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RE: How Humanity is Changing the Course of Evolution Part 3: Surviving the Asphalt Wasteland

in #ecology7 years ago

Hey @mountainwashere. Your posts are getting better and better. This one is very interesting (as usual), perhaps even more interesting than mosquito evolution in the tube (mind the gap!). What are the main challenges that we pose on ecosystems through our development? More concrete jungle?

We do, through our construction cut ecosystems up. Highways are bad for this. They help us, move our bodies and good around rapidly but fully agree that they divide up zones and may transit, especially for land animals difficult to impossible.

While reading this, I kept thinking of the cool wildlife underpasses in near Banff in the Canadian Rockies (photo 1). So figured I would post them here in case you or your followers wanted additional insight to a potential solution to one of the problems and challenges you posed.
Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 9.46.44 am.png
Photo 1 - this moose is cruising under the highway and doesn't have to face rush hour Source

One solution but of course, would be interesting to know what the research says about how well it works.

I like the other alternative for connection divided populations which is the overpass (Photo 2, Reference 1)

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Photo 2. Looks like a nice place to cross. Photo source

Anyway food for thought, and really cool article. What can developing areas or nations do to build these solutions in at the front end during the design phase as opposed to retro-fitting to help fix this problem?

I may post a version of this reply on my blog too as it is getting a bit long...


  1. Sawaya, M. A., Kalinowski, S. T., and A. P. Clevenger. 2014. Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 1-10.

PS. Looking forward to part 4!


Those wildlife crossings are great! Colorado has started putting them in along some highways, which is definitely needed.

I think you should totally just write an article on this yourself, I think you could produce an excellent one!

Thanks for your support @mountainwashere and inspiration. Your series are getting the wheels moving.

Cool. Do you have any photos? Nice to know that these are popping up all over! A great initiative and nice to meet you @colinhoward!