How A Crypto-Focused eCommerce Marketplace Can Provide Solutions To The Problems With eCommerce

in #ecommerce5 years ago (edited)


AllForCrypto’s e-Commerce Marketplace Is The Answer

Now that we have addressed the problems with e-commerce, it’s time to take a closer look at the solutions (if they are possible that is). Some people would likely argue that at least some of the five problems with e-commerce that we listed in the previous article are not solvable at all. They’ll say, the small number of companies that control the majority of the e-commerce market has so much influence that it is impossible to compete with them. Or, if they don’t know very much about cryptocurrencies and the steady growth of the crypto market they might question whether the market is big enough and ask, “how will you ever get enough interest? I mean, the number of people who own cryptocurrencies isn’t that many, right? At least not compared to the number of people who use dollars, euros, pounds, rupees, or yen. But there is an answer to both of these questions, and there is a solution to the problems that exist in the e-commerce market.

The solution is AllForCrypto’s e-commerce marketplace and the solutions that it provides to the problems with e-commerce and the lack of a “store for everything” where everything can be bought with cryptocurrencies.

AllForCrypto’s eCommerce Marketplace Will Enter A Different Market Than Amazon And eBay

Although it is a negative outlook and we choose to think positively, there is at least some truth to the fact that the control that the largest companies in the e-commerce industry have over it is difficult to compete with...that is, if you are trying to enter the same exact market. AllForCrypto will have an easier time challenging the dominance of those companies and creating a more level playing field in e-commerce precisely because the goal is not to enter an already saturated market, but to create a new type of e-commerce marketplace for a new market. By developing the first e-commerce marketplace for everything where exchanges are made entirely with cryptocurrencies, AllForCrypto has the possibility of gaining a majority interest in this new market, rather than struggling for a piece already crowded fiat currency e-commerce market. In doing this, AllForCrypto can grow at a faster rate and become a legitimate force in the e-commerce industry, one that could truly become the eBay of the cryptocurrency space, rivaling the size and influence of today’s biggest e-commerce corporations.

AllForCrypto’s eCommerce Marketplace Will Give Crypto Buyers One Place To Shop For Everything They Need

Now that more people are starting to own cryptocurrencies, they want to be able to spend them too. Although some small online stores accept cryptocurrencies as payment, this leaves crypto shoppers having to go to many different places to buy what they need. The places people traditionally go shopping, like eBay and Amazon, only accept fiat currencies. Currencies were designed for spending, but so far spending crypto has required a lot of time since crypto shoppers have to search through many stores to find the places that will accept digital currencies. Oh, and speaking of Amazon, the story of the founding of one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world was related to the internet in a similar way that AllForCrypto is related to the internet. So, what do I mean by this exactly?

Well, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos quit his lucrative job on Wall Street to sell books online in large part due to a report that he read. This report stated that web usage was growing at a rate of 2,300% per year, and he had never heard of anything growing that fast. However, at the time, the “internet was unfamiliar to most Americans.”

In the same way that Jeff Bezos bet on the internet, at AllForCrypto we are betting on cryptocurrencies. As discussed in the previous article, the crypto market has seen a steady increase in the number of participants and the number of people with crypto wallets has steadily grown over the past 5-10 years. We are confident that the number of crypto users will continue to grow, perhaps not at the same rate as the internet, but at a steady enough rate that the potential market for our marketplace will be much larger in 5 or 10 years from now than it is today.

When Jeff Bezos decided to quit his job, I am sure that many people thought he was crazy to do it because they were not willing to look past the relatively small number of internet users at the time and see that it was going to completely change the way that people interact, and the way that they shop. Fast forward to the present day, when a huge portion of the world’s population has internet access and it seems like our entire lives take place online, from socializing through social media to entertainment through watching movies and t.v. online, to purchasing everything from furniture to shoes, to gardening equipment.

If the number of people who own a crypto wallet continues to grow, think about how many users there could be in 5, 10, or 15 years? In the year 2030 or 2040, do you want to look back and say, “I wish I had noticed that the popularity of cryptocurrencies was going to skyrocket? That was a missed opportunity!” Well, we certainly don’t. That’s why we are focused on building a new kind of e-commerce marketplace for the crypto community.

An eCommerce Marketplace That Is Free Of Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is a really big problem in e-commerce. eCommerce fraud attacks increased by more than 30% in 2017 when compared to fraud levels in 2016. An even scarier statistic; in 2017, fraud rose almost twice as fast as e-commerce sales in the U.S. Unfortunately, it’s clear that fraud in e-commerce is here to stay, and one of the easiest points of attack is credit cards. Once someone gets ahold of your credit card information, they can rack up charges and go on spending sprees worth thousands of dollars. To many people, there is nothing quite as frustrating as watching helplessly on the sidelines while someone else spends your hard earned money.

Since nobody seems to have been able to stop credit card fraud in its tracks so far, it might be best to just find a way around using credit cards entirely, at least for online purchases. That’s why AllForCrypto will completely eliminate the use of credit cards on our platform, also eliminating the fraud that is associated with them. This brings me to my final point.

AllForCrypto’s eCommerce Marketplace Is More Secure Than Other Existing eCommerce Marketplaces

Not only are transactions more secure because AllForCrypto does not accept credit cards, but also because of blockchain technology’s added security. Not only do transactions use cryptography, but consensus is required for a transaction to be approved and finalized, thus making it more difficult to carry out any fraudulent actions. Blockchains are decentralized and distributed across peer-to-peer networks. This makes hacking nearly impossible, as opposed to a system where all transaction information is stored in a centralized location. Think about it this way. If you were a hacker or a cybercriminal, would you rather hack one location with weaker security, and get all of the information at once, or search for the information when it’s stored in many, many different locations?

It’s much easier to just attack a centralized database. These added security measures, combined with the fact that the AllForCrypto e-commerce marketplace will not accept credit card payments, help to ensure that fraudulent actions do not take place and customers that choose to purchase items from our e-commerce marketplace are provided with a safe place to do so. There is so much fraud in e-commerce because most e-commerce companies do not use technology that is secure enough to keep customers safe from hackers, and credit cards are the primary method of payment, meaning that any type of fraud associated with credit cards can be easily implemented.

The eCommerce Marketplace Of The Future Offers Solutions

Although eCommerce has seen its share of problems, the new type of e-commerce marketplace that AllForCrypto is building will offer solutions to those problems and operate in a way that eliminates many of the threats that customers often encounter when shopping online. By combining the benefits of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies with online shopping and the concept of an e-commerce marketplace where you can buy all sorts of different products, AllForCrypto will introduce customers to the future of online shopping.