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RE: Kind Requset to my fellow Dtubers to Resonse to @spectrumecons‘s constrctive Feedback about Dtube. Much appreciate your inputs and Thanks in Advance

If we’re afraid of criticism then we’re not growing as person. Same goes to Dtube!

We’ve so many issues with dtube and as entrepreneur it’s make me exciting because there problems and those has to fixed.

I’m truly happy to hear compliment and I really appreciate it.

When I first saw your video I could feel that you had passion about D-Food and Dtube is the amazing platform to share that.

I’m super excited to be part of your Journey:)


I agree brother.
There are no problems just opportunities unsolved, solutions not yet brought to fruition.
Like you said it’s a process that may take some time, but the entrepreneurial mindset is what we need I believe.
Thank you brother! D-food is the goal, D-tube is the vehicle to share it 😁❤️