What a great Easter Sermon - by @thedogekid

in #easter7 years ago (edited)

This year we went to Church on Easter Sunday, like we always do, but it was slightly different this year.

I am not sure if I was paying attention more than in years prior, but this year really spoke to me.

It wasn't so much what the pastor was saying was anything really all that different than I had already heard, but it was the way he kept driving home a certain point.

He kept saying that Christ rising from the dead means everything and without that happening everything else is basically meaningless.

Not only that but if that is the case and he rose from the dead like we say we believe that we need to live our lives as such because it's the only thing that matters.

Our lives here on earth are very short compared to eternity and if Christ really rose from the dead like many Christians, including myself, believe, then that is the most important thing.

(Source: http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/religion-spirituality-jesus-resurrection/87399.aspx)

It means that instead of us being convinced that is what happened, we need to start being committed.

No more a little bit of Jesus on Sundays, but instead we need to structure our whole lives around that truth.

100% Jesus all the time, with a little bit of this world sprinkled in and not the other way around.

Far too often we hear about Jesus rising from the dead and we sort of have become immune to it, like it's not that big of a deal, but it's the biggest deal of them all.

None of the other major religions or prophets claimed they were God, or came back from the dead.

Jesus did.

There were more than 500 eye witnesses documented to have seen Jesus risen from the dead after he had died up on that cross.

It gives me chills thinking about it.

Try to keep that in mind as you go about your work weeks.



Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫ resteemid

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Hola @africaunited
Los que realmente creemos en la Palabra de Dios, sabemos de su existencia y resurrección. El murío por nosotros y a él le debemos la vida.
Todos los días darle gracias y tener la seguridad de que camina a nuestro lado.
Marcos 9:31
Porque enseñaba a sus discípulos, y les decía: El Hijo del Hombre será entregado en manos de los hombres y le matarán; y después de muerto, a los tres días resucitará.
Bonito artículo y excelente para reflexionar.

nice post .. thanks for sharing with us
upvote and resteem done


Nice post. keep it up! also a believer. please follow me back