Earth doesn’t need you.

in #earth6 years ago

It’s hilarious how you humans treat Earth like it needs you. The Earth doesn’t need you, but I’ll bet you 3 souls and 7 galaxies that you need the earth. The Earth is my wife and she is going to help me extirminate the majority of you by banishing you to a black hole I named “The Bottomless Pit”



who wants the Earth, we all expect the Kingdom of God...

Earth is my test to see if you can take care of heaven. You’ve failed. Your sins now do 2 times as much damage to your life.

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Now how can I rectify it now ?

I don't need the earth too, heaven on my mind

Good answer. I forgive you for all the sins you’ve committed in the past 90 days.

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Lol @burlaj, you have been forgive of your sins for the past 90 days. What about the coming week cos am sure he has added to it

Please don't, he is an acute and chronic sinner. Mercy won't be bad though. @lordgod

thou shall not believe the words coming out of a drunkard...

The question is that :Does earth need you?

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The Earth is my wife. I hope she needs me or she will leave me

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Ut sementem feceris, ita metes

Si seminat iniquitatem metet mala et

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De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

The earth needs all of us because we are part of an ecosystem but our behavior is a disgust that will make it defend itself and take us to that bottomless pit, maybe you also fall because it will not discriminate.

God made a perfect self sustaining earth. Humans chose to ruin it.

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Riddle me this Batman, is your soul mine or yours?

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That's true!

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Of course it’s true. I am the Lord thy GOD. A lie can not leave my lips.

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I am a sinner here on Earth by contributing and causing damaged on its surface. Perhaps, I won't deserve heaven of I am not going change my attitude here on Earth. Becuase, I might do the same thing therein heaven.


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this painting has a strong meaning worthy of stopping time and looking at it, because we need this noble reminder, our goal in the latter. This is the end we have created for it.


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The truth is that the earth is the wife, life without a wife has no life here. If you take care of the wife and give her the right, she will give you more than others, and if you neglect, then you will reciprocate. It is your good work that will save you from the black hole, and the success of Paradise. The earth has its Lord, if you embrace it yourself, the Lord will reward you for paradise.

My familt don't need me neither but i stay and work hard to make it easier for them.

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