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RE: Domino's Pizza Answers Statists Who Ask "Who Will Build Muh Roads?"

in #economics7 years ago

My city has some of the worst roads in the country yet they do regularly fill the potholes. If there is a pothole that is bothering you report it and see how long it takes, you might be surprised. I guess you could go fill them yourself but you are not experienced in road repair are you?
I had a problem for years where the city kept putting a stinking portapotty across the street from my house in the summers, I made several phone calls to no avail. I could never really find who was responsible for the damned thing, then I called the mayor's office and explained my problem. The next day the fucking thing was gone.


My city recently resurfaced the road in front of my house. Apparently, the neighbors had been asking for years. It was just my luck that it happened right after I bought my house. That was last year. (Oh, and they literally only resurfaced the one block where residents were vocal about it although the rest of the street is just as bad.)

This year, the city is going to replace a section of sidewalk being buckled by the roots of a big tree they planted on the tree lawn (that's the space between my front yard and the street for those not familiar with the term). Normally, that would be my responsibility as the home owner, but for some inexplicable reason the city is going to take care of it this time.

With those 2 things in mind, I've been pretty happy with how the government is performing maintenance in my neighborhood. However, when I've mentioned this to other locals from different, less affluent neighborhoods, the story is completely different. I've heard that all the phone calls in the world from them will only result in an orange road cone, if they are lucky.

Maybe we can Dominoes on it. :-)

One wonders how long this promotion from Dominoes will go on for. They will fill enough potholes to fill their commercials. The roads here are terrible, literally some of the worst in the country, but a lot of the problem is they are so old, a sinkhole swallowed a car on the end of my street not too long ago. On the plus side they repaved that whole section of the street pretty much right away. Infrastructure is expensive. I used to live on a private road, one not maintained by the city, it was fucking terrible, imagine living on a dirt road in the middle of a city, it's bad for your car.