Why I Struggle To Convert YouTubers To DTube ☹️ | Vlog #92

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!

Multiple times I've tried getting my YouTube buddies to jump on the DTube crusade with me but seem to fail every time. I've narrowed it down to people not actually acting for themselves but rather they wait for things to happen for them.

DTube and Steemit is where it's at. I wonder how long the world will take to realise that. #NoRhymeIntended

Please say hi! I'd love to meet everyone on here and talk about cryptos and life

Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #GoSteem

My Steemit Profile - https://steemit.com/@kevinli

Background Music by Epidemic Sound

Join the DTube discord:


Vlog #91 - It’s Cinematic Grocery Time!

Vlog #90 - 5 Truthful Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

Vlog #89 - What We've Learnt From 4 Months On Dtube/Steemit

Vlog #88 - I Make Videos Because I F****N LOVE IT!


Hmm you know when someone wont quit smoking.. so you just stomp on their cigarette pack and scream at them. Have you tried to be more aggressive with your YouTube friends? Maybe try screaming at them and stomping on their laptop every time they log into YouTube.. throw their cell in the river if they log in while your out together! That will teach them!! 😈🤣

haha, u crazy. I'll leave them be for now. They'll come around eventually

I'm just being silly :D
They are missing out big time though..

That'll definitely work.

Congrats, you made the #steemitminute for today!

Click the Image Below to see the Video!

Cheers, bud!

I am frustrated too – frustrated with trying to get my video uploaded to Dtube! The main reason I started Steeming was because YouTube had just demonetised my tiny channel, which was earning nothing anyway, but they just seemed to be putting more and more obstacles in the way of any kind of success.
But when I tried to enter Dtube I just got a blank page, and it took a lot of effort to finally find out that my computer, laptop and phone were just too old to run the system.
So eventually I invested in a new tablet computer and managed to get Dtube running at last. Hooray! I actually managed to upload a small video to Dtube. I was over the moon.
I then spent hours recording, editing and rendering a 17.5-min vlog, and tried to upload it to Dtube. It was too large. I tried again in a lower resolution. I was so excited when the upload succeeded! I added text, a title, tags and a snap photo.
But when I clicked "Submit" I got a weird error message: "false: invalid permlink character ${s}"
I tried deleting the text. I got the same message. I tried deleting the title and tags. I still got the same error message.
I posted a query on Dtube Discord Help, but no one replied - the only other posts that appeared were frustrated posts from other people trying to upload videos and encountering problems (apart from one person who said he'd created a community support bot, but it was too complicated for a tech rookie like me to even begin to understand).
I think Dtube is an amazing resource, and I applaud the developer for putting so much work into it. But it seems that you need to be a tech whizzkid to get it to work. I struggled into the early hours trying to get my 17-min video to upload, and eventually I had to give up, as I had an early start the next day for a mountain scramble. I ended up being exhausted for most of the day.
I have recommended Dtube to some of my favourite YouTubers. I even published a post on the subject. I have no idea if these YouTubers have actually tried to make the move and maybe hit the same problems that I have, or if they're just being apathetic/sceptical. But for the time being it looks as if I'm going to have to stick with YouTube, which is very frustrating, after spending so much time, effort and cash on trying to upload to Dtube!

Thanks for the comment!
I don't know how long you've been uploading, but things were even more shaky when I started in December. I sometimes had to keep trying for multiple hours on 4 seperate browsers.

The only advice I can give you is try using "handbrake" to compress your videos and try uploading vids less than 10 minutes for now.

I dunno how powerful a tablet/laptop is but a dedicated laptop is definitely better for editing

I'll try handbrake. I use a computer to edit and then transfer the finished video to the tablet to upload. Sorry to offload all my frustration on your post!

It's fine, Vent away!

Dtube/steemit and blockchain technology is very transparent. I think many youtubers don't wont to be transparent about their income with their audience.

hmmmm, very interesting point. Never really thought about that.

My YouTube buddies come here and take one look at the trending page, and go 'nah, bye'.

It reminds them of all the clicbait and get-rich-quick type videos on YouTube, which is unfortunate because all the awesome stuff is buried under all that noise.

Maybe sometimes we're better off for now. A majority of YouTubers who make living off it have no incentive to jump over unless they're really into the Blockchain

Yes you have a point there to be honest. Maybe when DTube goes SMT and there's more capacity. The future is bright either way 🌟

shine bright like a diamond!

I've encountered absolutely the same, of course. And if they join, they stop, because they don't get instant rewards. But that's life, duuudes, you gotta invest energy to get something back...
Once I found a youtuber, and thought he might do well here, so I contacted him, and it turned into a discussion I never should have started in the first place. He had already joined, had uploaded his videos, but did absolutely nothing more, and then started whining about not having any success and recognition. "Literally no one watches dtube lol" was where I chose to break the convo off.

You've shared a valuable point, about being 'forced' to learn about decentralisation and, essentially, the future. We're an important part of it, and that's strange and fascinating at the same time. Keep up the awesome work! ✌🏼

sounded like a mad hater

Have the same issues with the industry I've been in for almost 2 decades.

Recently PayPal and other centralized forms of payment processing decided to shut people out. Literally thousands of people that were relying on one form of online payments got screwed by the good folks at PayPal and didn't have many options out there... (Yours truly included lol)

Crypto was is the perfect solution. And like you said, it's the future.

But people hate change. Very few eagerly SEEK it and do everything they can to avoid it. Best way I have found is to keep preaching the Dtube / Crypto / Steemit gospel to them.

Show them real work utility and real world examples of how it works and people will come over to the good side of the force :)

How did Paypal shut you out? I'm really hoping paypal accepts crypto in the future. It would be awesome.

Man, 17 years of being in business with them and they just sent an email saying 'you are permanently limited' No reason. No explanation. No recourse.

Been running business exactly the same way, nothing different since 2001 with them but they just shut me down. Wish I knew but alas....Hope crypto comes and ruins them now LOL

haha, they are your sworn enemy now

I only started a YT channel about 6 weeks before I started on Steemit, so when I discovered dtube (maybe a couple weeks in) I didn't have a lot of investment in YT. I was definitely wanting to at least explore switching to dtube. But those first few videos I tried to watch of those already on there I couldn't get to play past 2 minutes. Even today, trying to watch a handful of videos, I only got 2 out of 5 to play.

That tells me it's a little too early for my level of patience. Some of us can't be quite that early an adopter. I'm happy writing here on Steemit for now, and look forward to dtube becoming reliable enough that I could see it as a viable time investment for creating original videos for. Right now though, it seems even if I didn't have problems others mention in these comments related to uploading, I'd still have problems with viewers being able to actually stream my videos like I've had streaming those of others.

Yeah it's the ongoing problem they face. I do it everyday, I toggle between 2 internet browsers to watch people's videos.

Hey @Kevinli - totally agree about the one of the best things about steemit being the learning. I’ve learnt so much about decentralisation in a few months.

People are adverse to change until there is a disruption. They’ll come round though. 😊

Great initiative, Bec! Imagine in 5 years time when we can pay so many more things with steem, you would've banked up so much knowledge and steem already. SO AHEAD OF THE PACK.

Hey bro , I love how you put subtitle in your vlog in a classic way :) gonna like some of it soon :D . Yeah it's hard to let people now about this Dtube Thing here . It's like your are giving them the opportunity and yet they still not going to go into it because of the word called LAZINESS

Thanks, cordeta! I put the subtitles to emphasise a point or if I feel something is unclear when I say it. Have a good day