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RE: California Burning: From PG&E's Ashes Arise "Smart" MicroGrids (& Coming To You)

in #dtube5 years ago

Money is not wealth. Today it is literally conjured out of thin air. Litigation is pecuniary, and utterly incapable of deterring a cabal of conjurers from undertaking evil schemes.

Are you aware that various multinational banks have been short selling precious metals in order to manipulate their markets for decades? JP Morgan and others have repeatedly been prosecuted, corrupt traders have gone to jail, millions of dollars of fines paid, and there is no profit motive. Entities that can conjure cash from nothing don't have a profit motive, at least in monetary terms. This conceals their actual motives. Money is a veil behind which real wealth is hidden. Tens of thousands of conspirators participate in this market, and professionals are not so naive as to fail to grasp what is ongoing.

The only reason you disbelieve many conspiracies is because you have never participated in one, and do not grasp how they benefit their participants, nor how that motivates them to undertake deceit. Some people have no conscience at all. I have met and worked with some of them, and they aren't like you and me. If they see an advantage for them, they will commit any act without reservation in order to seize that advantage.

They don't have any problem keeping secrets. They don't have any problems making money. They don't care if the whole of California burns to charcoal, as long as they get what they want.

As to microgrids, let's just skip the middleman altogether and individually produce the power we need. Then PG&E can do whatever it wants without affecting us. This is what I advocate, and I do not advocate doing it because I want to stop forest fires (although I'm agin' 'em). I advocate it because it is best for the individuals, the best for communities, the best for the environment, and prevents psychopaths from having power, which I also want.

The fires and conspiracy theories do not drive my advocacy of decentralization. They motivate folks seeking reasonable solutions to the difficulties they face to do the one thing they can to gain control and preserve their quality of life: produce their own power. People that find themselves in the dark because PG&E cuts off power to the public have only themselves to blame, because they aren't making their own power.

No conspiracy theories necessary. Americans - and people everywhere - are becoming able to handle their business and produce for themselves the necessary luxury goods and bespoke services, as well as commodities and consumables, that enable them to enjoy wealth beyond the dreams of kings only a few decades ago.

This is the simple and bare fact, and I strongly support folks doing that. Them as don't, no matter why they don't, will suffer the consequences of conspiracies and incompetence of central planners, and have only themselves to hold responsible for their suffering.

Do what you want with that information.