Swords to Plowshare reuse of Battlefield Digitization / Net Enabled Operations NEO for ecologically sound economics

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

The Heart Beacon Cycle HBC is an adaptive, iterative procedural template checklist of processes, tools, projects..., to enable individuals to synchronize ourselves in time-space for a common purpose (s) i.e., to form ecologically responsibe trade federations -- that use incentives for ecologically sound economics via Bitcoin Blockchain micropayments supporting the TERRA TRC Trade Reference Currency demurrage parking, logistic transport fees. Closer = less CO2, cheaper, faster...


"Time is of the mind. Change your time and change your mind".
"Time is the unifying field that holds all things together".
"Time is art". Foundation for the Law of TIME

"By performing this job of enormous benefit to all humanity, largely unaware of the exact nature of changes now occurring worldwide, the Foundation for the Law of Time has a unique historical and evolutionary role in disseminating new knowledge while informing, unifying and mobilizing many groups and organizations in preparation for the advent of the Noosphere." –Jose Arguelles, Founder -- LINK http://lawoftime.org


The Heart Beacon Cycle (HBC): Swords to plowshare re-use of tax subsidized best practice. Military’s do one thing very well: individuals join groups (units) synchronized in time-space to accomplish common goals. Adaptative use case: geo-spatial, temporal econometrics, vectors to reduce CO2 carbon footprint due to inefficient transport, resource, logistic vectors. The HBC applies a novel use of an algorithm based on nature and NATO system of systems engineering.


The Heart Beacon Cycle includes geo-spatial, temporal metrics, measures, and Incentives for ecologically sound geo-spatial, temporal econometrics. It is an adaptive procedural template checklist of things, processes, tools, building blocks useful to form, maintain Eco-responsible trade federations. LINK: http://sawconcepts.com/index/id79.html

Each item in the procedural template checklist links to a detailed treatise. The Heart Beacon Cycle Time - Space Meter is a procedural template checklist supporting ecologic, economic sustainable best practice among trade federations / DAO's Distributed Autonomous Organizations by establishing a universal event, alert flash heartbeat message bus enabling time - space stochastic harmonization for example, among Telco mesh fabrics

The Heart Beacon Cycle Time - Space Meter main use case: synchronizing geo-spatial temporal Eco - Econometrics among Trade Federations / DAO Distributed Autonomous Organizations.

Members of (trade federations agree to use standards, processes, shared components / building blocks and conventions.

A checklist is agreed upon as items as minimum requirements to join a (trade) federation (cloud computing term). Entries to the procedural template checklist -- a clipboard of things needed to accomplish a goal i.e., establish a trade federation

  • A process defines “what” needs to be done and which roles are involved.
  • A procedure defines “how” to do the task. Example:
    • Roles and responsibilities of the people (roles) assigned to do the work
    • Tools and equipment to support individuals do their jobs
    • Procedures and methods defining how to do the tasks & relationships, work flows connecting steps between tasks.


The Heart Beacon Cycle is simply a checklist.. an adaptive, procedural template checklist for forming trade federations supporting ecologically friendly business transactions and Eco-friendly geo-spatial econometrics where closer is cheaper, closer is faster and most importantly, uses less environmentally polluting fuel - e.g., CO2 carbon taxes


We can synchronize ourselves and our cities in time - space for a common purpose: ecologically sound econometrics i.e., through use of a Signals and Telemetry annex for Buckminster Fuller’s Operations Manual for Spaceship Earth.

The HBC involves a heartbeat flash message universal event, alert message bus. It is based on NATO's best practice, 300 + structured data exchange templates, micro-macro (economic) situational awareness sync delta data exchange schedule. The Heart Beacon cycle includes a universal metrics measurements physical meme (see Supreme Court Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank) for use among myriad Bitcoin Blockchain internet of money blocktime arbitrage memes to support standardization of a one world economic system


Standing on the shoulder's of giants: The Heart Beacon Cycle HBC is an adaptive procedural template checklist of things, processes, tools, building blocks useful to form, maintain Eco-responsible trade federations. Each item in the procedural template checklist links to a detailed treatise. We can synchronize ourselves and our cities in time - space for a common purpose: ecologically sound econometrics. Lets incentivize ecologically sound economics using Bitcoin's micro-payments


Pentagon ACAT 1A C3 ISR systems have 300+ structured data exchange templates that are operationally, iteratively scheduled, synchronized from micro to macro cycle that we believe are key to supporting Buckminster Fuller's Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth's with a Signals, Telemetry Annex. I.e., internet of money Bitcoin Blockchain micro-payments supporting TERRA TRC Trade Reference Currency demurrage charges, parking fees supporting handling, movement of lead economic indicators. Military posts are small cities transacting commodities via host nation agreements. If we are to achieve a one world government or one world anything anytime soon, re-use of NATO system of systems sync is key.


Standing on the shoulders of giants.. LINK: http://sawconcepts.com/index
Patreon page: https://patreon.com/beacon_heart
