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RE: The Economy Is Infested With Toll Booths

in #economics7 years ago

Everywhere we look there's open hands trying to take, take, take. I love how you put it. Tolls are all over the place. The main arguments I've heard against UBI is "How will everyone get paid" and " Everyone will become lazy and not want to do anything."

A government will move heaven and Earth to get weapons during wartime but won't lift a finger to entertain UBI. SMDH.

What is your take on those arguments against UBI?


Paying for a UBI is the easy part. What most people (including economists) aren't aware of is that new money is created every time the Federal Government spends. That money is then destroyed when it returns to the Government through taxes, fines, license fees, etc.

They can create as much money as they want, but they really ought to limit themselves to only creating enough so that everything that's for sale can be bought at current prices. If they create too much money, then prices will go up and you could have hyper-inflation.

I don't know what the figure is in the US, but in Australia, the Government could give everyone $3-3.5K without having to increase taxes. If they were to give more than that, they'd have to increase taxation. When I say that to UBI advocates, they complain that $3.5K isn't enough to help anyone. When I point out that jobs could be created for every unemployed person at ten times that amount instead of going for a UBI, they still want the UBI.

Would everyone become lazy and do nothing? Absolutely not! The money would be sucked up by toll collectors before they had a chance to relax. They'd have no choice but to keep working to earn more money which will also be sucked up.

So what programs do you pland to cut to fund UBI? You are going to tell a 65 year old couple that have paid ss their whole life that ss has been cute so we can give 3 grand a year to every 20 & 30 year old in the country?

The more money you let the gov have control of the more opportunities for corruption. Individual prosperity comes from having a job. Government handouts breed dependence. Jobs give individuals independence.

I'm with you on the first paragraph of what you said, @toddxox. The idea of taking money away from pensioners just so people who are already living comfortably can get some extra pocket money is as backward a solution as one could imagine.

As for giving the government more control over money, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that they already have control over money, but they're using the system incorrectly. I completely agree that jobs give individuals more independence, which is better for their mental health and good for society. However, the government creates the conditions whereby unemployment is inevitable because of over taxation and/or under spending - there just isn't enough money circulating around the real economy to create jobs for everyone and that is a matter of policy! Economists want to have a buffer to guard against unwanted levels of inflation, which is why they deliberately create these conditions.

We are not living beyond our means right now. We're living well below our means.