had a very vivid dream about death last night and it wasn't a nice one, it was a very violent one.

Dealing with death is something which is completely avoided in our society and is just dealt with when it happens and then wiped away from our daily life.

Graveyards are always away from the city or in an isolated place, it is not around us anymore like it was in past days.

We let old people die in hospitals away from us, we don't have to fight for survival anymore and our pets are just put to sleep in a nonviolent way.

Dealing with death is something which has become very hard for us because we push it away from us like death ain't part of life.

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The Past

In the past, I am speaking 500 years ago and before death was still scary but people embraced it as it was a part of everyone's life and it happened almost on a weekly basis.

People back then were famous for having hard hearts because they were not afraid of death and because it was an honorable thing for them to die in battle.

It was a virtue for Samurai and Vikings to die in battle. Vikings and people that believe in the Norse and Germanic gods believe that they go to Valhalla, Folkvangr or Hel when they die.

It was this reason why they were so scary, they knew they would live again and that they would meet the Aesir (Higher gods), the Vanir (lower gods) and their fallen friends, they wanted to die.

They didn't look away, death was around them and they faced death whenever they could and wanted.

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The Modern Age

Death is so uncommon to the people in the first world that people forget how brutal and unsafe the world really is.

Imagine you walk around a corner and a horny brutal man that has a death wish waits around the corner with a dagger in his pocket.

He will hold Chloroform at your mouth or beat you unconscious, he will then rape you and murder you while recording it to sell it as a snuff movie.

Sounds fucking brutal and unreal right? It happens every day. Cats are roasted in Asia, people are still sold for cash and sex slaves are real. The Islamic State burns children alive.

War happens every day in this world, we are isolated from that, reading @therightsideofup reminds me of that again, the fight for survival changes you.

Death can be very violent and we can be very grateful to live in the west because we don't have to fight for survival anymore which makes us very weak. It is that reason why I willingly embrace hardship.

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Dealing With Death in a Strong Way

To deal with death in a strong way you must remember your ancestors, your family member that died and visit them at the graveyard.

Remember that everything dies and that you will die as well, that is a part of life.

Some tattoo "Memento Mori" on their body because it means "Remember that you will die". Life is only temporary!

What I have found helpful when dealing with death is to accept the fact and to deal with the emotions immediately at an appropriate place.

Writing about it and sharing it with others helps a lot and that is a natural thing to do, the news are important because other people are affected by the death of that person as well.

Don't let death get in the way of your goals, death is the most natural thing and the people or animals that you loved wouldn't want you to give up or to stop on your way towards your goals.

They want you to succeed, they want you to make the most out of your life because it could end any second.

They want you to live your own life, to live free and not as a slave working 9-5 for someone else. They want you to live a life worth remembering, without regret.

Death is your friend because he will sometimes tell you that he has taken someone to remind you that your time runs out, he is that friend that pushes you to be better.

Thank you for reminding me to strive for greatness, mighty friend death, I will meet you soon.

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Do not be surprised by the cruelty of people and their corruption because they think that their fate is dust
Life is a picnic and a test road ..
Ready to live and die for the cause of right and justice
As my Creator commanded me

Strong words Slimanepro!

Death! Oh death... @valorforfreedom watching the series "vikings" paints a clearer picture of whats you are saying.

I have also tasted the bad side of life that caused a total shift in the way i think. A man has to think about death: the life after here to create balance.

It takes real gut to kill the fear of death. That is what realmen do,.. I have heard a near death experience too and that alone revealed the other side which also has made me understand that there is more to this life we are living than our physical eyes can see.

I could write and write and write and write and still not exhaust this subject matter.

We must all understand that there is a life after death. On this note i drop my pen!

Thank you for dropping this wonderful piece.
Thumbs up! I am me @brightfame

Very good comment!

Thank you my friend @valourforfreedom.. I look forward to reading more of your work.

I am of student of life and it mysteries.. I hope we could form an alliance to bring more folks to get to know this deeper truth. Rather than walk through life and not knowing it essence.

A wise man once said when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable.. That is why we all need to know the essence of living. Because the moment one is born count down to death begins..

There are 2 ways of life in this world.

The first one is to be controlled by other people.

The second way is to walk your own way.

Life has no meaning and at the same time you can make it mean everything.

We are all gods but we are not immortal.

You are on point! We are all gods.. It so unfortunate that many dont even have that firsthand knowledge.

You are well informed my friend and i am really glad i met you here.

Life is mysterious and many think things happen accidentally. There is a deeper realm than the physical one we are living everyday.

Up you @valorforfreedom
I am me @brightfame

I have a different take on death than many, as I came close to death several times as a child, and twice as an adult, so while I don't seek it out, neither do I fear it.

And so many people forget that death is often a kindness, to those who are sick, injured and/or and infirm, and have been suffering long. Death is often a blessing.

And yeah, death can also knock the wind out of you, make you question your very existence and the reason for it, as happened to me when a close friend died unexpectedly. And, closely following the deaths of my dad and my mother-in-law, plus the September 11th attacks, I grieved and grieved hard.

But in the end, I came out stronger as a result, and better able to handle anything that life throws my way.

More than anything, death is part of life, one of its many phases, and if you really wrap your mind around the concepts of quantum physics, it doesn't really doesn't exist anyway. Nothing truly dies; it merely changes form.

As the Bhagavad Gita says; that which lives, lives forever. Only the shell, the perishable, passes away. The spirit is without end, eternal, deathless.

Interesting timing for this post, as well, as I am working on a series of articles to help people who are going through the grieving process.

Thanks for this post, Philip.

“Nothing truly dies; it merely changes form” exactly!! The personality ceases to exist but the soul continues. The experience matters a lot it’s why the soul chooses to take the form of that shell/personality.

I couldn’t agree more. Death is a painful truth and you won’t be able to get away from its kiss. That’s why you have to take everything life has to give and be the best version of yourself. You gotta live and never hold back. So that when death comes you’ll embrace it smiling. Live everyday as if it’s your last day, you don’t have to know your purpose, create it yourself and live.

Thanks for these post, although you said death is a friend, I observe that he has acted more as an enemy than as a friend (the death of a loved one is a reason to show that death is an enemy).nevertheless majority of people who embrace death in ancient times do so because they strongly believe that they will gain that life back in the underworld and not because death is a friend or because they love death . Today some religions people have that same mindset, hence willing to die for the sake of their religion.

Death is a natural thing, you can hate it or you can start to see the value of death.

Without death, this planet wouldn't exist anymore.

To some, death is no longer an enemy.

People deal with death in many ways but ultimately everybody gets to a point where every emotion that was once unbearable feels manageable.

In my opinion, the hardest thing to accept that it is what it is and done means done. Once you acknowledge that, you will feel somewhat at peace when death happens.


100% agree and good comment Szuri.

An interesting and thought provoking article ~ thanks.

I have been shown that the concept of death that is commonly held is a false concept.

In 2016, out of the blue, the spiritual realm made itself known to me.

Later that year my Mum died ~ I still have conversations with her!

As others have said; everything is energy and energy cannot be destroyed, it transforms.

When my Mother passed she had dementia; today her spirit is well.

We are only passing through and will, most likely, be back!

Nothing is as it seems!

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With Love.


(Still relatively new here i invite you to pass by mine for a mooch if you have a quiet moment. I invite comment on my recent post which is kinda related to all of this:

I dislike self-promotion on my posts without asking me, however, I like the first bit of your comment so I am gonna upvote you.

Planet earth ain't even a pixel in the galactical map, there are dimensions we don't know off so I believe you that you sometimes hear her.

Ooops ~ didn't mean to step on your toes, sorry.

Genuinely thought you might vibe with my offerings.

As you say the Universe is vast and our knowledge of it infinitesimally small.

I appreciate your generous upvote and wish you well.


I'm from England but living in China, I've found that they deal with death very differently over here. My girlfriend's uncle just passed away and the funeral was in his bedroom, the room was packed full of relatives, some were playing old Chinese instruments, others were playing on their phones and others were sobbing over his corpse which was on the bed (he didn't die there, he died far away at work but his body was moved there) it was a very different experience. Also my friend died over here and I realized they have funerals and bury the bodies very quickly (usually the day after). Similar to England, people don't like to talk about death though.

I always think I'm a spiritual guy and I will fully accept death after OBE's I'm convinced this life isn't all there is..... but whenever I get sick I turn into a little baby and panic haha partly because I don't want to go the hospital in China but mostly because I don't want to die. I know I shouldn't fear death though, I need to be stronger and more accepting as it's just a process and not the end :D

Interesting culture over there in China.
Here in Germany it's death in hospital, funeral, goodbye.

Makes you realize that you should live 150% because if you live like a nobody you will die like a nobody and your name will be forgotten.

Yeah it's interesting to see how other cultures deal with death. I heard in some countries they celebrate death with big happy colourful parties.

Yeah your right about that, although I heard we are trying to figure out how to put peoples consciousnesses into machines so we can carry on living :P would you be up for that?

Tough things to approach but very valuable to overcome. How would you best approach facing the fear of death?

Wrote and said it in the post.

we all know death will come to us. but whether we are ready to die.

The post is not only about ourselves meeting death but how to deal with other people or animals dying that we love.