
I know they are different. I paid for @dustsweeper to sweep dust and I delegated SP to @dustbunny and in change, they sweep dust too.

Why @dustbunny stopped without a sign is here the question plus what they do with the payments.

I assume that if @dustbunny found a way to continue after the latest HF it is possible for @dustbunny too.
Perhaps they come back or leave.

Without it means more votes are useless.

I wish you a great day 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

hehe... @dustbunny won't stop, I'll keep that running no matter what, but it's quite literally an uphill battle to vote at the bottom end of the new convergent linear curve so the bunny can't do by far as much anymore since the fork.

A lot of the dust it's watching falls though the cracks these days :(

Great to hear that. Is there a way, or what is needed, to change that?

I assume @dustbunny is the only one now?

I wish you a great day and thanks for responding 👍💕

Posted using Partiko Android

If @dustsweeper has indeed stopped it's service, then I guess the bunny is the only dust-service left?!

to change that?

Change what exactly? The loss of dust to timeouts?!

Not really, I mean, there's always enough dust everywhere and the bunny will always have to leave some of it unattended... It's just that since the fork dropped the SP required to bring rewards above the dust-limit has risen significantly, it's sitting at about a 2000 SP vote right now, and hence the amount of fluff the bunny is able to produce is accordingly limited (12k total SP = ~60 full fluff-votes per day, before the fork it was sitting at close to 100/day and the bunny had less than 10k SP back then).

I just got an upvote from @dustsweeper @wakeupkitty. @fraenk, seems like your rival lives on! i guess dusty has the same struggles as the bunny! We all in this together!

hehe... smartypants :D... i always loved your username! If you paid attention, though, you would have noticed that vote was not on any dust at all :D

dustsweeper currently votes on posts by it's active users, but it doesn't look for dust no more.

and talking about rivalry, I actually got in touch with @danielsaori yesterday and offered him some updated algorithm for the convergent linear rewards and all that jazz so that he can bring Dusty back on its original mission.

We all in this together, and I think Dusty might just come back to sweep some dust again, hopefully sooner than later ;)

hahahaha! i was tempted to vote this comment but i don't want the dust to get lost!

This is why my teachers used to seat me infront of the class so i could pay attention. But i guess some things never change!

Good on You dude! now thats a team player if i ever saw one!As soon as i hit minow i will be happy to delegate some SPto the bunny! Wont be much, but every bit counts right?

hehehe... well... I do have a significant delegation standing with the bunny, so I do get my dust fluffed up every now and then ;)

I would add you to the watchlist again, but you're already on there:

fortunately you've outgrown the "less than 10% of a dustvote SP" usergroup and you have received a nice bit of free fluff in the past, unfortunately that also means the free membership doesn't really work too well for you anymore.

Every little bit helps indeed, and a small delegation will also give your dust some priority with the bunny again ;)

just sayin :P