For some reason we know that here he has

in #earth7 years ago

or some reason we know that here he has already come standing behind the door open this door really see his close person mother at a distance of many thousands of kilometers can feel what the child ate and so such cases when we get the information in me of the mind they certainly are and probably everyone a man in his life faced this and through this passed the famous scientist surgeon the war doctor Sinets Feliksovich he passed a difficult life path and eventually he generally took monasticism and became an archbishop by hand That is he is a hundred Orthodox, but he wrote a book that is called from the soul to the soul and the body you are so unique, that is, when a person received information on some incomprehensible channels he believed that this proof is certainly the existence of a higher power that govern all of us who through love through understanding through hello to close people Here you get the dreams there are people who have this ability to a greater extent and as a rule they successfully work as psychologists and sho


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